

This diagram of the hydrogen atom depicts the electron shell of hydrogen.A neutral atom has the same number of protons, neutrons, and electrons.

This diagram of a helium atom shows the electron shell of helium.

This diagram of a lithium atom indicates its electron shell.


This diagram shows the electron configuration of a beryllium atom.

This diagram of a boron atom indicates the electron shell of boron.

This diagram shows the electron shell of a carbon atom.

This diagram shows the electron shell of a nitrogen atom.


This diagram of an oxygen atom shows the electron shell.

This diagram shows the electron shell of a fluorine atom.


This diagram shows the electron shell of the neon atom.

This diagram shows the electron shell configuration for the sodium atom.

This diagram shows the electron shell configuration of a magnesium atom.

This diagram shows the electron shell configuration for an atom of the element aluminium.

This diagram shows the electron shell configuration of a silicon atom.

This diagram shows the electron shell configuration of a phosphorus atom.


This diagram indicates the electron shell configuration of a sulfur atom.

This diagram shows the electron shell configuration of a chlorine atom.

This diagram shows the electron shell configuration of an argon atom.

This diagram shows the electron shell configuration of a potassium atom.

This diagram of a calcium atom shows the electron shell.

This diagram of a scandium atom shows the electron shell.

This diagram of a titanium atom shows the electron shell.

This diagram of a vanadium atom shows the electron shell.

This diagram of a chromium atom shows the electron shell.

This diagram of a manganese atom shows the electron shell.

This diagram of an iron atom shows the electron shell.

This diagram of a cobalt atom shows the electron shell.

This diagram of a nickel atom shows the electron shell.

This diagram of a copper atom shows the electron shell.

This diagram of a zinc atom shows the electron shell.

This diagram of a gallium atom shows the electron shell.

This diagram of a germanium atom shows the electron shell.

This diagram of an arsenic atom shows the electron shell.

This diagram of a selenium atom shows the electron shell.

This diagram of a bromine atom shows the electron shell.

This diagram of a krypton atom shows the electron shell.

This diagram of a rubidium atom shows the electron shell.

This diagram of a strontium atom shows the electron shell.

This diagram of a yttrium atom shows the electron shell.

This diagram of a zirconium atom shows the electron shell.

This diagram of a niobium atom shows the electron shell.

This diagram of a molybdenum atom shows the electron shell.

This diagram of a technetium atom shows the electron shell.

This diagram of a ruthenium atom shows the electron shell.

This diagram of a rhodium atom shows the electron shell.

This diagram of a palladium atom shows the electron shell.

This diagram of a silver atom shows the electron shell.

This diagram of a cadmium atom shows the electron shell.

This diagram of an indium atom shows the electron shell.

This diagram of a tin atom shows the electron shell.

This diagram of an antimony atom shows the electron shell.

This diagram of a tellurium atom shows the electron shell.

This diagram of an iodine atom shows the electron shell.


This diagram of a xenon atom shows the electron shell.

This diagram of a caesium atom shows the electron shell.


This diagram of a barium atom shows the electron shell.

This diagram of a lanthanum atom shows the electron shell.

This diagram of a cerium atom shows the electron shell.

This diagram of a praseodymium atom shows the electron shell.

This diagram of a neodymium atom shows the electron shell.

This diagram of a promethium atom shows the electron shell.

This diagram of a samarium atom shows the electron shell.

This diagram of an europium atom shows the electron shell.

This diagram of a gadolinium atom shows the electron shell.

This diagram of a terbium atom shows the electron shell.

This diagram of a dysprosium atom shows the electron shell.

This diagram of a holmium atom shows the electron shell.

This diagram of a erbium atom shows the electron shell.

This diagram of a thulium atom shows the electron shell.

This diagram of a ytterbium atom shows the electron shell.

This diagram of a lutetium atom shows the electron shell.

This diagram of a hafnium atom shows the electron shell.

This diagram of a tantalum atom shows the electron shell.

This diagram of a tungsten atom shows the electron shell.

This diagram of a rhenium atom shows the electron shell.

This diagram of an osmium atom shows the electron shell.

This diagram of an iridium atom shows the electron shell.


This diagram of a platinum atom shows the electron shell.

This diagram of a gold atom shows the electron shell.


This diagram of a mercury atom shows the electron shell.

This diagram of a thallium atom shows the electron shell.


This diagram of a lead atom shows the electron shell.

This diagram of a bismuth atom shows the electron shell.

This diagram of a polonium atom shows the electron shell.


This diagram of an astatine atom shows the electron shell.

This diagram of a radon atom shows the electron shell.


This diagram of a francium atom shows the electron shell.

Electron shell diagram for radium.

This diagram of an actinium atom shows the electron shell.

This diagram of a thorium atom shows the electron shell.


This diagram of a protactinium atom shows the electron shell.

This diagram of a uranium atom shows the electron shell.

Electron shell diagram of neptunium.

This diagram of a plutonium atom shows the electron shell.
  • 发表于 2021-09-11 02:16
  • 阅读 ( 354 )
  • 分类:化学


价壳(valence shell)和倒数第二壳(penultimate shell)的区别

...与另一个原子的价电子共用,就会形成共价键。 对于s块元素和p块元素,价壳层分别是s轨道和p轨道。但对于过渡元素,价电子也可以存在于内轨道中。这是由于子轨道之间的能量差。例如,锰的原子序数是25。钴的电子构型为[A...

  • 发布于 2020-09-26 17:01
  • 阅读 ( 896 )


链结和四价的关键区别在于,链结包括同一化学元素的原子结合形成链状或环状结构,而四价是指形成四个共价键的能力。 由于化学元素碳的特性,它和化学元素碳同时使用链式和四价。碳可以通过共价键与许多碳原子结合...

  • 发布于 2020-09-27 17:55
  • 阅读 ( 257 )

路易斯点符号(lewis dot symbol)和刘易斯结构(lewis structure)的区别

... symbol)? 一个点代表一个电子符号。因此,如果我们需要显示分子中的化学键,那么我们需要使用两个电子作为一对,因为当来自两个不同原子的两个电子彼此配对时,就会形成化学键。此外,我们必须用一对点来表示一对单独...

  • 发布于 2020-10-13 17:57
  • 阅读 ( 1635 )

轨道图(orbital diagram)和电子组态(electron configuration)的区别

...用箭头表示电子,表示电子的自旋。但是,电子组态没有显示电子自旋的细节。 轨道图显示了由电子组态给出的电子排列。电子组态给出了电子在整个原子轨道上分布的细节。但是,轨道图也显示了电子的自旋。这就是轨道图...

  • 发布于 2020-10-14 00:32
  • 阅读 ( 767 )

氧化值(oxidation number)和指控(charge)的区别

...数,而电荷是根据原子中电子和质子的总数来确定的。 元素周期表中的不同元素表现出不同的化学和物理特性。当它们结合形成分子时,不同的元素以不同的比例与其他元素结合。在元素之间的大量变化中,最简单和重要的参...

  • 发布于 2020-10-15 23:21
  • 阅读 ( 408 )


...子的化学物种,而价是一个化学概念,它描述了一种化学元素与另一种化学元素结合的能力。 自由基是一种非常活泼的化学物质,因为它有一个不成对的电子。价是一种元素的结合力,特别是用它能置换或结合的氢原子数来衡...

  • 发布于 2020-10-17 02:38
  • 阅读 ( 431 )

sp3d2型(sp3d2)和d2sp3杂交(d2sp3 hybridization)的区别

...轨道在八面体排列的两个轨道之间有90度角。八面体排列显示了一个正方形平面,其中有四个杂化轨道,其余两个轨道位于该方形平面的上方和下方(垂直于该平面)。 例子 让我们考虑一个例子来理解sp3d2杂交。例:SF6分子具有...

  • 发布于 2020-10-19 13:51
  • 阅读 ( 750 )


...外,钙的原子序数是20,而镁的原子序数是12。 钙和镁是元素周期表第2组中的两种化学元素。虽然它们在同一组中,但它们处于周期表的不同时期,因为钙比镁多了一个电子壳层。因此,它们具有不同的化学和物理性质。 目录 1...

  • 发布于 2020-10-22 08:34
  • 阅读 ( 695 )


价态与电荷的关键区别在于,价态表示一种化学元素与另一种化学元素结合的能力,而电荷则表示一种化学元素获得或移除的电子数。 价和电荷是密切相关的术语,因为这两个术语都描述了化学元素的反应性。价是一种元素...

  • 发布于 2020-10-23 02:08
  • 阅读 ( 379 )

共价性(covalency)和氧化态(oxidation state)的区别

...么获得/释放电子,要么共享电子以填充电子壳层。下表显示了具有不同共价值的化学元素的一些示例。 什么是氧化态(oxidation state)? 一个原子的氧化态是该原子与另一个原子失去、获得或共享的电子数。如果电子丢失或获得,...

  • 发布于 2020-10-24 02:21
  • 阅读 ( 327 )

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