


  • Feature

    Dark Arts


    The cyberpunk future that science fiction sold us on hasn't come to pass: instead, a much sleeker, cleaner, and subtler world of technology has formed our present. But on Tumblr, artists and curators are beginning to create a new future — one that looks more like the incredible tech we see today.

  • Report

    Oral history: the sexual misadventures of the dental dam


    The dental dam has been around for almost 20 years at a minimum, and yet it's practically nowhere to be found: not in bedrooms, drug stores, or sex shops. But despite its failure to ascend to popularity, the dam is far from dead.

  • Report

    The world's biggest troll is back on trial


    The notorious hacker weev is back on trial to appeal an earlier decision that put him in prison for over three years. The case could have big implicati*** for how computer crime prosecuti*** are handled, so we headed to the court house this week to see it begin to unfold.

  • Review

    Google vs. Microsoft: a cheap laptop showdown


    Chromebooks are putting pressure on low-cost Windows laptops in a serious way, and that's all too evident when looking at Toshiba's two new sub-$400 laptops. One runs Windows 8, has a touchscreen, and works well online, and the other is a sleek and simple Chrome OS machine. So which is better?

  • Interview

    The story of Motorola's **artwatch from the man who designed it


    Google dropped a big surprise announcement this week: it's building a version of Android perfect for **artwatches. Motorola is already working on a gorgeous **artwtach to run it, and we spoke with the designer behind it to find out how he's bringing Android from a device in your pocket up to your wrist.

  • Report

    Meet gaming's punk rock label


    Creating a publishing company for indie games might sound antithetical to the whole idea of indie, but Devolver Digital is turning publishing into something less structured and a lot more helpful. It's already working with some of the hottest indie developers out there, and it's building a serious reputation for its quick and violent games.

  • Report

    Inside the GitHub scandal: is sexi** part of the Valley's DNA?


    Julie Ann Horvath brought big changes to GitHub through the launch of a women-in-tech lecture series, but those changes weren't necessarily felt by her. She left GitHub last week alleging gender haras**ent, and now everyone's talking about how Silicon Valley can do better.

  • Report

    Is ITT Tech screwing over students?


    ITT Tech's promises might sound too good to be a true, and a new US watchdog bureau seems to agree. It's filed charges against the for-profit college for misleading applicants, but whether those charges will lead to actual changes is far from guaranteed.

  • Review

    Lenovo ThinkPad 8 review


    Lenovo's ThinkPad 8 is a Windows tablet that looks a whole lot like an iPad mini. But it's far more than just a tablet: the ThinkPad 8 can run full desktop apps and effectively be turned into a desktop too with the right accessories. But just because the ThinkPad 8 can do it all doesn't mean it can do it well.

  • Report

    Japan used to rule video games, so what happened?


    Last decade, building a game for c***oles became easier and easier for Western developers as c***oles become a lot more like traditional PCs. Now Japan's traditional gaming tastes are out of favor, but a burgeoning indie scene may be able to start bringing back its gaming fame.

  • 發表於 2021-04-25 14:42
  • 閱讀 ( 29 )
  • 分類:網際網路


批次生產(mass production)和大規模定製(mass customization)的區別

...產技術。大批次生產被認為是最有效的生產系統,在降低成本的同時保持較高的生產能力。大規模生產可以定義為快速生產大量標準化產品。大規模生產可實現規模經濟。 工業革命後,特別是20世紀初,大規模生產的概念出現了...

  • 發佈於 2020-10-25 02:52
  • 閲讀 ( 54 )


...宣佈了2018年的教育計劃。其中包括聯想和JP推出的新的低成本Windows 10裝置、Office 365教育版的新更新以及Minecraft:Education版的免費更新,旨在幫助“讓所有年齡段的學生都參與化學學習”。 ...

  • 發佈於 2021-03-11 20:08
  • 閲讀 ( 50 )


...省將以學生的價格支付。Prime影片可以節省您的Netflix/Hulu成本。折扣可以更省錢。 ...

  • 發佈於 2021-03-13 10:58
  • 閲讀 ( 57 )


...人,我們已經知道,他們為那些經常旅行的人**了第二款膝上型電腦。但他們也是大學生的理想。 ...

  • 發佈於 2021-03-14 11:17
  • 閲讀 ( 51 )


...路,圖書館和咖啡館是很好的選擇)。您需要一臺可靠的膝上型電腦、平板電腦或**,它可以讓您觀看影片、鍵入響應並開啟不同的檔案型別。 ...

  • 發佈於 2021-03-16 08:48
  • 閲讀 ( 42 )


... 唯一的問題是寫什麼。就在那個週末,我的一個朋友遇到了一些問題,一個瀏覽器劫持者接管了她的搜尋。她向我求助,我可以指出劫機者藏身的所有地方。她說我不看就知道這一切是多麼酷。那時我才...

  • 發佈於 2021-03-16 15:01
  • 閲讀 ( 38 )


當你想到給大學生的禮物時,你可能會想到膝上型電腦、智慧**、平板電腦或者類似的小玩意兒。這些都是很棒的禮物,大多數學生都很想得到。事實上,大多數學生都會非常喜歡它們,他們可能已經有了一個! ...

  • 發佈於 2021-03-16 17:23
  • 閲讀 ( 63 )


學校最好的膝上型電腦取決於學生的專業。科學、技術、工程和數學(STEM)的學生不需要像文科專業那樣的機器。本文根據學生的學習興趣為他們挑選最好的膝上型電腦。 ...

  • 發佈於 2021-03-19 14:46
  • 閲讀 ( 70 )


...東西。或者,他們可能不認為一個更昂貴的模式是值得的成本。 ...

  • 發佈於 2021-03-23 23:11
  • 閲讀 ( 65 )


... 配音表演並不侷限於高成本動畫電影中的名人。您只需要一個高質量的麥克風和一個聲音。 ...

  • 發佈於 2021-03-26 20:02
  • 閲讀 ( 43 )

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