google nexus s(google nexus s)和蘋果iphone(apple iphone)的區別

谷歌Nexus S與蘋果iPhone...

谷歌Nexus S與蘋果iPhone

The Nexus S is the successor to the Nexus One and Google’s latest handset running the 安卓系統. So, let’s compare it to the most 時下流行的智慧**;iPhone。 As already stated above, the Nexus S runs on Android, Gingerbread to be exact, which is the newest version of Android and is faster and more refined than older versi***. On the other hand, the iPhone has iOS. The iOS has the advantage of refinement and lots of applicati*** while Android enjoys true multitasking and the most rapid development cycle for operating systems.

There are also a lot of differences between the two phones in terms of hardware. To start with, the Nexus S has a more powerful Hummingbird processor than the iPhone. Although the A4處理器 is identical to that of the iPad, the iPhone’s is reportedly underclocked to improve 電池life while sacrificing a bit of processing power. It is possible to have more memory with the iPhone though as it comes in 16GB and 32GB versi*** while the Nexus S only comes in a 16GB model. Both phones don’t have memory card slots so expansion is not an option.

The screen of the Nexus S is probably its biggest discriminating feature. Not just because it has a bigger 4 inch screen compared to the iPhone’s 3.5 inch screen, or that it’s an AMOLED display rather than an LCD, but because it is slightly curved along with its body. The curve is supposed to add ergonomics to the Nexus S and make it fit better in your hand and on your face when you are making calls.

The Nexus S also has a feature that is not present in the iPhone called NFC or Near Field Communication. It’s a new feature that is yet to become standard in **artphones, which allows the Nexus S to automatically exchange 資料with devices that are very close (10 centimeters). This technology can be used to emulate contactless cards for payments, subway ticketing, and may more.


  1. Nexus S使用谷歌最新的Android作業系統,而iPhone則使用iOS
  2. NexusS擁有比iPhone更強大的處理器
  3. 你可以用iPhone比nexuss擁有更多的記憶體
  4. NexusS的螢幕比iPhone更大更好
  5. NexusS有一個彎曲的螢幕和機身,而iPhone是平的
  6. Nexus S配備了NFC,而iPhone則沒有
  • 發表於 2021-06-23 09:43
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  • 分類:通訊


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