
一周前,我看了一些关于法国黄背心抗议活动是如何在Facebook及其应用程序系列上组织起来的,或许还会被它放大的早期报道。Ryan Broderick和Jules Darmanin今天在BuzzFeed上发布了一份新的报告,关注周末最新一轮抗议活动,活动人士在Facebook上直播了这些活动。记者们将黄背心运动描述为一个反馈循环,从Facebook上所谓的“愤怒团体”开始,并在现实世界中引发暴力抗...

一周前,我看了一些关于法国黄背心**活动是如何在Facebook及其应用程序系列上组织起来的,或许还会被它放大的早期报道。Ryan Broderick和Jules Darmanin今天在BuzzFeed上发布了一份新的报告,关注周末最新一轮**活动,活动人士在Facebook上直播了这些活动。记者们将黄背心运动描述为一个反馈循环,从Facebook上所谓的“愤怒团体”开始,并在现实世界中引发暴力**,而这些**反过来又在Facebook上消费。

The Anger Groups finally mobilized in October after a Change.org petition about fuel taxes went viral within a **all Parisian suburb. The petition led to a Facebook event, which has now led to four weeks of similar Facebook events spreading across France. Three people have died so far, hundreds more have been injured, and thousands have been arrested.

This weekend the Facebook feedback loop seems to have completed itself. Protesters brought together by **all, decentralized Facebook groups poured into the streets of Paris, livestreaming the violence for their friends watching back home.


Facebook是观察法国**活动的一个镜头,但它不是唯一的一个。在《伦敦书评》(London Review of Books)中,杰里米·哈丁(Jeremy Harding)不是根据媒体而是根据其信息来审视这一问题:对法国总统伊曼纽尔·马克龙(Emmanuel Macron)的普遍不满、增税和工资停滞不前。在哈丁的文章中,Facebook只被提到过一次,就在这场运动的组织者之一第一次崭露头角的背景下。

这让一些观察家质疑Facebook在**活动中的作用是否被夸大了。在纽约,Max Read表示,几乎没有证据表明BuzzFeed和其他地方存在这种联系:

It’s a compellingly dystopian way of thinking about the riots, in which hundreds of people have been injured, especially if you’re a Facebook critic or skeptic. Look at what Facebook brings to stable democracies! Look at how Facebook leads good citizens astray! The problem is that there’s very little evidence being provided for this particular narrative. We know that Facebook has adjusted its News Feed sorting in various ways over the last year. We know that some of the protesters have used Facebook to organize themselves. But it seems like a big stretch to go from there to calling the movement “a beast born almost entirely from Facebook,” as Buzzfeed does.

That’s not to say that Facebook was irrelevant to the protests. There seems to be c***ensus that the social network is the organizational platform of choice for the gilets jaunes. But the idea that popular outrage is more about “the power of social networks” than actual French politics, as Bershidsky argues, seems very wrong, and more than a little irresp***ible. “Some in Paris have suggested all gilets jaunes are driven by fake-news and c***piracy theories on Facebook, & are somehow uneducated,” Guardian Paris bureau chief Angelique Chrisafis tweeted on Friday morning. “That was not what I found and it would be a mistake to think that … ” At one barricade, Chrisafis spoke with a wide range of citizens “united in fury at Macron’s way of running France — what they called his top-down approach cut off from ordinary people’s experiences. Everyone could angrily quote examples of Macron’s ‘arrogance.’” This sounds like real grievance, not inauthentically promoted “fake news.”






我关于凯文·哈特(Kevin Hart)和奥斯卡(Oscars)的文章不幸在周末被谷歌AMP算法(Google AMP algorithm)收录,并在周末成为我们网站上的头条帖子,我收到了一封关于这个主题的大量仇恨邮件。可以理解,大多数人害怕生活在一个多年前讲的坏笑话永远困扰着我们,阻止我们找到工作的世界。苏珊·福勒在《****》上指出了这一点:





每个人都在谈论詹妮弗·瓦伦蒂诺·德弗里斯的故事,娜塔莎歌手迈克尔·H。Keller和Aaron Krolik讨论了流行应用程序利用**位置历史记录访问的程度。报告称,虽然数据应该是匿名和聚合的,但在实践中,将特定的运动与个人联系起来往往非常容易。如果你认为《剑桥分析》是一个丑闻,你会想完整地阅读这篇文章:

At least 75 companies receive anonymous, precise location data from apps whose users enable location services to get local news and weather or other information, The Times found. Several of those businesses claim to track up to 200 million mobile devices in the United States — about half those in use last year. The database reviewed by The Times — a sample of information gathered in 2017 and held by one company — reveals people’s travels in startling detail, accurate to within a few yards and in some cases updated more than 14,000 times a day.

These companies sell, use or ****yze the data to cater to advertisers, retail outlets and even hedge funds seeking insights into c***umer behavior. It’s a hot market, with sales of location-targeted advertising reaching an estimated $21 billion this year. IBM has gotten into the industry, with its purchase of the Weather Channel’s apps. The social network Foursquare remade itself as a location marketing company. Prominent investors in location start-ups include Goldman Sachs and Peter Thiel, the PayPal co-founder.


Sundar Pichai将于周二在立法者面前露面。David McCabe报告称,在他准备好的证词中,他计划驳回搜索结果中存在政治偏见的说法:

“I lead this company without political bias and work to ensure that our products continue to operate that way.” (The claim, popular with many congressional Republicans, that Google’s products are skewed by anti-c***ervative bias has not been proven by evidence or reporting.)



More than 60 NGOs signed the document, as well as individuals including Edward Snowden, saying they were “disappointed” by a previous letter from Google. By implementing the project, codenamed Dragonfly, the groups and individuals write, they “fear that the company may knowingly compromise its commitments to human rights and freedom of expression, in exchange for access to the Chinese search market.”

“Actively aiding China’s censorship and surveillance regime is likely to set a terrible precedent for human rights and press freedoms worldwide,” the letter continues.


凯蒂·柯林斯(Katie Collins)报告称,Facebook在注册过程中因信息披露不足而与意大利发生纠纷:

Italy’s Competition Authority on Friday slapped Facebook with two fines that total 10 million euros ($11.4M) for using people’s data for commercial purposes in ways that break the country’s laws.

Italy issued the first fine after deciding that the social network persuaded people to register for accounts on the platform without informing them during the signup process that their data would be collected and used for commercial purposes.


Jon Porter探讨了全球对澳大利亚反加密法的普遍反对:

The legislation has “several critical issues” according to a group that represents Facebook, Google, Twitter, Amazon, and Oath. Digi, the Australian tech industry group, said that the legislation had the potential to introduce systematic weaknesses that could harm the data security of users.

The lack of continued judicial oversight is also “deeply concerning,” the group said. Law enforcement agencies are required to obtain a warrant to force tech companies to build backdoors into their services, but no further judicial oversight would be necessary to intercept telecommunicati*** once a warrant has been issued. Digi said that “judicial oversight and a warrant-based system” are “the minimum safeguards Australians should expect,” yet these were absent from the new rules.



Megvii’s latest fundraising comes amid Beijing’s plans to build a ubiquitous closed-circuit television (CCTV) surveillance network and become an international leader in AI, a technology that is increasingly becoming key to various sectors.

Chinese and some foreign investors are pouring money into start-up firms that specialize in AI given Beijing’s emphasis on the technology. Investments in the sector surged to nearly $2 billion this year via 75 deals, more than four times the total value in the previous two years, according to Refinitiv data.






Google+ has suffered another data leak, and Google has decided to shut down the c***umer version of the social network four months earlier than it originally planned. Google+ will now close to c***umers in April, rather than August. Additionally, API access to the network will shut down within the next 90 days.

According to Google, the new vulnerability impacted 52.5 million users, who could have had profile information like their name, email address, occupation, and age exposed to developers, even if their account was set to private. Apps could also access profile data that had been shared with a specific user, but was not shared publicly.

YouTube禁止骄傲男孩创始人Gavin McInnes侵犯版权

据YouTube称,该公司的另一位右翼评论员、骄傲男孩创始人加文·麦克因内斯(Gavin McInnes)因“多起第三方侵权指控”而被禁止进入YouTube。


尼克·温菲尔德(Nick Wingfield)报道称,马克·扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)在导师比尔·盖茨(Bill Gates)的建议下,试图聘请微软总裁兼首席法律官布拉德·史密斯(Brad Smith)来增强对该公司的信任。史密斯说没有:

Mr. Smith is more public-facing than the top lawyers at most tech companies. Lately, he has become one of the most prominent advocates for closer government scrutiny of artificial intelligence, a technology that promises both huge societal benefits and disrupti***.




Anna Hensel报告称,该公司正在略微放宽后剑桥分析数据限制。




斯蒂芬妮·麦克尼尔(Stephanie McNeal)讲述了一名男子的故事,他在脸书上贴出一张便条回应警方的抢劫,便条上说他很快就会自首:

Last week, the department featured Akers as its “Wanted Wednesday” criminal of the week on its Facebook page. The department often posts wanted criminals on its page on Wednesdays to urge citizens to keep an eye out.

“Calm down, im going to turn myself in,” he wrote.


迈克·维伦斯基(Mike Vilensky)介绍了25岁的乔万·希尔(Jovan Hill),他通过在直播流上向观众要钱来支付房租:

By turns manic, flamboyant and sarcastic, Mr. Hill describes his output of live-streamed videos as a “gay, broke diary” that is inspired in equal parts by 4chan (the anonymous, often vulgar online message board) and his identity as a queer black man.

“Like if a sloppy Tumblr blog and a 4chan thread had a mistake of a child,” he said.


朱莉娅·亚历山大(Julia Alexander)探索了枕头堡,这是渴望色情的Tumblr侨民的潜在避难所:

Pillowfort is a young, blog-centric social platform inspired by early LiveJournal communities and Tumblr fans. People can post their photos, written text, illustrati***, and GIFs, and share those creati*** with others. There are opti*** for both public and private settings, but the site is designed to allow people to spread their work, connect with like-minded individuals, and create communities — including ones that appreciate sexual writing and imagery.

Now, it’s being thrust into the spotlight ahead of Tumblr’s decision to remove “***** content,” a controversial change met with scorn from its impassioned community. But Pillowfort remains a work in progress. Since launching on Kickstarter and Indiegogo earlier this year, Pillowfort has only rolled out beta invites to a **all group of people for testing. And although it’s active, the site is often barely functional, according to people who have used the service over the past couple of months.







Tim Wu对如果Facebook不建立全球社交网络,中国将:

To accept this argument would be a mistake, for it betrays and ignores hard-won less*** about the folly of an industrial policy centered on “national champi***,” especially in the tech sector. What Facebook is really asking for is to be embraced and protected as America’s very own social media monopolist, bravely doing battle overseas. But both history and basic economics suggest we do much better trusting that fierce competition at home yields stronger industries overall.


Helene Stapinski写到Instagram是如何帮助她理解她15岁的女儿的:

Social media has been blamed for ruining our democracy, shortening our children’s attention spans and undermining the fabric of society. But through it, I was able to be with Paulina out in the world again, to see what she sees, to virtually stand beside her and witness the people and places she moves through, in nearly real time. Not in a parent-policing role, but in a wonderful-world sort of way.



In other words, I idolized Sheryl Sandberg the woman—good for any sister who finds a way to amass $1.6 billion for being at parties and steering clear of some boring ops job—but from the first minute I saw her in person in 2013 I was very, very concerned about Facebook. It dawned on me that Sandberg was human—a **all, vain, bright, self-absorbed, convivial everywoman with a talent for money and fame—and that no one human, even Sandberg, could discipline the galactic, epochal spiritual wildfire that Mark Zuckerberg had inflicted on the Internet.


推特首席执行官杰克·多尔西(Jack Dorsey)向缅甸推广旅游业,在那里,社交媒体促成了种族灭绝

推特首席执行官杰克·多尔西(Jack Dorsey)刚刚因短暂举着有人交给他的牌子而引发了一场国际事件,他最近决定通过为期10天的静心静修来放松自己。他是在缅甸这样做的。在缅甸,社交媒体与针对***少数民族的暴力行为有着可信的联系。然后,他在推特上讲述了他是如何利用这段时间来思考疼痛是如何凭空想象出来的,这对许多慢性疼痛患者来说都是新闻,他们随后对他进行了评分。



给我发送提示、评论、问题和黄色背心:[email protected].

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...胞决定与细胞分化 细胞决定和细胞分化是细胞发育过程中的两个重要场景,常被误解,因为它们没有明确区分。细胞决定是指细胞发育的一个阶段,在此阶段细胞的基因表达被确定为执行特定的功能,但在这一阶段看不到形态...

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金·卡戴珊·韦斯特(kim kardashian west)冻结她的instagram和facebook账户一天以示抗议


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 Protesters gather outside of Google I/O. (Annette Bernhardt / Facebook)

  • 发布于 2021-04-26 18:42
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埃及逮捕了47个Facebook页面的管理员,埃及称这些页面由***兄弟会运营。这些逮捕行动是在2011年阿拉伯之春反对胡斯尼·穆巴拉克(Hosni Mubarak)起义五周年之际进行的。胡斯尼·穆巴拉克在统治埃及30年后被推翻。埃及的ahramonline...

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