




Be your own Halloween doppelganger

I learned the trick to a last-minute Halloween costume: If you’ve ever thought, heard, or read an Instagram comment that points out some celebrity you look like, dress up as them. Especially if you noticed the resemblance thanks to a specific outfit. The night before Halloween, I was stuck without a costume. But in my summer hat, a jacket, a scarf, and a bandage on my ear, I became Van Gogh. Since I already have his beardy ginger face, it was easy for people to make the connection.

nick douglas, staff writer

Get a new, improved, and cheaper beauty routine

I got a better brow product—it’s just the Ulta brow tint. It’s super pigmented, and only $10. I like it more than the Benefit stuff I was using. I also started using lip liner whenever I wear lipstick. It is a game changer. Can’t believe it took me until 31 to realize how important lip liner is.

claire lower, food & beverage editor

Surround yourself with greenery

I’m surrounded by more processors than plant life. I decided to rectify this with some low-maintenance plants. I purchased not one, but two succulents (one for home, one for work). Sure, they’re not going to revitalize my environment or hook me up with t*** of oxygen, but the addition of a little greenery does force me to acknowledge the presence of a world filled with trees, leaves, and actual nature, as opposed to the verdant, virtual grasslands found in my latest obsession, Breath of the Wild.

patrick austin, staff writer

Don’t gotta have that java

I am loathe to publicize this, but my upgrade this week is giving up coffee. I don’t have a particularly out-of-hand caffeine addiction—I was drinking probably 2-3 cups per day, tops—but in my ongoing efforts to improve my acid reflux, I very reluctantly decided that it was time to take a break. For the last several days I’ve been drinking green tea (UGH) in the morning, and it does seem to help. I’ve been a regular coffee drinker since maybe seventh grade, so this is a pretty radical change for me. We’ll see how things go.

virginia k. **ith, managing editor

Separate your browsers to stay organized

This one is just a little trick with Chrome tabs. I’m one of those 99-open-tabs kind of people, and I’ve always got Slack in a pinned tab on the left side. If I’m trying to work head-down on a writing project, it’s usually in Google docs, so I can still see that Slack tab light up. Some people fullscreen their browser so they don’t see the tabs, but I need them for research: maybe I have interview notes in one tab, reference materials in another, and I keep popping open new ones to google specific points. Here’s the “duh” solution: control-click just the tabs you’re working on, and you can drag to open them in a new window dedicated to that project.

beth skwarecki, health editor

Use your plane ride to catch up on your viewing

I am perpetually behind on movies, but on a plane ride this week, I watched two that were really wonderful: The Big Sick and Lion. If you haven’t seen them, The Big Sick is a quirky modern rom-com based on a real love story, and Lion is about a lost boy in India, also based on a true story. I highly recommend both films, and also plane rides for catching up on all the media you’ve missed.

michelle woo, parenting editor

  • 发表于 2021-05-15 12:53
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  • 分类:互联网


单子叶植物气孔(stomata of monocot)和双子叶植物(dicot plants)的区别

单子叶植物气孔与双子叶植物气孔的主要区别在于:单子叶植物气孔周围有两个哑铃状保卫细胞,双子叶植物气孔周围有两个豆状保卫细胞。 气孔是植物重要的结构,主要参与气体交换。它是存在于叶和茎的表皮上的一个小...

  • 发布于 2020-10-12 04:08
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防护室(guard cells)和辅助单元(subsidiary cells)的区别

植物保卫细胞与辅助细胞的主要区别在于:保卫细胞是在叶、茎等表皮上包围气孔的特殊薄壁细胞,而辅助细胞是保卫细胞周围的支持细胞。 气孔是位于植物表皮上促进气体交换的气孔。两个保卫细胞包围并调节气孔的大小...

  • 发布于 2020-10-17 06:59
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植物和动物的主要区别是植物不能移动,它们通过根附着在土壤上,而动物可以从一个地方移动到另一个地方。此外,植物含有叶绿体和叶绿素,但不含动物。 科学家们试图用不同的技术对生物进行分类。因此,roberth.Whittake...

  • 发布于 2020-10-25 18:49
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动物(animal)和植物细胞(plant cells)的区别

动植物细胞都是eukaryotic cells, i.e., they have complex structures but the structures of both types of cells have major differences. 动物细胞不像植物细胞那样有坚硬的细胞壁。这使得动物细胞能够形成和采用各种形状。一种叫做吞噬细胞的动物细胞甚...

  • 发布于 2021-06-22 10:46
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  • 发布于 2021-06-22 13:05
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...、塑料、玻璃、**等。 硝酸盐存在于土壤、水和食物(植物和动物来源)中。在低浓度(1-40 mg/m3)时,它们也以砷的形式存在于空气中。硝酸盐是由含氮细菌自然合成的,是氮形成的中间步骤。植物和水中的天然浓度通常较低...

  • 发布于 2021-06-25 15:07
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植物细胞(plant cell)和细菌细胞(bacterial cell)的区别

植物细胞的主要区别(main difference plant cell) vs. 细菌细胞(bacterial cell) 植物细胞和细菌细胞是构成植物体和细菌体的两种细胞。植物细胞是真核细胞,而细菌细胞是原核细胞。植物细胞与细菌细胞的主要区别在于植物细胞含有膜结...

  • 发布于 2021-06-29 13:51
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...列,血管组织 什么是原碑(protostele)? 原中柱是早期维管植物中中柱的一种排列形式。它的特点是存在一个坚实的圆柱形木质部链,周围有一圈韧皮部。韧皮部周围有一个内胚层,负责调节水分进出维管组织。因此,在这种排列...

  • 发布于 2021-07-01 14:08
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...柱是原中柱的一种类型。 原中柱和近中柱是最早的维管植物中出现的两种中柱或维管组织的排列形式。一般来说,它们都含有一个圆柱形的维管组织,木质部被韧皮部包围。此外,在维管组织周围,这些茎含有内皮层。 覆盖的...

  • 发布于 2021-07-02 10:05
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...。但是,无柄中柱包含许多维管束,散布在茎中。双子叶植物的茎和单子叶植物的根中有真中柱,单子叶植物的茎中有无中柱。 正钨柱和不锈碑是两种虹吸骨石,发生在茎和种子植物的根。通常,虹吸骨是一种石柱的排列,通...

  • 发布于 2021-07-02 10:19
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