


这一战略可以说在2016年达到了顶峰,当时扎克伯格宣布他今年的个人挑战是建立一个人工智能来控制他的智能家居。这项挑战是在Facebook大力推广其人工智能作为招聘策略之际提出的,它将首席执行官定位为现实生活中的托尼·斯塔克(Tony Stark),将未来科技作为周末的嗜好,同时运营着世界上最大的社交网络。包括我在内的许多记者都把它吃光了。




My challenge for 2019 is to host a series of public discussi*** about the future of technology in society -- the opportunities, the challenges, the hopes, and the anxieties. Every few weeks I’ll talk with leaders, experts, and people in our community from different fields and I’ll try different formats to keep it interesting. These will all be public, either on my Facebook or Instagram pages or on other media.



I understand the value, from Facebook’s perspective, of regularly putting forward Zuckerberg to affirm that he is working on the problem. But I can’t help but feel like we knew that already.

Maybe tech platforms can be “fixed,” or maybe they can’t. But either way, it’s not an oral exam. And we ought not to treat it like one.

2019年,马克·扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)的节目将再次以口试的形式呈现我们的未来,而这场口试也将以现场娱乐的形式呈现。我完全支持就企业和**面临的最紧迫问题进行公开讨论——我希望扎克伯格选择与Facebook一些更为深思熟虑的批评者坐下来进行热烈的辩论(我有空然而,考虑到扎克伯格的所有其他职责,我不禁想知道,为什么扎克伯格认为一系列的现场直播是对他时间的一种特别好的利用。





Among the initiatives, Facebook has privately sought advice from the Family Research Council, a c***ervative Christian public-policy group, and its president Tony Perkins, according to people familiar with those meetings. Twitter’s Chief Executive Jack Dorsey recently hosted dinners with c***ervatives, including Grover Norquist, the founder and president of Americans for Tax Reform, which advocates for lower taxes. Advisers on the left include the Southern Poverty Law Center, a civil-rights group that keeps a list of hate groups.

For users frustrated by the lack of clarity around how these companies make decisi***, the added voices have made matters even murkier. Meetings between companies and their unofficial advisers are rarely publicized, and some outside groups and individuals have to sign nondisclosure agreements.



Holger Münch, the head of Germany’s federal police, said the young man, whose identity was not released because he was being treated as a juvenile, had admitted during questioning to stealing the personal data of an array of public figures. Most of them are politicians, from all of Germany’s leading political parties — save for the far-right Alternative for Germany, or AfD.

“Based on our asses**ent so far, we believe he acted alone,” Mr. Münch told reporters, adding that so far, investigators had no evidence that the hacker had any affiliation with a political party or other groups. “He acted out of a general discontent with politicians, or journalists, or public figures, who he wanted to expose. That was his motive.”


梅加·拉贾戈帕兰(Megha Rajagopalan)发现另一位中国评论家的LinkedIn页面被屏蔽:

Corporate fraud investigator Peter Humphrey, who is British and lives in the UK, was informed by LinkedIn in December that his profile had been censored in China, but after being asked about it by BuzzFeed News this week, LinkedIn restored the page and said it had only been blocked in error.

It comes days after LinkedIn censored the page of a pro-democracy activist in China before also later restoring it after a wave of negative publicity.


希瑟·萨默维尔(Heather Somerville)报道说,美中贸易战已经赶走了中国对硅谷初创企业的投资:

“Deals involving Chinese companies and Chinese buyers and Chinese investors have virtually stopped,” said attorney Nell O’Donnell, who has represented U.S. tech companies in transacti*** with foreign buyers.

Lawyers who spoke to Reuters say they are feverishly rewriting deal terms to help ensure investments get the stamp of approval from Washington. Chinese investors, including big family offices, have walked away from transacti*** and stopped taking meetings with U.S. startups. Some entrepreneurs, meanwhile, are eschewing Chinese money, fearful of lengthy government reviews that could sap their resources and momentum in an arena where speed to market is critical.


Jonathan Stempel报道,一家联邦上诉**裁定,一名弗吉尼亚州政客在Facebook页面上临时屏蔽了一名批评者,违反了宪法。他说,这一决定可能会影响唐纳德·特朗普总统对类似案件的上诉:

In a 3-0 decision, the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals said Phyllis Randall, chair of the Loudoun County Board of Supervisors, violated the First Amendment free speech rights of Brian Davison by banning him for 12 hours from her “Chair Phyllis J. Randall” page.

The ban came after Davison had attended a 2016 town hall meeting, and then under his Facebook profile “Virginia SGP” accused school board members and their relatives of corruption and conflicts of interest. Randall had also removed her original post and all comments, including Davison’s.


阿曼·塔巴塔巴伊(Arman Tabatabai)周一出席了由零售、批发和百货公司联盟(Retail,Wholesal and Department Store Union)组织的简报会,主题是亚马逊拟议的地区办事处。

Two current employees working in an existing Amazon New York City warehouse in Staten Island provided poignant examples of improper factory conditi*** and promised employee benefits that never came to fruition. According to the workers, Amazon has yet to follow through on shuttle services and ride-sharing services that were promised to ease worker commutes, forcing the workers to resort to overcrowded and unreliable public transportation. One of the workers detailed that with his now four-hour commute to get to and from work, coupled with his meaningfully long shifts, he’s been unable to see his daughter for weeks.

Various economic development groups and elected officials including, New York City Comptroller Scott Stringer, City Council Speaker Corey Johnson, City Council Member Jimmy Van Bramer, and New York State Senator Mike Gianaris supported the labor arguments with spirited teardowns of the economic terms of the deal.


塔拉尔·安萨里(Talal Ansari)有一个关于拉哈夫·****·库农(Rahaf Mohammed al-Qunun)的戏剧性故事,他是一名正在寻求庇护的沙特青少年,由于一场强大的社交媒体运动,他可能会得到庇护。看来她确实将在澳大利亚获得庇护。

Within 24 hours of seeing that Snapchat video, Qunun, Nourah, and two other friends — most of whom have never met in person but grew close over a private group chat about femini** on the messaging app Telegram — launched and ran a Twitter account that live-tweeted one woman’s struggle to seek asylum. The posts captured the attention of the world, especially the government of Thailand and United Nati*** officials.



每个人都在谈论约瑟夫·考克斯(Joseph Cox)的这篇文章,其中报道T-Mobile、Sprint和AT&T正在**对您的实时位置数据的访问。他说,有了这些数据,赏金猎人几乎可以找到任何人。如果你在Facebook工作——即使你没有我想你可能会读到这篇文章,想知道它怎么不是一个更大的丑闻。它应该是:

Whereas it’s common knowledge that law enforcement agencies can track phones with a warrant to service providers, IMSI catchers, or until recently via other companies that sell location data such as one called Securus, at least one company, called Microbilt, is selling phone geolocation services with little oversight to a spread of different private industries, ranging from car sale**en and property managers to bail bond**en and bounty hunters, according to sources familiar with the company’s products and company documents obtained by Motherboard. Compounding that already highly questionable business practice, this spying capability is also being resold to others on the black market who are not licensed by the company to use it, including me, seemingly without Microbilt’s knowledge.

Motherboard’s investigation shows just how exposed mobile networks and the data they generate are, leaving them open to surveillance by ordinary citizens, stalkers, and criminals, and comes as media and policy makers are paying more attention than ever to how location and other sensitive data is collected and sold. The investigation also shows that a wide variety of companies can access cell phone location data, and that the information trickles down from cell phone providers to a wide array of **aller players, who don’t necessarily have the correct safeguards in place to protect that data.


萨尔·罗德里格斯(Sal Rodriguez)与前员工交谈,批评Facebook的工作场所文化,特别是其对下班后社交的强调:

For instance, one employee who left in recent weeks said a manager was critical in a public team meeting because the employee didn’t attend a team-building event outside work. At the time, this person was going through a divorce.

“She definitely marked me down for not attending those team-building events, but I couldn’t attend because I was going through my own issues and needed work-life balance,” said the employee.


Sarah Frier报道说,在一些三星设备上,Facebook应用程序的容器在用户删除后仍然存在,这引发了人们的担忧,担心它可能在后台做了一些邪恶的事情。这不是:

A Facebook spokesperson said the disabled version of the app acts like it’s been deleted, so it doesn’t continue collecting data or sending information back to Facebook. But there’s rarely communication with the c***umer about the process. The Menlo Park, California-based company said whether the app is deletable or not depends on various pre-install deals Facebook has made with phone manufacturers, operating systems and mobile operators around the world over the years, including Samsung. Facebook, the world’s largest social network, wouldn’t disclose the financial nature of the agreements, but said they’re meant to give the c***umer “the best” phone experience right after opening the box.


泰勒·洛伦兹(Taylor Lorenz)报道了Instagram上一次令人不安的儿童色情事件的爆发,该事件通过编码的标签进行病毒传播。


朱莉娅·亚历山大(Julia Alexander)报道称,过去几天,YouTube上的主页推荐被搞得一团糟,有时会推荐五岁或五岁以上的视频。另外,YouTube在周二遭遇了部分宕机。


这里有一篇关于两个技巧的聪明的Alex West文章:一个是你在应用程序上看到的,另一个是你在YouTube和Instagram上的病毒性“畏缩”编译中看到的,其中愚蠢的行为被人们取笑:

That the content of TikTok, a relative newcomer app, has already taken on such varying connotati*** depending on who is watching it and where it is being watched is remarkable. If the recentralized internet’s megaplatforms like Google (which index all the world’s information) and Facebook (one social network to rule them all) succeeded in expanding internet accessibility, they did so by making online a place that is somehow both impossibly loud and frustratingly flat. Teens are instead turning to Instagram meme accounts and YouTube channels that make it their business to curate the web and present it as something palatable, condensed, and comprehensible. Its more efficient for users to have content brought to them than to go out and find it. Sophiya estimates that almost all of the content she encounters on meme accounts is scraped from other platforms: screenshotted tweets, Tumblr posts, TikTok videos, etc. According to Blaire, “like, all of it is.”


Andrew Zaleski介绍了NoSurf,一款致力于让人们离线的subreddit:

Launched as a subreddit in 2011, NoSurf quickly became home to a growing group of strangers with one thing in common: They all thought the internet was having an adverse, uncontrollable effect on their lives and were looking for mutual commiseration — and help. The irony in turning to a social media site to explore the roots of his problem wasn’t lost on Gordon, but reading posts from the NoSurf community left him feeling reassured that his internet use wasn’t just a personal failing.

“Many people reported the same symptoms I had: difficulties with memory, extreme difficulty concentrating, and feeling unable to stop scrolling through these infinite feeds,” he says.








Huge privacy violati*** have become commonplace. Without a private right of action, c***umers have little practical ability to seek relief in cases where their data was mishandled or misused. This eliminates a powerful enforcement stick that can be used to dissuade companies from violating the law. A private right of action is also important because government agencies often do not have the resources to investigate and take action in every case where c***umers’ privacy is violated. So, a private right of action may be the only avenue to hold a company accountable.

In rare cases, the harm from a privacy violation may be clear, such as losing a job, money or sense of safety. But in most cases, the harm, while staggering, can be virtually impossible to measure. For example, how do you prove the collective impact of having companies profile you based on sensitive health data, affecting things like the content you see and the ads you’re served? How do you measure the national-security or societal impact of having people targeted with divisive and exploitative ads? How do you determine the collective impact of c***umers’ being stripped of control over information they own and having intimate details of their life, like relati***hip status and political views, shared with countless entities?


Charlie Warzel将AOC对社交媒体的掌握与总统的相比:

To be clear, these entities are far from carbon copies — one is a sitting congresswoman and the other is a loose conglomeration of shock jocks, media personalities, c***piracy theorists, and trolls arguing on behalf of a billionaire president with a 41% approval rating and a 53% disapproval rating. And while the tone, tenor, and endgame of their politics are vastly different — one pushes tax legislation, the other Trump propaganda and stories about Clinton-adjacent pizza parlor child sex dunge*** — they both know how to captivate and play to their audiences, leveraging the power of their followings, deflecting critici**, and staying on the offensive at all costs. That means being unafraid to get in the mix. Here’s how my colleague described Ocasio-Cortez’s Twitter prowess: “She argues in threads, dunks on semi-randos, and is ready to mock the attempted sick own, harvesting and redirecting its power.” Sound familiar?



对你来说,这是一个真正的无恶不作的故事。几年前,马克·扎克伯格和他的妻子捐赠了7500万美元给旧金山医院作为募捐活动的一部分。莎拉·克利夫(Sarah Kliff)在对急诊室账单做法的调查中发现,扎克伯格名下的医院在全国各地都有这样的做法:

Dang’s experience with Zuckerberg San Francisco General is not unique. Vox reviewed five patient bills from the hospital’s emergency room, in c***ultation with medical billing experts, and found that the hospital’s billing can cost privately insured patients tens of thousands of dollars for care that would likely cost them significantly less at other hospitals.



请向我发送有关扎克伯格脱口秀节目格式的提示、评论、问题和您的想法:[email protected].

  • 发表于 2021-08-27 06:48
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  • 分类:互联网



每年,Facebook创始人兼首席执行官马克•扎克伯格(markzuckerberg)都会接受一次个人挑战。以前的例子包括学习普通话,多读书,和美国50个国家的人见面。而对于2018年,马克·扎克伯格承诺要修复Facebook。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-12 00:00
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Facebook创始人兼首席执行官马克•扎克伯格(MarkZuckerberg)发布了一个播客。它的标题是科技与社会,顾名思义,它的特点是扎克伯格探索科技对社会的影响。不出所料,Facebook功能强大。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-20 21:46
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facebook在2020年斥资2300万美元收购ceo马克·扎克伯格(mark zuckerberg)的安全

...国证券交易委员会(sec)的新文件显示,Facebook去年为CEO马克•扎克伯格(markzuckerberg)购买安全设备的花费超过2300万美元。周五提交的一份代理声明称,Facebook对公司安全的年度审查“确定了扎克伯格面临的具体威胁”。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-04-15 21:31
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Facebook首席执行官马克·扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)是否与总统唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)达成秘密协议,对他的谎言和煽动性帖子视而不见,希望这家社交媒体巨头不会成为总统的下一个目标?这类传闻已经流传了数月,但扎克...

  • 发布于 2021-04-18 14:38
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... 《*****》在很大程度上重复了扎克伯格在本周早些时候的一次全体会议上提出的观点,会议的细节在《****》的边缘报道。 “我们将检讨我们的政策,允许讨论和威胁国家使用武力,看看是否有任何修正案,我们应该通过...

  • 发布于 2021-04-19 01:33
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马克·扎克伯格的其中一个’详细的s笔记本‘黑暗的轮廓,’ 它可以让人们为他们的朋友制作facebook个人资料

Facebook首席执行官马克•扎克伯格(markzuckerberg)在2006年的一份杂志上对公司的潜在概念有很多想法,其中一个想法是让用户为那些实际上还没有进入社交网络的人创建个人资料。 《连线》杂志的编辑史蒂文·利维(s...

  • 发布于 2021-04-20 04:09
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Facebook首席执行官马克•扎克伯格(markzuckerberg)表示,他正在摆脱每年一度的自我反省挑战,将目光放在他认为未来十年重要的事情上。 他在Facebook上发表的一篇长篇博文中写道:“我并没有面临年复一年的挑战,...

  • 发布于 2021-04-20 13:24
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...他的公司并不热衷于在每件事上都冠以自己的名字——或许是为了平息人们对Oculus Rift最终会带来Facebook品牌的担忧。”他说:“有一些体验与其他身份相比更好。”我想你应该多看看。”

  • 发布于 2021-04-25 18:28
  • 阅读 ( 161 )


...娅·纳德拉(Satya Nadella)在冰水中浸泡后,Facebook创始人马克·扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)也这样做了。

  • 发布于 2021-04-27 02:30
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  • 发布于 2021-04-28 11:51
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