
Illustration for article titled If You Can't Update Windows 10, Blame Your Realtek Drivers


據Bleeping Computer稱,由於舊版本的Realtek驅動程式導致新版本作業系統上的裝置連接出現問題,Microsoft已刪除一個阻止您升級到此版本,甚至Windows 10版本1903和1809的塊。

Illustration for article titled If You Can't Update Windows 10, Blame Your Realtek Drivers

不管這個問題是什麼,它已經被更新版本的Realtek驅動程式修複了。從理論上講,您應該能夠透過Windows update本身1.5.1012或更高版本(也就是說)更新到這些檔案的最新版本。開啟“裝置管理器”,展開“藍芽”部分,右鍵單擊並選擇“屬性”,然後單擊“驅動程式”選項卡,可以檢視正在執行的內容:

Not Realtek, obviously—just an example!

如果您執行的是較舊的驅動程式,並且Windows update沒有更新可用,則可以嘗試手動安裝Realtek的藍芽驅動程式。這看起來是一個非常複雜的過程,但你會沒事的。正如Microsoft所描述的:

  1. Download both of the Realtek Bluetooth radio drivers to your preferred folder: Driver 1, Driver 2. Note We recommend downloading them to your Documents folder.
  2. Open File Explorer. If there is no file explorer icon in the task bar, select the search box and enter file explorer and select it.
  3. Within File Explorer, go the the Documents folder or the folder you downloaded the drivers to.
  4. Find and double click or double tap on the file named 068de0d6-6ac2-473a-8cbd-bd449cd5c97c_942eec5828662eecc6b98cc2706658bf2433717c.cab
  5. Select CTRL+a on the keyboard. This should select all of the files
  6. Right click or long press on any of the files and select Extract.
  7. Select the New folder button and rename it Realtek Bluetooth.
  8. Select the Extract button.
  9. In File Explorer, select the back button to go to the location you downloaded the drivers into.
  10. Find and double click or double tap on the file named f2748416-7753-49c6-9185-56f4986f490b_e98e0d664b7e874011b8e3752046ca61f3475295.cab
  11. Select CTRL+a on the keyboard. This should select all of the files
  12. Right click or long press on any of the files and select Extract.
  13. If you are in the folder named Realtek Bluetooth, then select the New folder button and type Realtek Bluetooth 2.
  14. Select the Extract button.
  15. In the search box on the taskbar, enter device manager, then select Device Manager.
  16. Find Bluetooth and expand it.
  17. Find the Realtek device and right-click or long press on it.
  18. Select Update Driver from the context menu.
  19. Select the Browse my computer for driver software button.
  20. It should default to your Documents folder, if this is where you saved the drivers then just select the Next button. If you did not save the drivers to your Documents folder, select the Browse button and find the folder you downloaded the drivers to and select OK.
  21. It should now find the updated drivers and install them. Wait for this to complete and select Close.


  • 發表於 2021-05-13 10:17
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  • 分類:電腦


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