如何画吉他(draw guitars)



  1. 1切掉电吉他的V形琴身。
  2. Image titled Draw Guitars Step 1
  3. 2根据颈部和头部区域的形状进行分类。
  4. Image titled Draw Guitars Step 2
  5. 3切记吉他的其他细节和部分。
  6. Image titled Draw Guitars Step 3
  7. 4如果需要,绘制贴花和装饰。
  8. Image titled Draw Guitars Step 4
  9. 5.使用较小的绘图工具优化艺术品。
  10. Image titled Draw Guitars Step 5
  11. 6在草图上画出轮廓。
  12. Image titled Draw Guitars Step 6
  13. 7移除草图标记并添加颜色。
  14. Image titled Draw Guitars Step 7


  1. 1切掉弹吉他的人的线框。
  2. Image titled Draw Guitars Step 8
  3. 2.画出身体和吉他的基本形状。
  4. Image titled Draw Guitars Step 9
  5. 3.为面部、衣服和吉他添加更多细节。
  6. Image titled Draw Guitars Step 10
  7. 4使用较小的绘图工具细化草图。
  8. Image titled Draw Guitars Step 11
  9. 5在草图上画出轮廓。
  10. Image titled Draw Guitars Step 12
  11. 6清除并移除草图标记。
  12. Image titled Draw Guitars Step 13
  13. 7.添加颜色。
  14. Image titled Draw Guitars Step 14


  1. 1在页面中间画一个梨形。这将是吉他的主体。
  2. Image titled Draw Guitars Step 2
  3. 2在身体顶部画一个细长的椭圆形。
  4. Image titled Draw Guitars Step 3
  5. 3在长椭圆形的上端画一个小椭圆形,在下端画一个小圆圈。
  6. Image titled Draw Guitars Step 4
  7. 4概述吉他的形状。添加字符串等细节。
  8. Image titled Draw Guitars Step 5
  9. 5仔细擦除草图线,使轮廓更坚固。
  10. Image titled Draw Guitars Step 6
  11. 6增加颜色!请按照图示参考或选择颜色。
  12. Image titled Draw Guitars Step 7


  1. 1在页面中间画一个梨形。这将是吉他的主体。
  2. Image titled Draw Guitars Step 8
  3. 在身体顶部画一个细长的椭圆形。
  4. Image titled Draw Guitars Step 9
  5. 3在长椭圆形的上端画另一个梨形,但较小。
  6. Image titled Draw Guitars Step 10
  7. 4概述吉他的形状。添加字符串和按钮等细节。
  8. Image titled Draw Guitars Step 11
  9. 5仔细擦除草图线,使轮廓更坚固。
  10. Image titled Draw Guitars Step 12
  11. 6增加颜色!按照图示进行操作,以供参考,或者让它尽可能酷。
  12. Image titled Draw Guitars Step 13
  • 发表于 2022-03-24 03:01
  • 阅读 ( 54 )
  • 分类:生活方式


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