
上週,我們第一次看到了2005年矽谷醜聞背後的證據(大量修改)— 據透露,蘋果、谷歌、Adobe、英特爾、Intuit和其他科技公司達成了不挖走對方員工的協議。從技術上講,美國司法部在2010年解決了一宗反壟斷訴訟,但聲稱因這一安排而受傷的員工仍在爭取更多賠償,擬議中的集體訴訟將於本月開庭。...

上週,我們第一次看到了2005年矽谷醜聞背後的證據(大量修改)— 據透露,蘋果、谷歌、Adobe、英特爾、Intuit和其他科技公司達成了不挖走對方員工的協議。從技術上講,美國司法部在2010年解決了一宗反壟斷訴訟,但聲稱因這一安排而受傷的員工仍在爭取更多賠償,擬議中的集體訴訟將於本月開庭。




  • Intel CEO Paul Otellini tried to hide and downplay a "global gentleman's agreement" with Google.

    "Let me clarify. We have nothing signed. We have a handshake ‘no recruit’ between Eric and myself. I would not like this broadly known," he reportedly wrote.

  • And yet, Intel actually had a written document describing a non-poach agreement with Pixar, where Intel's policy was to not hire any Pixar employee without the Pixar CEO's express approval.

    "If a Pixar employee applies to Intel without being recruited by Intel, contact Pat Gelsinger and explain to him a Pixar employee (provide the candidates name) has applied to Intel without being recruited and he will contact the CEO of Pixar for approval to hire," read the Intel document.

  • 史蒂夫·喬布斯親自給埃裡克·施密特發郵件,要求谷歌停止挖走一名蘋果工程師,谷歌的回應是安排立即公開解僱發起這一電話的員工。

"Mr. Jobs wrote: "I would be very pleased if your recruiting department would stop doing this." Mr. Schmidt forwarded Mr. Jobs's email to undisclosed recipients, writing: "I believe we have a policy of no recruiting from Apple and this is a direct inbound request. Can you get this stopped and let me know why this is happening? I will need to send a resp***e back to Apple quickly so please let me know as soon as you can."

Mr. Geshuri told Mr. Schmidt that the employee "who contacted this Apple employee should not have and will be terminated within the hour." Mr. Geshuri further wrote: "Please extend my apologies as appropriate to Steve Jobs. This was an isolated incident and we will be very careful to make sure this does not happen again."

Three days later, Shona Brown, Google's Senior Vice President for Business Operati***, replied to Mr. Geshuri, writing: "Appropriate resp***e, thank you. Please make a public example of this termination with the group."

  • Google's director of staffing Arnnon Geshuri revealed the existence of a formal Do Not Call list in an email to Eric Schmidt, such as the ones that the Justice Department claimed in the original 2010 settlement.

    "[Intuit chairman of the board Bill Campbell] requested that Intuit be added fully to the Do Not Call list .... please confirm that you are okay to the modification of the policy," wrote Geshuri.

  • Pixar rejected a prospective employee from Apple even when that employee reached out of his / her own accord.

    When an Apple employee approached Pixar for a "Mac Tools Programming position," a Pixar employee reportedly responded: "Only problem - we can’t poach from Apple."

  • 皮克斯和盧卡斯電影公司明確同意,不會像谷歌的兩位高階高階高階副總裁那樣,為員工“開戰”。據報道,後兩人同意透過限制招聘行為來實現這一目標,並將他們的想法傳送給Intuit和蘋果董事會的谷歌執行長埃裡克·施密特(Eric Schmidt)和比爾·坎貝爾(Bill Campbell)。
  • Pixar and Lucasfilm not only had an arrangement, but an employee admitted to its regular use.

    Pixar general manager Jim Morris said the "gentlemen's agreement" had been "honored pretty well here for the last many years."
  • According to an email from Intuit chairman (and Apple board member) Bill Campbell to Steve Jobs, Google CEO Eric Schmidt took resp***ibility for the non-poach agreement.

    "I am heading out of town . . . and wanted to give you the latest of what I heard from Google after talking to Eric Schmidt.[] Eric told me he got directly involved and firmly stopped all efforts to recruit anyone from Apple," he reportedly wrote.


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當埃裡克·施密特(Eric Schmidt)把腳伸到嘴裡的時候,Verge曾經有一個很好的傳統,那就是把所有的時間都記錄下來,而今天的感覺就像是一個值得補充的東西:這位前谷歌CEO兼執行董事長已經決定,社交網路是“**的放大器” ...

  • 發佈於 2021-04-17 16:18
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  • 發佈於 2021-04-19 06:04
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...疑是一個跡象,表明無論埃裡克·施密特(Eric Schmidt)和史蒂夫·喬布斯(Steve Jobs)可能在過去十年的某個時候達成了什麼協議,現在還沒有達成這樣的協議。

  • 發佈於 2021-04-21 06:29
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在這一天,谷歌執行主席埃裡克•施密特(ericschmidt)對安迪•魯賓(andyrubin)在甲骨文訴谷歌案(Oracle v.Google)一案中的證詞進行了庭審。我們不確定施密特證詞的重點到底是什麼,但我們認為,甲骨文將繼續其策略,深入研...

  • 發佈於 2021-04-22 03:00
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  • 發佈於 2021-04-22 03:31
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...科技在即將到來的大選中的重要性,以及梅西納如何尋求史蒂夫•喬布斯(Steve Jobs)和埃裡克•施密特(Eric Schmidt)等科技領袖的建議。喬布斯在梅西納去世前給他發了一封電子郵件,說這場競選需要在更多的平臺上接觸到選...

  • 發佈於 2021-04-22 18:54
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  • 發佈於 2021-04-22 20:51
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...有趣的轉折。法官高露西(Lucy Koh)拒絕了三星提出的將史蒂夫•喬布斯(Steve Jobs)對傳記作者沃爾特•艾薩克森(Walter Isaacson)的陳述包括在內的請求。具體來說(也是著名的),喬布斯告訴艾薩克森,“我要摧毀Android,因...

  • 發佈於 2021-04-23 11:06
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蘋果和谷歌都透過殺掉本地ios youtube應用程式取得了勝利,但我們都輸了

...密特(Eric Schmidt)是蘋果董事會成員,第一部iPhone釋出時史蒂夫·喬布斯邀請他上臺。”喬布斯說:“如果不考慮谷歌,你就不能不考慮網際網路。”施密特則對蘋果和iPhone充滿熱情如果我們只是合併這些公司,我們可以稱它們...

  • 發佈於 2021-04-23 16:00
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埃裡克·施密特(ericschmidt)今天離開谷歌在東京舉辦的nexus7活動之前,向出席活動的iPhone使用者傳遞了一些壞訊息。據路透社報道,當被問及谷歌是否真的提交了一份新的本地谷歌地圖供App Store審批時,施密特否認了這一傳聞...

  • 發佈於 2021-04-24 05:02
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