oneplus的品牌建設者carl pei已經離開了這家智慧手機公司

自從OnePlus與Oppo、維梧(Vivo)和電子巨頭BBK的密切關係曝光以來,外界一直很難將其視為一家充滿鬥志的智慧手機初創公司,但對於該公司長期以來的公眾形象Carl Pei的影響,我們仍然難以言過其實,他今天證實了自己的離職。作為一名營銷人員和品牌建設者,他將大膽的承諾、真實的談話和非傳統的營銷活動結合起來,把單純尋求優惠的智慧手機愛好者變成了OnePlus粉絲的社群。...

自從OnePlus與Oppo、維梧(Vivo)和電子巨頭BBK的密切關係曝光以來,外界一直很難將其視為一家充滿鬥志的智慧**初創公司,但對於該公司長期以來的公眾形象Carl Pei的影響,我們仍然難以言過其實,他今天證實了自己的離職。作為一名營銷人員和品牌建設者,他將大膽的承諾、真實的談話和非傳統的營銷活動結合起來,把單純尋求優惠的智慧**愛好者變成了OnePlus粉絲的社群。


在OnePlus論壇上的一篇博文中,裴勇俊說他“期待著花點時間減壓,趕上我的家人”,但沒有說明他現在這麼做的原因。有傳言稱,他與另一位聯合創始人兼執行長劉德華(Pete Lau)鬧翻了,和/或裴勇俊離職創辦了自己的新公司,但他的備忘錄聽起來不像是有人為了新工作而離職的話。

不管怎樣,這似乎很突然:Android Central和Android Police報告稱,截至4天前,他已經離開了公司,OnePlus不準備回答有關他去了哪裡以及為什麼去的問題。或許該公司只是不想轉移人們對週三推出的新**OnePlus 8T的注意力。與此同時,Pei領導了OnePlus最近推出的價格較低的**Nord的開發。


After nearly 7 years at OnePlus, I’ve made the difficult decision to say goodbye.

I grew up spending tremendous amounts of time on the internet, building products and communities. Seeing that ideas in one’s mind could be turned into reality and impact people’s lives gave me lots of joy, and I knew early on that this was the path for me.

The world didn’t need another **artphone brand in 2013. But we saw ways of doing things better and dreamt of shaking things up. Better products. Built hand in hand with our users. At more reasonable prices. Fast forward to today, and OnePlus is a strong force to be reckoned when it comes to flagship **artphones. And with the new Nord product line, this success will continue into new market segments.

Having just turned 24 when OnePlus started, it’s where I spent most of my 20s, and also where I grew up. From nervously interviewing my first employee, to facing severe stage fright the first time I presented a product, to learning how to manage a team… The journey has been real. The things we’ve accomplished and learned, I can’t begin to imagine a more rewarding adventure.

Our community joined the movement before we even had a product, back when all we had were ambiti*** and ideas. From having hundreds of you show up to have ice cream with me, thousands attending our launch events, and tens of milli*** purchasing our products worldwide; I want to thank you all for believing in us throughout all these years.

And the team. The amazing people that I’ve been fortunate to fight side by side with. The friendships I’ve made here are the most precious parts of this journey. With them, the company is in capable hands.

I am eternally grateful to Pete for taking a chance in this kid without a college degree, with nothing to his name but a dream. The trust, mentorship, and camaraderie will never be forgotten. Thanks for the opportunity of a lifetime.

I’ve never regretted trusting my gut feeling, and this time it’s no different. These past years, OnePlus has been my singular focus, and everything else has had to take a backseat. I’m looking forward to taking some time off to decompress and catch up with my family and friends. And then follow my heart on to what’s next.

With gratitude, Carl


  • 發表於 2021-04-17 15:14
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在成立短短四年的時間裡,OnePlus已經成為智慧**領域不可忽視的品牌。它的使命是以更省錢的價格提供高階體驗。該公司基本上實現了這一承諾;今年早些時候,OnePlus 5給我們留下了非常深刻的印象。 ...

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... OnePlus 5看起來很像iPhone7 Plus,但價效比更高。它配備了頂級規格,如高通Snapdragon 835晶片、6GB甚至8GB的RAM、64GB或128GB的內部儲存器、背面的雙攝像頭鏡頭、專用儀表板充電...

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...快速修復,而另一些是慢燃設計吸走你的生活小時。王國建設和基地建設遊戲肯定是後者,你可以失去整個晚上玩它們。 ...

  • 發佈於 2021-03-19 02:14
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OnePlus已經很長時間沒有生產Android**了,但在它存在的四年裡,它已經**了無數的麻煩。這一切最終導致上週的大規模信用卡洩露事件。我們該停止信任一家標準如此之低的公司了。 更新,12/6/18: After the 6T announcement, it was clear t...

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OnePlus宣佈了下一代**的正式釋出日期:OnePlus 9系列將於美國東部時間3月23日上午10點正式釋出。此外,OnePlus還確認了與瑞典相機**商Hasselblad的合作關係,以改進這些裝置的相機系統——這是之前被洩露和暗示的。 到...

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OnePlus聯合創始人Carl Pei的新科技公司Nothing釋出了概念1。這是一個展示了該公司將在其即將推出的真正的無線耳塞,其首個產品將於今年夏天釋出的設計功能的渲染。它是由湯姆霍華德,該公司的設計負責人誰也擔任副主任設計...

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  • 發佈於 2021-04-16 06:18
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據彭博社報道,前OnePlus聯合創始人Carl Pei的新公司Nothing計劃在今年夏天推出一對無線耳塞,其他產品將在今年晚些時候推出。在一次採訪中,裴說沒有任何計劃最終產生一個可以相互連線的裝置生態系統。產品細節隨著Alphabet的...

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oneplus聯合創始人carl pei的下一家公司實際上被稱為nothing

去年與公司分道揚鑣的OnePlus聯合創始人卡爾•裴(Carl Pei)宣佈了他下一次創業的名字:Nothing。它自稱是一家“總部位於倫敦的消費科技公司”,並將iPod發明家託尼•法德爾、Twitch聯合創始人凱文•林、Reddit執行長史蒂夫•哈...

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