


  • Feature

    Driven: how Zipcar's founders built and lost a car-sharing empire


    Zipcar wouldn't have existed without founders Antje Danielson and Robin Chase, but they've had nothing to do with the company since just a few years after it began. Here's the inside story of how fighting for power and fighting with each other led to both founders to losing Zipcar altogether.

  • Review

    'Captain America: The Winter Soldier' review


    Captain American may now be in the modern day, but The Winter Soldier is a total throwback to '70s-style c***piracy thrillers. It's a big change from the last film, but it may be just what Marvel needs to keep its superhero series interesting.

  • Report

    Outfoxed: how protests forced Mozilla's CEO to resign in 11 days


    Brendan Eich may have co-founded Mozilla, but a decade and a half later, he no longer fit in with it. Eich's support of California's same-sex marriage ban in 2008 meant that he didn't have the same values as much of his company — and many of Mozilla's employees and in its community just wouldn't accept that.

  • Review

    Amazon Fire TV review


    Just about every big tech company wants to control the little black box beneath your TV, and Amazon may have the best pitch yet. The Fire TV offers access to t*** of games, movies, and TV shows, and it makes it all easy to find too.

  • Report

    NASA's breakup with Russia is a manipulative money grab


    NASA cut off ties with Russia this week citing the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, but the agency's decision was really about something much different. NASA hasn't seen much money in recent years, and it's hoping that lawmakers would rather keep money at home then send it abroad at a time of growing conflict.

  • Review

    If you play one goat simulator in 2014, make it this one


    Goat Simulator is at once exactly and nothing what it sounds like. You play a goat, you run around, you headbutt stuff. You also get a jetpack, wreck total havoc, and totally break the game in the process. It's bizarre, glitchy, and destructive fun.

  • Review

    Mike Judge's 'Silicon Valley' hits the tech world where it hurts


    The creator of Office Space and Beavis and Butt-head is training his distinctive brand of humor on the startup scene. There hasn't been a good take on the scene yet, but Silicon Valley may just crack the code with a **art mix of insider jokes and broad appeal.

  • Report

    Round two: Apple and Samsung suit up for another billion dollar patent war


    Apple and Samsung are heading to court again for a second patent trial that's bound to be as explosive as the last. Now the two companies are battling over some of their hottest phones ever — but there's one key difference that could help Samsung's prospects this time around: Google.

  • Report

    Facebook becomes the new front in Mexico's drug war


    Mexican cartels have started turning to social media to get their messages out — and so far, it's working. Not only has news of deaths and killings spread quickly online, but it's also begun prompting serious acts of retaliation.

  • Report

    The story of Cortana, Microsoft's Siri killer


    Microsoft is finally joining Apple and Google in unveiling a digital personal assistant of its own to help people use their **artphones. But for Microsoft, building its assistant, Cortana, wasn't just a matter of figuring out who she was — it was about turning Bing into a powerful platform that could make it all work.

  • 發表於 2021-04-25 16:56
  • 閱讀 ( 31 )
  • 分類:網際網路


最容易被忽視的10個windows 10功能

... 如果你有Android裝置,你也可以用Cortana將**的通知同步到你的PC上。 ...

  • 發佈於 2021-03-11 17:18
  • 閲讀 ( 63 )

如何與microsoft edge保持高效

...讀列表時,還可以編輯剪輯的名稱。或者,您可以共享到Cortana提醒、郵件、OneNote或Twitter。 ...

  • 發佈於 2021-03-16 14:16
  • 閲讀 ( 71 )


如果你使用Cortana,你會喜歡她新的待辦事項列表功能。 ...

  • 發佈於 2021-03-16 16:34
  • 閲讀 ( 61 )


... 4microsoft與cortana的待辦事項整合 ...

  • 發佈於 2021-03-18 05:04
  • 閲讀 ( 63 )

windows 10工作列不工作?8常見問題和解決方法

... 最新版本的windows10不再強調Cortana。如果不使用此功能,可以取消選中“顯示Cortana”按鈕將其隱藏。為了節省更多空間,還可以取消選中“顯示任務檢視”按鈕,並使用鍵盤快捷鍵Win+Tab來訪問該功能...

  • 發佈於 2021-03-22 19:34
  • 閲讀 ( 71 )

如何在任何裝置上建立新的apple id帳戶

... 在本文中,我們將介紹如何使用不同的Apple裝置設定和建立Apple ID。因此,無論您使用的是iPhone、Mac還是Windows PC,您都可以獲得Apple ID並開始充分利用Apple的服務。 ...

  • 發佈於 2021-03-28 15:56
  • 閲讀 ( 63 )


...。本文將介紹什麼是分支,以及如何使用多種不同的工具建立分支。 ...

  • 發佈於 2021-03-29 17:44
  • 閲讀 ( 66 )


我用Cortana代替Alexa或Google Assistant用了好幾天,這種經歷讓我覺得自己和Cortana一樣不自在。不幸的是,微軟已經遠遠落後,唯一合理的解決辦法就是放棄。 薩蒂婭向講科爾塔納語的人告別 最近,微軟執行長薩蒂亞納德拉(satya...

  • 發佈於 2021-04-04 01:09
  • 閲讀 ( 69 )


Cortana可能很快就會識別出不同的聲音,這是Alexa和Google Assistant自2017年以來一直擁有的一項功能。微軟並沒有完全放棄Cortana,但它正在慢慢地將Cortana轉變成一個通用數字助理以外的東西。 誰會用cortana? 亞馬遜有Echo,谷歌有...

  • 發佈於 2021-04-04 03:36
  • 閲讀 ( 54 )


...佈局以獲得更好的檢視效果。您現在可以在PDF中使用Ask Cortana,並且還有其他可用的突出顯示顏色。 Edge的整合EPUB電子書閱讀器現在也可以為EPUB電子書添加註釋。您可以用四種顏色突出顯示、加下劃線和添加註釋。你也可以複製...

  • 發佈於 2021-04-07 04:32
  • 閲讀 ( 68 )

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