
我們剛剛獲悉,在Windows8和微軟Surface釋出不到一個月後,Windows執行長史蒂文·辛諾夫斯基(Steven Sinofsky)已經離開了微軟。以下是CEO史蒂夫·鮑爾默(Steve Ballmer)對高管離職的看法:...

我們剛剛獲悉,在Windows8和微軟Surface釋出不到一個月後,Windows執行長史蒂文·辛諾夫斯基(Steven Sinofsky)已經離開了微軟。以下是CEO史蒂夫·鮑爾默(Steve Ballmer)對高管離職的看法:


Over the past few months we have delivered the foundation for a new era for Microsoft. From Office to Bing to Windows Phone and Windows Azure, to Xbox and of course Windows and Surface and everything in between, we’ve unleashed a huge wave of devices and services that people and businesses love. I simply couldn’t be more proud of the effort you have all put in to get us here and to set the foundation for our future. At the Windows launch in New York, at the Windows Phone event in San Francisco, and again at the Build event on Redmond campus, I was struck that while externally many people look at these events as the finish line, they really represent the starting line of a new era.

As we enter this new era, and with the successful launch of Windows 8 and Surface behind us, Steven Sinofsky has decided to leave the company. Steven joined Microsoft in 1989 as a software development engineer and has contributed to the company in many ways from his work as a technical advisor to Bill Gates, to leading the evolution of the Microsoft Office business, to his direction and successful leadership of Windows and Windows Live as well as Surface. I am grateful for the work that Steven has delivered in his time at our company. Effective immediately, Julie Larson-Green will lead Windows engineering. She will be resp***ible for all product development for Windows and Windows Live, in addition to Surface. Julie has been a stalwart leader of building compelling “experiences” from her time on Internet Explorer, through the evolution of Office and most recently to the re-imagination of Windows. Her unique product and innovation perspective and proven ability to effectively collaborate and drive a cross company agenda will serve us well as she takes on this new leadership role. All of the current Windows engineering teams will report into Julie, and Julie will report to me.

Tami Reller will lead business and marketing strategy for Windows including Surface and partner devices. She will provide broad stewardship to our PC marketing efforts while managing the line business functi*** for Windows. Her work on Windows since 2007 has been exemplary and her strong talents in working with internal groups and partners will also serve us well. Tami also will report to me.

We are facing a time of great opportunity. What we have accomplished over the past few years is nothing short of amazing, and I know we have more amazing in us. I am excited about our people, I am energized by our ability to change and grow, and I look forward to the success which lies ahead. Thank you for all you do, and please join me in congratulating our new leadership and celebrating all that we have accomplished so far.


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史蒂夫·鮑爾默稱windows 8為“重生”(更新)


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  • 發佈於 2021-04-22 19:20
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微軟surface的史蒂夫•鮑爾默(steve ballmer)說:“我們想給水泵充水”


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windows負責人史蒂文·辛諾夫斯基(steven sinofsky)離開微軟

...rk with at this awesome company."
 與此同時,微軟執行長史蒂夫•鮑爾默(Steve Ballmer)表示,“我很感謝史蒂文多年來為公司做出的貢獻。”儘管在按時交付產品方面有著良好的記錄,但辛諾夫斯基作為一位才華橫溢但飽受爭...

  • 發佈於 2021-04-24 14:23
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...ws8釋出的人有望在公司扮演更重要的角色,甚至可能是CEO史蒂夫•鮑爾默(Steve Ballmer)的繼承人。然而,微軟內部的多個訊息來源稱,Sinofsky是一家令人討厭的公司,積極地維持他對產品的控制,併為那些有可能削弱Windows(從...

  • 發佈於 2021-04-24 14:24
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...羅特(Paul Thurrott)的Windows超級網站釋出了史蒂文·辛諾夫斯基(Steven Sinofsky)致微軟員工的完整信件,宣佈他離職。Sinofsky說,在Windows8和Surface釋出之後,他“決定離開公司,在這些經驗的基礎上尋找新的機會。”

  • 發佈於 2021-04-24 14:24
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微軟前windows phone執行長調任公司發展和戰略主管

...直接向微軟首席財務官彼得·克萊恩(Peter Klein)而不是史蒂夫·鮑爾默(Steve Ballmer)彙報工作。
 訊息人士稱,在這一時間之前,前Windows負責人史蒂文•辛諾夫斯基(Steven Sinofsky)迅速離職,他因性格衝突離開了...

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90秒即將到來:辛諾夫斯基出局,nexus 4入局,光環4出局


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...搖錢樹的設想可能與微軟更廣泛的目標並不一致。執行長史蒂夫•鮑爾默(Steve Ballmer)概述了微軟的一個“根本性轉變”,即“有時我們會為特定的目的**特定的裝置”。從字裡行間看,我們不可能想象微軟的未來,重點從銷售...

  • 發佈於 2021-04-24 14:56
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the vergecast 055:早女,辛諾夫斯基

...弗雷斯特爾(Scott Forestall),現在是微軟的史蒂文·辛諾夫斯基(Steven Sinofsky)。這是否標志著一個**時代的終結?如果是的話,下一個是誰?Verge的微軟大師湯姆·沃倫(Tom Warren)順道來分享他對Sinofsky辭職的看法,以及這對公...

  • 發佈於 2021-04-24 15:22
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