





Put your work lunch on auto-pilot

My upgrade is the lunch-order service MealPal again. A few weeks ago, I got frustrated that it was running my life, so I unsubscribed. I immediately went back to my bad habit of delaying lunch until 3 to write *one more blog post*, or skipping lunch altogether. It turns out that by forcing me to go pick up food at a specific time, MealPal keeps me on schedule.

Nick Douglas, staff writer


Counteract fear with mindfulness meditation

I usually struggle with meditation, but I found one guided practice that really speaks to me: Tara Brach’s meditation for FOF (fear of failure) and FOMO, two common fears that Brach, a clinical psychologist, says “can block us from our full potential.” I loved hearing what she had to say about the urge to “have to do something to be complete.” Anyone else feel that, too? The meditation comes in the last six minutes of the episode.

michell woo, parenting editor


Prop your iPad for easy reading

My weekend mornings start early, and begin with a hot cortado paired with a brisk walk around the block, pooch in tow. When I head back home, I plop down on the couch to enjoy some vintage anime on my iPad while my partner sips her morning coffee with She-Ra on the telly (it’s aged beautifully). Of course, holding an iPad for close to an hour gets tiring, and I’m not really a fan of setting its display so close to my eyes, especially since I wear glasses. I’ve since ditched the dead weight (the tablet, silly) and attached my iPad to what I’ll describe as my third arm. I purchased a tablet mount with a flexible arm, which fits snugly onto my coffee table. It’s easily removable, preserving my apartment’s cozy aesthetic during the workweek, and supports my iPad’s weight at a variety of positi***. I can sit back on the couch and enjoy the view without needing to hold it in my hand. It also makes FaceTime calls a breeze since I don’t have to worry about camera angles.

patrick austin, staff writer


Upgrade to superhero jammies

My upgrade this week was stealing my boyfriend’s Batman onesie pajamas. They are warm, they are cozy, and—since they are all one piece—they do not slide around or fall down even a little.

claire lower, food & beverage editor


Work an extra walk into your day

I have started taking a walk around the block every morning. I live in the suburbs and work from home, so I never _need_ to walk anywhere. I try to schedule in exercise, but sometimes I’m busy and feel like I can’t fit it in. The beauty of the walk around the block is so simple I feel silly for not thinking of it earlier: It takes me eight minutes. That’s nothing. And if I need to clear my head mid-morning, or at lunchtime, I can do it again.

beth skwarecki, health editor


Take your ramen extra spicy

I was introduced to this spicy ramen and it’s fantastic. Perfect for spicy food lovers and instant ramen fans alike!

patrick allan, staff writer


Take advantage of movie season on the cheap

We wrote about MoviePass when it launched its crazy $10/month unlimited deal back in August, but I only just bothered to sign up this week. I’m still waiting on my card, but am already plotting all the movies I want to go to, especially as awards-bait season heats up. It’s not practical to use at some of the **aller Brooklyn theaters I usually go to, but it’s perfect for hitting the theater solo after work in Manhattan. And since tickets here are generally around $15/pop, if I go to even one movie this month, it’ll pay for itself.

virginia k. **ith, managing editor

  • 發表於 2021-05-15 14:18
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  • 分類:網際網路



... 過濾掉你推特上的** ...

  • 發佈於 2021-03-14 03:35
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...幫助我們在下一次陷入困境時擺脫困境。頂空,一個引導冥想的應用程式,可能是解決方案。由前佛教僧侶安迪·普迪康貝(Andy Puddicombe)共同創造的“頂空”充滿了與特定活動或情感相關的引導冥想和課程。 ...

  • 發佈於 2021-03-22 02:29
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... 最佳化最終影象選擇後,就可以開始批次編輯了。使用網格檢視頂部的過濾器選擇您的選擇。您可能需要批次編輯彩色照片,或者只編輯四星照片。無論您選擇什麼,顏色、星星...

  • 發佈於 2021-03-25 05:28
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...應對你從社交媒體戒毒時遇到的任何恐懼或焦慮。治療、冥想和正念練習對任何正在康復的癮君子都非常有幫助,包括那些沉迷於社交媒體的人。 ...

  • 發佈於 2021-03-28 07:35
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... 基本上,這個應用程式可以智慧地過濾掉你說話時的背景噪音。這意味著如果你被迫在嘈雜的環境中開會,Meet應用程式會自動消除背景噪音,同時讓你的聲音透過。 ...

  • 發佈於 2021-03-30 05:55
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...這個目標的途徑。 你不能阻止攻擊,但你可以等它結束 最終,你自己也無法阻止攻擊。如果你的電子郵件供應商不能或不願意幫助,你將不得不忍受攻擊,並希望它停止。 只是要知道你可能會有很長一段時間。雖然電子郵件爆...

  • 發佈於 2021-04-03 15:27
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...有links屬性,我們可以使用PowerShell 3的新成員列舉功能來過濾這些屬性。 (Invoke-WebRequest –Uri ‘http://tl80.cn’).Links 正如你可以看到你得到很多連結回來,這是你需要用你的想象力找到一些獨特的過濾掉你正在尋找的連結。假設...

  • 發佈於 2021-04-08 19:46
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...理工學院的前學生建立的,他們希望透過“音訊指紋”來過濾資訊,從而掩蓋噪音並驗證事實。該應用程式的共同創造者之一丹·西格爾(Dan Siegel)向CNN解釋說,該應用程式本身並不進行事實檢查,但交叉引用的資訊與音訊資料...

  • 發佈於 2021-04-23 20:28
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  • 發佈於 2021-05-02 18:30
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  • 發佈於 2021-05-15 00:30
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