t-mobile美國執行長phillip humm辭職,直奔“無名競爭對手”

據All Things D報道,已經證實T-Mobile美國公司執行長菲利普·哈姆已經從公司辭職,立即生效。該公司的宣告還進一步表示,Humm將完全離開德國電信(T-Mo的母公司),營運長Jim Alling將擔任Humm的臨時替代者。...

據All Things D報道,已經證實T-Mobile美國公司執行長菲利普·哈姆已經從公司辭職,立即生效。該公司的宣告還進一步表示,Humm將完全離開德國電信(T-Mo的母公司),營運長Jim Alling將擔任Humm的臨時替代者。


德國電信執行長Rene Obermann的一份宣告部分寫道:“Philipp Humm在過去幾年裡為公司提出了一些重要舉措:在他的領導下,T-Mobile USA的成本狀況有了很大改善,他在與at&T計劃合併的困難階段領導公司。”




I want you to hear the news directly from me: Philipp will be on leave with immediate effect. You might ask yourself, why I’ve taken this decision? Well, here is some background: In April, Philipp informed me that he intended to end his contract at the end of September.

During the merger process, we had agreed on such an option, just in case the merger did not materialize. Philipp told me back then that he wants to pursue a career outside of Deutsche Telekom and to reunite with his family, who have stayed in Europe. I decided back then to start the search for a successor. This search is progressing well. I have spoken to a number of promising candidates.

The reason Philipp has vacated his position with such short notice is because of his new employer: Philipp informed me a few days ago that he will be joining a compe***** of Deutsche Telekom.

I have asked Jim Alling to lead the company until a final decision on a successor has been made. Jim is a respected senior leader who has my complete trust and confidence and that of the entire Deutsche Telekom Board of Management. Change of leadership has implicati*** for both employees and the entire company, particularly when it comes to the period of transition. With this in mind, I would like to appeal to all of you to support Jim. I personally wish him the best of success.

I want to thank Philipp for his nearly two years with T-Mobile USA. His contribution to cost efficiencies and the development of the Challenger Strategy has given the company some important initiatives. With a new leader at the helm, our challenge will be to develop these initiatives into measurable success in the market.

I will be back in Seattle in mid-July to discuss next steps with the Management Team, including further business development.

In closing, I want to thank each and every one of you for your excellent work—particularly over the past few months. The successful upgrading of our network, building up our B2B business, re-launching the brand and the many other initiatives that we have started will bear fruit and will make us even more competitive.

Thank you and all the best,


René Obermann

CEO of Deutsche Telekom

  • 發表於 2021-04-22 22:51
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  • 分類:網際網路


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