黑色(black)和青小豆蔻(green cardamom)的區別


Black and green cardamom By Autopilot (Own work) [GFDL (http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/fdl.html) or CC-BY-SA-3.0-2.5-2.0-1.0 (http://creativecomm***.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0)


Native to India, Cardamom is a large leafy plant that flourishes in the countries tropical climate. The pods are harvested from the plant and the 種子 are then dried and presented as a spice for cooking and medicinal purposes. Primarily, there are two types of cardamom plants available. The Green cardamom and the Black Cardamom. Each plant produces **all pod capsules. Each capsule contains a set of seeds that are then dried and used as a spice.

The most common form of pod that is used is the Green cardamom. Before the plant reaches its 滿的 maturity, the seed pods are harvested and dried in curing installati***. Harvesting the pods at such an early stage ensures the pods remain closed. The cardamom then retains its prized green colour. Green cardamom is classed as the highest grade available and will fetch a superior price at the spice market. Green cardamom has an intense, unique flavour and is often used to flavour sweet dishes found in Indian cuisine.  The seeds are best stored in their closed pods before use; once they are exposed, they will quickly loose their flavour. Rather than opening the pods to reveal the seeds, green cardamom is often used as a whole pod. Green cardamom can also be used in medicine. People in South East Asia often use the seeds to  treat mouth infecti*** and soothe any digestive problems. Surprisingly, people also use the ground up seeds to treat venomous snack bites.

Black cardamom is often seen as an inferior cousin to the green pods. This is certainly not the case. Black cardamom is harvested much later than its green counterpart and its flavour is distinctively different from the green variety.  Many people prefer the camphor like taste that is often associated with black cardamom seeds. Black cardamom is often dried by exposing the pods to intense heat through placing them over a fire pit. This can produce a strong Smokey flavour that is more favoured in certain Indian dishes.  Although not bitter, the seeds from the black cardamom pod are much cooler in their flavour. Many people say that the seeds act like an antiseptic, numbing their tongue, rather like chewing really strong mints. Black cardamom has much larger pods than the early harvested green cardamom.  Unlike the green pods, the black pods are discarded and only the seeds are used. This enables the spice of the black cardamom to become economically cheaper; making it more widely available than its expensive counterpart. Black cardamom can also be used in medicine. The Chinese use the black cardamom seeds to cure c***tipation and dysentery.


  1. 綠豆蔻和黑豆蔻來自同一植物科。
  2. 綠色豆蔻在成熟前收穫,豆莢通常被全部使用。
  3. 黑豆蔻是強烈乾燥和種子提取。
  4. 綠色的豆蔻用來給甜食調味,而黑色的豆蔻則用來給更辛辣的菜餚調味。
  5. 綠豆蔻是一種價格很高的香料,而黑豆蔻則更容易買到。
  6. 黑豆蔻和綠豆蔻種子有明顯不同的味道和用途。
  • 發表於 2021-06-23 10:51
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  • 分類:美食


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