



I'm grateful for hard questi***. It keeps us honest. We need to be able to explain clearly why what we're thinking is good. Asking everyone in our community to install a new app is a big ask. I appreciate that that was work and required friction. We wanted to do this because we believe that this is a better experience. Messaging is becoming increasingly important. On mobile, each app can only focus on doing one thing well, we think.

The primary purpose of the Facebook app is News Feed. Messaging was this behavior people were doing more and more. 10 billion messages are sent per day, but in order to get to it you had to wait for the app to load and go to a separate tab. We saw that the top messaging apps people were using were their own app. These apps that are fast and just focused on messaging. You're probably messaging people 15 times per day. Having to go into an app and take a bunch of steps to get to messaging is a lot of friction.

Messaging is one of the few things people do more than social networking. In some countries 85 percent of people are on Facebook, but 95 percent of people use SMS or messaging. Asking folks to install another app is a short term painful thing, but if we wanted to focus on serving this [use case] well, we had to build a dedicated and focused experience. We build for the whole community. Why wouldn't we let people choose to install the app on their own at their own pace? The reason is that what we're trying to do is build a service that's good for everyone. Because Messenger is faster and more focused, if you're using it, you respond to messages faster, we've found. If your friends are slower to respond, we might not have been able to meet up.

This is some of the hardest stuff we do, is making these choices. We realize that we have a lot to earn in terms of trust and proving that this standalone messenger experience will be really good. We have some of our most talented people working on this.

  • 發表於 2021-04-27 20:14
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  • 分類:網際網路


facebook messenger隱私:你需要知道的一切

...。現在你必須安裝一個應用程式來閱讀它。是的,Facebook Messenger的積極推出激怒了很多人,其訪問要求也引起了一些人的不滿。 ...

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您現在可以從facebook messenger刪除郵件

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...bridge Analytica)醜聞的餘波。我們發現Facebook正在監視你的Messenger聊天,這是Facebook安全和隱私噩夢中的最新一個。 ...

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一個民權審計員團隊對Facebook最近的溫和選擇提出了嚴厲而出人意料的控訴,此前他們對該平臺的做法和內部政策進行了兩年的審查。 報告寫道:“雖然審計過程是有意義的,並導致了平臺的一些重大改進,但我們也...

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Facebook執行長馬克•扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)今天與員工舉行了一次長時間的會議,討論了Facebook允許總統唐納德•特朗普(Donald Trump)提供選舉錯誤資訊和掩蓋暴力宣傳的指控。雖然扎克伯格表示,他本應向員工提供更多的透...

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...從馬克那裡贏得了很多信任,他在2014年離開PayPal,擔任Messenger總裁,現在領導著天秤座。 你以前在蘋果和谷歌做過圖書長度的跳水。Facebook的內部文化與那些巨頭相比如何?如果扎克伯格離開的話,公司還能生存很長時間嗎? F...

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