




Alexis Madrigal認為,是時候讓初創企業換一種思路了。每個人都想建立下一個Facebook或Twitter,同時使用徽章和“利用你的社交圖”,但缺少的是真正的創新和真正的發明。我們有工具,馬德裡加爾說,我們需要給他們一些新的東西做。


Decades ago, the answer was, "Build the Internet." Fifteen years ago, it was, "Build the Web." Five years ago, the answers were probably, "Build the social network" or "Build the mobile web." And it was in around that time in 2007 that Facebook emerged as the social networking leader, Twitter got known at SXSW, and we saw the release of the first Kindle and the first iPhone. There are a lot of new phones that look like the iPhone, plenty of e-readers that look like the Kindle, and countless social networks that look like Facebook and Twitter. In other words, we can cross that task off the list. It happened.


邁克爾·黑斯廷斯(Michael Hastings)觀察了五角大樓擁有1.9萬架無人機的艦隊,以及它如何改變美國作戰、實施監視、執行重要而敏感的任務的方式——所有這些都不需要一個人在場。


Over the past decade, the military has tested a wide variety of unmanned aircraft – from microdrones that run on tiny batteries to those with 200-foot wingspans, powered by jet fuel or solar energy. The drones used in Iraq and Afghanistan – the Predator and the Reaper – look like large model planes and cost $13 million apiece. A drone the size of a 727, the Global Hawk, was used after the tsunami in Japan and the earthquake in Haiti to provide rescue operati*** with a bird's-eye view of the disasters. One of the largest drones in development today is the SolarEagle, designed by Boeing and DARPA, the experimental research wing of the Defense Department. With a wingspan of more than 400 feet, the SolarEagle will be able to stay in the air for five years at a time, essentially replacing surveillance satellites, which are costly to put into orbit.




Steve Jobs did not wander aimlessly into the wilderness after being ousted from Apple in 1985. No happy camper, he was loaded for bear; burning to wreak revenge upon those who had spuriously shoved him into exile, and obsessed with proving to the world that he was no one-trick pony. Within days, he abruptly sold off all but one share of his Apple stock and, flush with a **all fortune of about $70 million, set about creating another computer company, this one called NeXT. The startup ostensibly was a vehicle for revolutionizing higher education with powerful, beautiful computers. In reality, it was a bet that one day he would get the better of Apple.




Nevertheless, Fez feels like something of a full stop to the pixel art homage movement. What started out as a rebellion has become a cliché and, while Fez is too **art and assured in its own identity to slip into cliché, it feels as though this default fashion has run its course.As new generation of indie game makers rises, one born in the 90s whose formative game experiences were found on PlayStation, Sega Saturn and Nintendo 64, one wonders where the next underground aesthetic in games is headed.


如果你在過去的幾年裡坐過飛機,你可能會同意Kip Hawley的論點,即機場安檢是難以置信的技術和最佳化,而且破敗不堪。這位前交通安全管理局局長清楚地介紹了該系統目前的執行情況,並提出了一些簡單的改進方法。


As a confidence boost, Gary gave me a series of images with guns and knives in various positi***. Knives lying flat were giveaways, but when viewed lengthwise, they had very little visible surface. Explosives were a whole different story. A plastic explosive like C4 is organic and dense. It appears as a heavy orange mass. Unfortunately, a block of cheddar cheese looks roughly the same. As we started testing with a moving scanner, Gary warned me that too many false positives would be a big problem. A "hair-trigger" strategy would get me flunked. Images with guns took about one second to identify. Clear bags took roughly five seconds to double check for blade edges. It was cluttered bags—with their multihued oranges, blues, greens and grays jumbled together—that were the killers.




In the online circles in which I travel, there have been three big waves of music writing this year-- one about Grimes, one about Fiona Apple, and one about Nicki Minaj. With Minaj's new album, Pink Friday: Roman Reloaded, it felt like everyone had to have an opinion, and my favorite music writers were all elbowing each other to get to the front of the line with their review or thinkpiece. And while I'm impressed by a handful of songs from Roman Reloaded and will return to at least two ("Beez in the Trap" and "Come on a Cone") regularly, if I'm honest, I've enjoyed reading about the record much more than listening to it.

關於nathan myhrvold

Nathan Myhrvold是微軟的前技術長,創辦了一家被稱為專利巨魔的公司,並撰寫了一本2400頁的烹飪書,名為《現代烹飪》。哦,他家裡還有一具霸王龍的骨架。喬哈根跟蹤邁爾沃德和他的許多興趣。


In 1991, Myhrvold predicted the emergence of the iPhone down to the **allest detail, describing a "digital wallet" that would c***olidate all personal communication — telephone, schedule manager, notepad, contacts, and a library of music and books, all in one. It would record and archive everything you asked it to, he surmised. "The cost will not be very high," he wrote. "It is pretty easy to imagine a $400 to $1,000 retail price." Microsoft, however, was too cost c***cious and risk averse to execute Myhrvold’s vision.




Please bear in mind the difficulty of communicating a life cycle this complex to a mass audience, which, seven years later, may barely recall that there was an Alien in ALIEN, let alone the specifics of its physical development. I had a great deal of story to tell, and a thorough re-education would have relegated ALIENS to a pedantic reprise of Ridley Scott's film. The audience seems to have a deepseated faith in the Aliens' basic nastiness and drive to reproduce which requires little logical rationale. That leaves only ******** fans such as myself and a majority of this readership to ponder the technical specifics and c***truct a plausible scenario.


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...這比在Twitter列表上白費力氣好。 在youtube上 本週早些時候,《紐約客》(newyorker)對YouTube、網路電視和谷歌在專業內容上的巨大投資的深入展望是閱讀的關鍵。 紐約人:約翰·肖布魯克-流式夢想 "We’re absolutely nothin...

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...facebook上 亞歷克西斯•馬德裡加爾(Alexis Madrigal)在談到本週Facebook IPO訊息時指出,該公司未來的一個重要資料是:每個月活躍使用者的收入較低。 大西洋報:亞歷克西斯·馬德裡加爾——以下是Facebook IPO申請中的重要數字 So, i...

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...utcry over its potential for invading Americans’ privacy. 關於**時鐘 本週的《紐約客》將介紹克裡斯蒂安·馬克萊是如何**《時鐘》的,這部24小時制的電影挖掘了電影歷史,在銀幕上呈現了數萬條對當前時間的引用,從迷失在翻譯中到排斥...

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