



在接受《****》採訪時,蘋果首席財務官盧卡·梅斯特裡(Luca Maestri)表示,Apple Watch的銷量“前9周的銷量超過了iPhone和iPad上市前9周的銷量”。蘋果自己也表示,iPad在上市前11周的銷量為300萬臺,這給了我們一個大致的估計。不過,可能很難獲得更多細節。在蘋果公司的新聞稿中,執行長蒂姆·庫克表示,這是“蘋果手錶的一個很好的開端”,並指出watchOS 2將在今年秋天推出。






As you know, we made a decision back in September, several months ago, no to disclose the shipments of the watch. And that was not a matter of not being transparent, it was a matter of not giving the competition insight, on a product that we worked really hard on.

However, let me give you some color, to avoid reaching sort of a wrong conclusion. If you look at the "other products" category and look at the revenue in this category, it would not be an accurate thing to just look at the sequential change or the year-over-year change and assume that were the total watch revenue. Because the aggregate balance of that category both sequentially and year-over-year is shrinking. Obviously iPod is a part of that, but there are other things in there — accessories and so forth — that are shrinking.

Secondly, to provide a bit more color. The sales of the Watch did exceed our expectati***. And they did so despite supply still trailing demand at the end of the quarter. To give you additional insight, through the end of the quarter, in fact that the Apple Watch sell through was higher than the comparable launch periods of the original iPhone or the original iPad. We were able to do with with having only 680 points of sale. As you probably know, as I had reviewed earlier, the online sales were so great at the beginning, we were not able to feed inventory to our stores until mid-June. And so those points of sale, pretty much, the overwhelming majority of the low number of sales were not there until the last two weeks of the quarter.

And so as I look at all of these things, we feel really great about how we did. Now our objective for the quarter wasn't primarily sales. Beyond the very good news on sales, we're more excited about how the product is positioned for the long term because we're starting a new category. And as I back up and look at this with 8,500 apps, we've already announced the next operating system watchOS 2 — it will bring native apps, which are going to be killer, to the watch. Even though the store layout was delayed, we learned a lot about the experience. Based on that experience, we're now planning to expand our channel before the holiday. Because we're convinced that the watch is going to be one of the top gifts of the holiday seas***.

Most important of all of this is the customer sat is off the charts. We've c***tantly seen if you can get the customer sat off the charts, you wind up doing fairly well over time. We've also learned a lot about managing quite an assortment and so forth.

And so I back up and look at this and I feel fantastic about what the team has done and delivered and I know I never go anywhere without the watch and it's not because I'm the CEO. I'm that attached to it. I get lots of notes from a lot of people that feel the same way. That's how I look at the watch.


  • 發表於 2021-04-30 20:03
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