如何我的英语a-level成绩最好?(i get the best english language a-level results?)

To get the best English Language A-level results, a person should focus on their studies.



Being on good terms with your teacher will make him or her more likely to help you.







  • 发表于 2022-02-15 14:59
  • 阅读 ( 62 )
  • 分类:教育



...的大逆转,此前该国12.5万份业绩被下调。 在英国,A-levels是18岁左右学生参加的一系列考试。它们是大学毕业前的期末考试,对学生就读的院校有着巨大的影响。大学根据学生预期的A-level成绩提供录取通知书,通常情况下...

  • 发布于 2021-04-18 06:41
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什么是英语中的一个音节?(a syllable in the english language?)

音节是一个或多个字母,代表由单个不间断声音组成的口语单位。形容词:音节的。 音节由单个元音(如oh的发音)或元音和辅音的组合(如no和not)组成。 独立的音节称为单音节。包含两个或两个以上音节的单词称为多音...

  • 发布于 2021-09-08 01:07
  • 阅读 ( 356 )

如何你认为自己是英语专家?(you rate as an expert of the english language?)

...辞学家I.A.理查兹(I.A.Richards)是被称为基础英语(Basic English)的简化语言的支持者,他说,“即使词表如此之小,结构如此简单,也可以用基础英语说出日常生活所需的任何东西。”基础英语词典中有多少单词?(A)450(b)85...

  • 发布于 2021-09-14 06:26
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...s overwhelmed the native Britons is illustrated in their vocabulary... Old English (the name scholars give to the English of the Anglo-Saxons) contains barely a dozen Celtic words... It is impossible...to write a modern English sentence without using a feast of Anglo-Saxon words. Computer analysis o...

  • 发布于 2021-09-14 07:34
  • 阅读 ( 362 )


...quent example given as illustration of this kind of situation involves Old English and Old Norse, whereby Old Norse was brought to the British Isles through the heavy settlement of Danish Vikings in the Danelaw area during the 9th to 11th centuries. The result of this language contact is reflected ...

  • 发布于 2021-09-21 13:09
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什么是英语语法中的加强词?(intensifiers in english grammar?)

...ers are morphologically perhaps the most versatile category of adverbs in English. A glance at their history would appear to support the layering hypothesis. There are intensifiers that may be called fused forms, such as the suffixless very and compound somewhat, which both go back to Late Middle...

  • 发布于 2021-09-25 03:13
  • 阅读 ( 331 )

什么是英语中的省略?(elision in the english language?)

... govern which sounds may be elided and which may not. Elision of vowels in English usually happens when a short, unstressed vowel occurs between voiceless consonants, e.g. in the first syllable of perhaps, potato, the second syllable of bicycle, or the third syllable of philosophy." "It is very ...

  • 发布于 2021-10-01 10:33
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... area shares similar dialect features. However, . . . African American English is spoken primarily by Americans of African descent; its unique characteristics were due initially to settlement patterns as well but now persist due to the social isolation of African Americans and the historical dis...

  • 发布于 2021-10-07 07:39
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...尔格雷夫,1997年 英语作为通用语(elf) "The status of English is such that it has been adopted as the world's lingua franca for communication in Olympic sport, international trade, and air-traffic control. Unlike any other language, past or present, English has spread to all five...

  • 发布于 2021-10-08 21:21
  • 阅读 ( 233 )

如何我得到了最好的物理学A-level成绩?(i get the best physics a-level results?)

... 为了获得最好的物理学高级水平,即A-level成绩,必须花时间复习重要的科目,包括尝试任何可用的样本问题。了解基本的数学原理,如重新排列方程,也很重要。复习物理学A级考试的最好方法之一是通过以...

  • 发布于 2022-02-14 13:33
  • 阅读 ( 74 )