





Add a new option to your podcast rotation

I just blew through the first nine episodes of Mission to Zyxx, an improvised sci-fi comedy. It combines the flavors of Star Wars and Star Trek without stooping to parody. The sound design is meticulous, and little outtakes at the end reveal details about their recording process.

nick douglas, staff writer


Keep your hands from freezing while typing

My home gets unusually cold in the fall and winter (colder than you’d think for Southern California), and it makes it hard to type because my fingers are frozen. So, I bought some fingerless compression gloves. They keep my hands warm and are very comfortable.

patrick allan, staff writer


Switch to grayscale and put down your phone

I turned my phone screen to grayscale to combat phone addiction! It’s been, like, five days. My phone is really boring now so I guess it’s working. I’ll open Instagram and think, “Ugh, what’s the point?” Today, after clicking on a link to the Nordstrom Rack sale, I started scrolling through the pages of gray, and thought, “Why am I doing this?!” I spent zero dollars. So, win? Even with grayscale, it’s very possible to spend too much time on your phone (you don’t need color to read mindless tweets and Facebook updates), but I do think it’s helping me be more mindful of how much we subc***ciously get sucked in. I think I’ll stick with gray for a little while longer.

michelle woo, parenting editor


Sleep easier with white noise

My mom sent me a white noise maker to help me rest during this hectic holiday season and it is EXTREMELY helpful. It just makes noise by moving air around, so it’s not like an audio recording, which can have a detectable pattern and wake me up—if that makes any sense.

claire lower, food & beverage editor


Create a digital recipe box

For years, my system for keeping track of recipes has been a disaster; a mess of cookbooks with tattered post-its, various emails to myself, multiple Google docs with a bunch of links dumped into them, probably some recipes I saved in the New York Times digital recipe box thingy... you get the idea. I don’t know why I’d put it off for so long, but this week I finally shelled out the $4.99 for Paprika, and it’s already a game changer. In particular, it’s nice to have recipes auto-formatted and saved in one place, so I’m not c***tantly Googling “Martha Stewart French Lentil Salad” on bad wifi while I’m at the grocery store, frantic that I’m forgetting some key ingredient. Once I have it set up more, I’m also excited to use custom categories (“work lunch,” “recipes to try,” “dressings,” etc.) to make things as easy and searchable as possible.

virginia k. **ith, managing editor


Pack a portable clean-up kit

I like to try to dress reasonably well for the office, mostly to trick people into thinking I care about my appearance. Unfortunately, accidents happen all the time in offices, accidents involving getting detritus on your pants while you crawl under tables to unplug power cables, or getting food stuck in your beard. So I built myself a mini clean-up kit. Inside my tiny dopp kit is a brush and pick for my beard, a Tide To-Go pen, an extra **all lint roller, a pack of breath mints, and a USB drive. It’s compact, fits in my backpack, and helps me uphold the illusion I’m a productive member of society.

patrick austin, staff writer


Purge your content clutter

We’re pretty far off from spring cleaning time, but as the end of the year approaches, I decided to do a fall content purge. I went through my phone and deleted podcast episodes (and even a few entire podcasts), finally threw out those July New Yorker issues I’d dog-eared, and even clicked X on my many open tabs. It wasn’t easy, but the relief I’m feeling now was totally worth it.

caitlin schneider, social editor

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...約的新法案阻止其組織調查冰區目標。特朗普在本週早些時候發表的國情諮文中譴責了紐約的移民政策。 “就在29天前,一名被紐約聖城釋放的犯罪外僑被控野蠻**和謀殺一名92歲的婦女,” 特朗普說。”凶手此前曾因襲擊罪被...

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... Facebook在紐約有一個辦公室已經有一年了,那天早些時候,我和新上任的紐約工程運營主管塞爾坎·皮亞蒂諾(Serkan Piantino,如圖)繞了10圈。或者可能是12圈。皮亞蒂諾邊走邊思考,在我們巡視時,他不理會同事奇怪的目光...

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 Dear XXXX,
 Thank you for your recent Apple Store purchase.
 Your iPhone 6s 64GB Rose Gold is scheduled for delivery on Friday, September 25th. However, due to traffic rest...

  • 發佈於 2021-05-01 11:09
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...人開始思考優步是否有興趣涉足公共交通業務。今年早些時候,執行長特拉維斯·卡蘭尼克(Travis Kalanick)談到了“永久”旅行的概念,接送的方式是同步的,這樣司機的車就永遠不會空無一人。

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從2019年開始,紐約曼哈頓和布魯克林之間的L型列車將完全停運18個月,以修複颶風桑迪造成的大面積破壞。這是美國最大的地鐵系統歷史上最長、最痛苦的服務中斷。 據估計,每天有22.5萬人乘坐L型列車往返於曼哈...

  • 發佈於 2021-05-06 15:44
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...安德魯·庫莫(Andrew Cuomo)上週說:“這將更好地把忙碌的紐約人聯絡起來,並以我們的願景為基礎,重新規劃這個國家未來最繁忙的交通網路。” 該專案是MTA和Transit Wireless 27年合作專案的一部分,合作專案耗資3億美元,其中...

  • 發佈於 2021-05-09 09:36
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