什么是网络计算机?(a network computer?)



A network computer does not house any drives or disks of its own.


Tablets may be part of a computer network.






Network computers can be cheaper to run and maintain than multiple computers with hard drives posted in workstations.

  • 发表于 2021-12-11 12:29
  • 阅读 ( 115 )
  • 分类:互联网



... by entering a username and password, the FBI was authorized to deploy the Network Investigative Tool (NIT) which would send one or more communicati*** to the user's computer. Those communicati*** were designed to cause the receiving computer to deliver to a computer known to or controlled by the go...

  • 发布于 2021-03-21 11:46
  • 阅读 ( 366 )


...立一个网络服务器,你需要一台专门为这个目的而设计的计算机吗?或者你能使用一种更普通的计算机吗?今天的超级用户问答帖子回答了一位好奇的读者的问题。 今天的问答环节是由SuperUser提供的,SuperUser是Stack Exchange的一个...

  • 发布于 2021-04-08 03:56
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一个人在进入计算机世界时遇到的术语可能看起来很奇怪,有时会让你感到困惑,想知道这些术语是如何使用的,为什么使用。有鉴于此,今天的超级用户问答帖子给出了困惑读者问题的答案。 今天的问答环节是由SuperUser提供...

  • 发布于 2021-04-08 04:15
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...the-shelf home automation devices). I do not want to have them on the same network as my computers. My current solution is to plug my cable modem into a switch and connect two wireless routers to the switch. My computers connect to the first router while everything else connects to the second one. I...

  • 发布于 2021-04-08 18:58
  • 阅读 ( 179 )


...效: There is an argument within my office about how **art/efficient the network we have set up really is. We have a fiber line and a cable line running into a load balancing router, which has a hardware firewall and a 64 port switch connected to it. Each of our workstati*** are connected to the s...

  • 发布于 2021-04-09 16:22
  • 阅读 ( 169 )


...斯(Flickr)提供。 问题 超级用户读者AlainD想知道唤醒计算机的魔法包是什么: My wireless adapter (Intel Dual Band Wireless-N 7260) has two settings in Device Manager that I do not understand. Wake on Magic Packet Wake on Pattern Match After a bit of research, I found...

  • 发布于 2021-04-09 17:23
  • 阅读 ( 193 )


...的个人网络: Can my landlord access things on my personal router’s network because he controls the upstream connection? For example, the DLNA on my NAS, a public file share on my NAS, or the media server running on my laptop? Here is my configuration: I have my own router and connected to it...

  • 发布于 2021-04-11 02:54
  • 阅读 ( 289 )


...sses are needed. Surely all computers could just be connected to a unified network and use IP addresses to communicate? For example, there is the following mechani** in Ethernet: A computer with the IP address (X.1) wants to send a packet to the address (X.2). X.1 uses ARP t...

  • 发布于 2021-04-11 04:47
  • 阅读 ( 242 )


...ased filters on the host OS may be useless depending on how the virtual OS network is configured. Usually, the virtual OS is bridged with the host’s networking, meaning that all incoming traffic is duplicated and sent to the virtual OS so that it can see the same network traffic that the host OS d...

  • 发布于 2021-04-11 07:56
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...is a paradigm that extends Cloud computing and services to the edge of the network. Similar to Cloud, Fog provides data, compute, storage, and application services to end-users. The distinguishing Fog characteristics are its proximity to end-users, its dense geographical distribution, and its suppor...

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  • 阅读 ( 232 )

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