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超級使用者讀者“Annonomus Person”想知道如何找出哪臺電腦的風扇聲音這麼大:

On my new computer, the fan(s) is/are plain LOUD! Using SpeedFan, I find that my temps are all under 32 degrees C with normal usage (IDK how accurate that is, but the CPU itself says 27 degrees C).

The fan doesn’t sound unbalanced, and it isn’t making sounds in a rhythm (not the usual rrrrrrrRRRRRR… rrrrrrrRRRRRR… rrrrrrrRRRRRR… rrrrrrrRRRRRR), it just runs c***tantly. I am thinking about oiling the fans, but I can’t decide if it is the PSU fan, a case fan, or the CPU fan. If it’s the CPU fan, I will most likely just replace it with a quiet fan. How can I tell which fan is making the noise (if not multiple ones)?

One thing that I think may be the problem is my CPU fan isn’t PWM, so would swapping that out help? There is no “linear voltage” or etc. thing in BIOS, so I think it may be running at full speed. Also, there could be too much airflow because it is also making a whistling noise that you can hear when close to it, and sounds like when I accidentally put part of the side cover over my floor vent to get it out of the way.



超級使用者貢獻者Hefewe1zen、Darrel Hoffman和Ross Aiken為我們提供了答案。首先,Hefewe1zen:

Use a **all piece of plastic (like a pen cap) to stop the fan from spinning. That is the easiest way to isolate the cause. It’s okay to stop it for a few seconds while on. Most fan noise is due to failure of the bearings. Sometimes, lifting the sticker on the hub and oiling it with 3 in 1 lube will help with the noise.


We used to do this on one of our older computers and it worked fine, but a word of warning – while a plastic pen cap is probably okay, DO NOT use anything conductive like a paper clip, especially on the power supply fan. A colleague of mine knows this from experience after getting a very nasty shock and tripping all the circuit breakers. He’s lucky he wasn’t killed – there’s supposedly enough charge in a computer power supply to be lethal.


I’ll just put this here as an alternative solution:

Unplug each fan, one-by-one from the motherboard (or from the PSU, depending on the fan), and when you stop hearing the noise, plug them back in one-by-one until you hear it again (to verify that the one you thought was making the noise actually was). I’d do the CPU fan last; everything else will be fine with ambient cooling for an extended period of time. The CPU fan is the one most likely to have issues.

Granted, if you have a GPU with fans on it, you’ll probably need to use @Hefewe1zen’s method for those.

I just don’t like telling people to put hard objects and/or fingers near fast-moving objects. Too high of a chance of someone hurting themselves (especially if they’re un-coordinated).


有什麼要補充的解釋嗎?在評論中發出聲音。想從其他精通技術的Stack Exchange使用者那裡瞭解更多答案嗎?在這裡檢視完整的討論主題。

  • 發表於 2021-04-11 11:55
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  • 分類:網際網路



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