


Hello written in different languages on a blackboard


“语言接触是语言变化的一个主要因素,”斯蒂芬·格拉姆利(Stephan Gramley)指出,他是英语方面的多本书的作者。“与其他语言和一种语言的其他方言变体的接触是另一种发音、语法结构和词汇的来源。”长期的语言接触通常会导致双语或多语。

Uriel Weinreich(“接触中的语言”,1953年)和Einar Haugen(“美国的挪威语言”,1953年)通常被视为语言接触研究的先驱。Weinreich首先指出,学习第二语言的人认为第一语言和第二语言的语言形式是平等的。







在法国,英语术语“云计算”已经开始普遍使用,尽管人们努力让讲法语的人采用“informatique en nuage”


"[W]hat counts as language contact? The mere juxtaposition of two speakers of different languages, or two texts in different languages, is too trivial to count: unless the speakers or the texts interact in some way, there can be no transfer of linguistic features in either direction. Only when there is some interaction does the possibility of a contact explanation for synchronic variation or diachronic change arise. Throughout human history, most language contacts have been face to face, and most often the people involved have a nontrivial degree of fluency in both languages. There are other possibilities, especially in the modern world with novel means of worldwide travel and mass communication: many contacts now occur through written language only. ... "[L]anguage contact is the norm, not the exception. We would have a right to be astonished if we found any language whose speakers had successfully avoided contacts with all other languages for periods longer than one or two hundred years." —Sarah Thomason, "Contact Explanations in Linguistics." "The Handbook of Language Contact," ed. by Raymond Hickey. Wiley-Blackwell, 2013 "Minimally, in order to have something that we would recognize as 'language contact,' people must learn at least some part of two or more distinct linguistic codes. And, in practice, 'language contact' is really only acknowledged when one code becomes more similar to another code as a result of that interaction." —Danny Law, "Language Contact, Inherited Similarity and Social Difference." John Benjamins, 2014) 


"Language contact is not, of course, a homogeneous phenomenon. Contact may occur between languages which are genetically related or unrelated, speakers may have similar or vastly different social structures, and patterns of multilingualism may also vary greatly. In some cases the entire community speaks more than one variety, while in other cases only a subset of the population is multilingual. Lingualism and lectalism may vary by age, by ethnicity, by gender, by social class, by education level, or by one or more of a number of other factors. In some communities there are few constraints on the situations in which more than one language can be used, while in others there is heavy diglossia, and each language is confined to a particular type of social interaction. ... "While there a great number of different language contact situations, a few come up frequently in areas where linguists do fieldwork. One is dialect contact, for example between standard varieties of a language and regional varieties (e.g., in France or the Arab world). ... "A further type of language contact involves exogamous communities where more than one language might be used within the community because its members come from different areas. ... The converse of such communities where exogamy leads to multilingualism is an endoterogenous community which maintains its own language for the purpose of excluding outsiders. ... "Finally, fieldworkers particularly often work in endangered language communities where language shift is in progress." —Claire Bowern, "Fieldwork in Contact Situations." "The Handbook of Language Contact," ed. by Raymond Hickey. Wiley-Blackwell, 2013


"Manifestations of language contact are found in a great variety of domains, including language acquisition, language processing and production, conversation and discourse, social functions of language and language policy, typology and language change, and more. ... "[T]he study of language contact is of value toward an understanding of the inner functions and the inner structure of 'grammar' and the language faculty itself." —Yaron Matras, "Language Contact." Cambridge University Press, 2009 "A very naive view of language contact would probably hold that speakers take bundles of formal and functional properties, semiotic signs so to speak, from the relevant contact language and insert them into their own language. To be sure, this view is much too simplistic and not seriously maintained any longer. A probably more realistic view held in language contact research is that whatever kind of material is transferred in a situation of language contact, this material necessarily experiences some sort of modification through contact." —Peter Siemund, "Language Contact: Constraints and Common Paths of Contact-Induced Language Change." "Language Contact and Contact Languages," ed. by Peter Siemund and Noemi Kintana. John Benjamins, 2008


"[T]he transfer of grammatical meanings and structures across languages is regular, and ... it is shaped by universal processes of grammatical change. Using data from a wide range of languages we ... argue that this transfer is essentially in accordance with principles of grammaticalization, and that these principles are the same irrespective of whether or not language contact is involved, and of whether it concerns unilateral or multilateral transfer. ... "[W]hen embarking on the work leading to this book we were assuming that grammatical change taking place as a result of language contact is fundamentally different from purely language-internal change. With regard to replication, which is the central theme of the present work, this assumption turned out to be unfounded: there is no decisive difference between the two. Language contact can and frequently does trigger or influence the development of grammar in a number of ways; overall, however, the same kind of processes and directionality can be observed in both. Still, there is reason to assume that language contact in general and grammatical replication in particular may accelerate grammatical change . ..." —Bernd Heine and Tania Kuteva, "Language Contact and Grammatical Change." Cambridge University Press, 2005


"Contact-induced grammaticalization is part of contact-induced grammatical change, and in the literature of the latter it has been repeatedly pointed out that language contact often brings about loss of grammatical categories. A frequent example given as illustration of this kind of situation involves Old English and Old Norse, whereby Old Norse was brought to the British Isles through the heavy settlement of Danish Vikings in the Danelaw area during the 9th to 11th centuries. The result of this language contact is reflected in the linguistic system of Middle English, one of the characteristics of which is the absence of grammatical gender. In this particular language contact situation, there seems to have been an additional factor leading to the loss, namely, the genetic closeness and—accordingly—the urge to diminish the 'functional overload' of speakers bilingual in Old English and Old Norse. "Thus a 'functional overload' explanation seems to be a plausible way to account for what we observe in Middle English, that is, after Old English and Old Norse had come into contact: gender assignment often diverged in Old English and Old Norse, which would have readily led to the elimination of it in order to avoid confusion and to lessen the strain of learning the other contrastive system." —Tania Kuteva and Bernd Heine, "An Integrative Model of Grammaticalization." "Grammatical Replication and Borrowability in Language Contact," ed. by Björn Wiemer, Bernhard Wälchli, and Björn Hansen. Walter de Gruyter, 2012


  • 格雷姆利,斯蒂芬。《英语史:导论》,劳特利奇,2012年,纽约。
  • 美国语言学会。

  • 发表于 2021-09-21 13:09
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  • 分类:语言



在语言学中,美国化是指美国英语独特的词汇和语法形式对英语其他变体的影响。也被称为语言美国化。 正如Leech和Smith*在下文中所观察到的,“如果‘美国化’一词被认为意味着AmE对BrE的直接影响,则应谨慎对待”(2009年...

  • 发布于 2021-09-06 00:55
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...上,它可能是所有声音象征的基础。” 声音象征现象是语言研究中一个极具争议的话题。与任意性形成对比。 声音象征的声音 “这是一个实验。你在一艘接近行星的宇宙飞船上。有人告诉你飞船上有两个种族,一个是美丽...

  • 发布于 2021-09-09 10:25
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语言接触是不同语言(或同一语言的不同方言)的说话者之间相互作用,导致语言特征转移的社会和语言现象。 历史 “语言接触是语言变化的一个主要因素,”斯蒂芬·格拉姆利(Stephan Gramley)指出,他是英语方面的多本...

  • 发布于 2021-09-21 13:09
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在语言学中,方言均衡是指在一段时间内减少或消除方言之间的显著差异。 当不同方言的说话者长时间接触时,方言水平会发生变化。与普遍的看法相反,没有证据表明大众媒体是造成方言水平下降的重要原因。事实上,《...

  • 发布于 2021-09-21 16:39
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语系是一组源自共同祖先或“父母”的语言 据说,在语音、词法和句法方面具有大量共同特征的语言属于同一语系。语系的分支称为“分支” 英语与欧洲大多数其他主要语言一样,属于印欧语系。 全世界语言家族的数...

  • 发布于 2021-09-22 15:11
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在社会语言学中,acrolect是一种克里奥尔语变体,由于其语法结构并没有明显偏离标准语言变体的语法结构,因此往往受到尊重。形容词:顶选。 与basilect形成对比的是,basilect是一种与标准变体截然不同的语言变体。介观选...

  • 发布于 2021-09-22 17:42
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转换语法是一种通过语言转换和短语结构来解释语言结构的语法理论。也被称为转换生成语法或T-G或TGG。 继1957年诺姆·乔姆斯基(Noam Chomsky)的《句法结构》一书出版后,转换语法在接下来的几十年里占据了语言学领域的主...

  • 发布于 2021-09-23 02:44
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...”一词可定义为: 将原文或“源”文本转换成另一种语言文本的过程。 文本的翻译版本。 将文本翻译成另一种语言的个人或计算机程序称为翻译器。与翻译作品相关的学科称为翻译研究。词源来自拉丁语,翻译为“跨越...

  • 发布于 2021-09-23 15:14
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...B.Pierrehumbert,“概率音位学:辨别力和稳健性”,《概率语言学》,由Rens Bod、Jennifer Hay和Stefanie Jannedy主编。麻省理工学院出版社,2003年) 语素和音节 “一定不要把语素和音节混淆起来;密西西比有不止一个音节,但只是...

  • 发布于 2021-09-24 21:54
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  • 发布于 2021-09-25 02:35
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