
据报道,三星在上周末又有几款手机自焚后,暂停了Galaxy Note 7的生产——这些手机本身就是召回原一批缺陷手机的替代品。可以肯定地说,整个局势是一场灾难;正如Verge的Jordan Golson所说,note7“是一个根本缺陷产品,应该毫不拖延地从市场上撤出。”...

据报道,三星在上周末又有几款****后,暂停了Galaxy Note 7的生产——这些**本身就是召回原一批缺陷**的替代品。可以肯定地说,整个局势是一场灾难;正如Verge的Jordan Golson所说,note7“是一个根本缺陷产品,应该毫不拖延地从市场上撤出。”


而不得不加紧处理Note 7问题的是运营商——三星本身对这一问题一直保持着令人震惊的沉默,而且根本没有向客户清楚地说明实际问题的过程或范围。看看这封电子邮件,一家大型科技公司的高级管理人员正试图替换他的笔记7:

Sent: Thursday, September 15, 2016 6:20 PM



Subject: Return for refund

I called in about a week ago to return my Note7 for refund, and was told I would get an email with return/refund instructi***. I have not yet. My order number is XXXXXXX. Please followup with how to get refunded for this recalled product.

Sent: Tuesday, September 20, 2016 5:50 PM


Subject: Re: EMAIL FORM

Hi there, its been a few more days and I still have not seen anything. I can just send it in myself. What address should I mail it in to? What should I include in the package for a refund?


Date: Sat, Oct 8, 2016 at 7:21 AM

Subject: Re: EMAIL FORM


At this time you may have received the information for the new system they have in place. If you have not yet, I am supplying the link below to the site. There are some minor issues and errors with it, but it is a massive step in the right direction to get this effectively solved for the customers.

One of the issues happening is that customers are receiving emails with their email address, but a different order number. If this happens, please refer to your original confirmation order number to attempt the sign up, and this should solve that issue. Customers were finding when they tried the original number, it matched the email and the order would go through correctly.

This new program is being headed up by a company that specializes in recalls. Through the web page you set up your exchange or refund, and have the option to ship the phone (they mail you the special packaging to send the phone back in), or you can arrange for an agent of this company to come to your home and pick up the phone directly. This does not apply in some areas as they do not have agents stationed in some of the more rural areas. In that case the packaging will be sent if the agents are not available to your area. It is also an "advanced" exchange. We basically will ship you the phone and the packaging independently of each other, but from when you place the exchange order. So if you choose to exchange, they will begin processing both items to go out. You will not receive them together, they may arrive at different times, but you will not have to return the old phone before they begin to process the new phone. If you opt for a refund instead, it will be just as previous refunds were. Once the item is returned, they will process your refund.

As this is going to another company, when these exchanges are submitted, we cannot check the status of them for you until they submit you an order number for the new phone or tracking information. We have limited information on a lot of the process at this time. I hope this information is helpful and resolves the issues soon.



  • 发表于 2021-05-08 03:46
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三星正在扼杀galaxy note 7

三星正在执行其最终解决方案,以结束Galaxy Note 7的传奇。计划是在12月19日杀掉所有遗留在野外的Galaxy Note 7设备,实现这一目标所需的只是一个简单的软件更新。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-16 14:45
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前galaxy note 7的拥有者可以在note 8上获得很多优惠

Galaxy Note 7(不,不管品牌经理给我发了多少封电子邮件,我都不会叫它“Note7”)对三星来说是个灾难。一年前,那些为这款旗舰**花了一千美元的粉丝们得知,他们的顶级小玩意很有可能从口袋里溶化出来,感到很沮丧。说得...

  • 发布于 2021-04-07 07:45
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三星galaxy note 7 8月19日抵达,配有弧形显示屏、虹膜扫描仪

三星今天正式推出Galaxy Note 7,这是三星旗下配备触笔的旗舰智能**系列的最新产品。note7不叫note6,它将去年note5的许多特点与今年出色的S7 Edge的设计和防水性能融为一体。Note 7将于8月19日在所有四大运营商上市,预购将于8月3日...

  • 发布于 2021-05-06 17:50
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据报道,三星将在全球范围内召回galaxy note 7

据韩国联合通讯社报道,三星准备在全球范围内大规模召回其全新Galaxy Note 7智能**。《韩国先驱报》早些时候也报道说,三星正在“考虑”召回。三星正在调查有关Note7电池在充电时爆炸的报道,此举将直接导致这一前所未有的...

  • 发布于 2021-05-07 10:54
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三星最早将于下周更换美国galaxy note 7设备

继今天宣布在全球范围内召回Galaxy Note 7智能**之后,三星就如何为美国客户交换设备发表了官方声明。美国运营商已经停止销售,并为已经购买了该设备的客户提供退款的途径。现在,三星宣布了自己的交换计划,最快将在下周...

  • 发布于 2021-05-07 11:19
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当三星在全球召回时,每个人都还在使用galaxy note 7

在三星因爆炸风险召回Galaxy Note 7近两周后,该设备的用户仍在频繁使用。这是来自移动分析公司Apteligent的数据,该公司声称“自召回之日起,**在现有用户中的使用率几乎完全相同。”

  • 发布于 2021-05-07 17:54
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经过数周的调查,美国消费品安全委员会今天宣布与三星联手正式召回Galaxy Note 7。此举概述了**电池爆炸的问题,并为消费者提供了退货或更换**的途径。这一消息应该让三星的客户松了一口气,他们中的许多人一直在努力解决...

  • 发布于 2021-05-07 18:11
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...人们交换有缺陷的Note 7,包括向选择使用Note 7的客户发送电子邮件和提醒。它还将与运营商合作,联系需要更换设备的客户。
 当然,一旦Note 7的客户将他们的设备换成了另...

  • 发布于 2021-05-07 18:15
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三星爆炸的Galaxy Note 7迟早会引起诉讼,今天在佛罗里达州提出了第一宗诉讼。据路透社报道,三星正在被一名男子起诉,他说,一张7号纸条在裤子口袋里爆炸,导致他去取纸条时腿部二度烧伤,拇指烧伤。

  • 发布于 2021-05-07 18:36
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三星Galaxy Note 7的生产出现故障,导致全球召回250万台设备,原因可能是该公司急于超越苹果。据彭博社援引“知情人士”的话报道,三星高管今年早些时候听说,新款iPhone将只是一个增量更新,没有重大的新功能。随后,高管...

  • 发布于 2021-05-07 18:49
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