


  • Report

    Alien earths: why life on other worlds would be far weirder than us


    Potentially habitable planets may be far more common than we initially believed. But that doesn't mean they'll look much like Earth: planets could have no rotati***, permanent days and nights, and plants that grow entirely black to stay alive.

  • Report

    Return of the 808


    Roland's legendary drum machine is back. It may not be ****og this time, but the new TR-8 is able to recreate everything musicians loved about the original 808. Here's what it's like to use the new machine (and its entire family of electronic partners).

  • Review

    Stay fit: Jawbone Up24 and Nike+ FuelBand SE review


    Jawbone's Up24 and Nike's FuelBand SE are the successors to two of the most popular fitness bands around. They're both stylish and simple and even more capable than their predecessors, but can these basic bracelets actually get you moving?

  • Report

    Class tensi*** build in San Francisco as protestors target TechCrunch awards


    Tensi*** between newly wealthy tech workers and longtime San Francisco residents have been rising to boil lately. Last Sunday, protestors outside a startup award show argued that tech companies should be doing more for the city, while inside potential reformers suggested ways they might help out.

  • Feature

    Can we save AM radio?


    Almost no one tunes their radio to anything but FM these days. That alone would make it hard for AM to stay alive, but degrading signals and expensive new equipment are only making its existence all the more troubled.

  • Review

    'RoboCop' review: meet the new model


    The new Robocop may not have all the original's character, but José Padilha's remake still comes with plenty to like. Now RoboCop is more human than ever, and that only makes his isolation all the more engaging. Be sure to read our interview with Padilha too.

  • Preview

    Combat evolved: 'Titanfall' is the first real next-gen shooter


    The immediate success of the original Xbox is often credited in part to Halo, a wildly popular game that breathed new life into first-person shooters. Now Microsoft is searching for a game that can do just that for the Xbox One, and it may well have found it in Titanfall. Here's what it's like to play the exhilarating and innovative upcoming FPS.

  • Report

    Can Google's robots build a new future for US manufacturing?


    Manufacturing could return to the US, but not quite how we always imagined it. New robots could start a manufacturing renaissance — but while it'll help the economy, whether it'll help employment is far from certain.

  • Interview

    ‘X-Files’ creator Chris Carter on his long-awaited return to TV: Amazon's ‘The After’


    After a decade away, X-Files creator Chris Carter has finally returned to television… sort of. His latest series is actually on Amazon, where you can view its pilot right now. We spoke to him about his new series, his time away from TV, and what it's like to have the world judge his pilot online.

  • Report

    Counting sleep: seven nights in bed with the Basis band


    Plenty of fitness bands promise to track how you sleep, but the Basis band actually works without you doing anything more than going to bed. When the morning comes, can it tell you what it'll take to get a better night's rest?

  • 發表於 2021-04-25 08:41
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  • 分類:網際網路



如果你經營一個網站,你可能聽說過機器人.txt檔案(或“機器人排除標準”)。不管你有沒有,現在是時候瞭解它了,因為這個簡單的文字檔案是你網站的關鍵部分。它可能看起來微不足道,但你可能會驚訝於它的重要性。 ...

  • 發佈於 2021-03-13 06:21
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...6。(我們也認為ESP8266擊敗了Arduino!)這使得相機單元是無線的,所包含的程式碼支援靜態影象和實時影片流到瀏覽器。 ...

  • 發佈於 2021-03-24 03:57
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...車是Instructables使用者Arduino Tech創造的,是他們參加2017年無線競賽和2017年Instructables移動競賽的參賽作品。 ...

  • 發佈於 2021-03-26 12:05
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研究人員已經開發出一種突破性的機器人實驗室助理,可以像人類一樣在實驗室裡走動和進行科學實驗。 這臺由英國利物浦大學科學家設計的機器遠沒有完全自主:它需要根據實驗室裝置的位置進行程式設計,不能...

  • 發佈於 2021-04-19 09:49
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...尼亞理工大學和美國。佩恩在過去的幾年裡曾聯手參加過機器人杯人形足球聯盟的比賽,他剛剛在兒童比賽中有過重覆的表現,連續第二年在總決賽中擊敗了CIT Brains。墨西哥城是今年奧運會的東道主,其中包括傳統足球比賽之...

  • 發佈於 2021-04-22 21:14
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法國雜誌Ragemag在喬斯之前對《機器人作戰與星際騎兵》的作者EdNeumeier進行了一次長時間的採訪é 帕迪爾哈指揮機器人奧運會重啟。本文作者討論了谷歌收購波士頓動力公司(Boston Dynamics),他的電影與現代世界的相似之處,以...

  • 發佈於 2021-04-25 07:25
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  • 發佈於 2021-04-29 23:15
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  • 發佈於 2021-04-30 01:47
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...學院和斯坦福大學建立合作伙伴關係,專註於人工智慧和機器人技術的研究,在這兩所大學開設聯合設施,併在五年內為該專案註入5000萬美元。也許更有趣的是,該公司還聘請了吉爾·普拉特博士(Dr.Gill Pratt)——美國國防部...

  • 發佈於 2021-05-01 07:20
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  • 發佈於 2021-05-01 22:07
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