從提示框中可以看到:vmware上的windows 8、快速的windows 7搜尋和可重複使用的拉鍊


從提示框中可以看到:vmware上的windows 8、快速的windows 7搜尋和可重複使用的拉鍊Once  week we round up the best reader tips and share them here. This week we’re looking at running Windows 8 as a VMware machine, speeding up Windows 7 search with Agent Ransack, and making zip ties reusable.

在vmware中執行windows 8

從提示框中可以看到:vmware上的windows 8、快速的windows 7搜尋和可重複使用的拉鍊


Found a nice guide (not my work) that worked well for a ~5 minute Windows 8 Dev. Preview setup in VMware Workstation 8.

I have the “Windows Developer Preview with developer tools English, 64-bit (x64)” running w/o any issues now. I was not able to get the same process to work with Workstation 7, but it works great in 8.



從提示框中可以看到:vmware上的windows 8、快速的windows 7搜尋和可重複使用的拉鍊


Why bother setting up complicated search techniques when you can use AgentRansack on any version of Windows? It supports Boolean expressi***, search inside documents, and more. Best of all it’s free!



從提示框中可以看到:vmware上的windows 8、快速的windows 7搜尋和可重複使用的拉鍊



Unless one is used on soft material that blocks the locking end when tightened, try this. If the free end of the tie is long enough or you have a free one, take the narrow end that you push thru the locking end and push it into the locking block that’s locked onto the tie on the side that the little “latch” locks into the tang. While keeping a modest amount of pressure on it, tug gently on the tie next to the block.

The object is to disengage the locking tongue from the tang’s teeth that are holding it in place (not to shove another tie thru). Then while holding the “latch”, slide the disengaged tang past. Sometimes doing this pushes the locking piece a little too far, and it won’t engage again. Not a problem, just take the end again and push into the block in the opposite direction to push it back into position again.


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