
Kickstarter今天在一份内部备忘录中宣布,它可能会裁员。首席执行官阿齐兹·哈桑(Aziz Hasan)写道,众筹公司在网站上上市的众筹项目已经大幅减少,Kickstarter就是这样赚钱的。备忘录称,项目下降了约35%,没有明显的反弹迹象...

Kickstarter今天在一份内部备忘录中宣布,它可能会裁员。首席执行官阿齐兹·哈桑(Aziz Hasan)写道,众筹公司在网站上上市的众筹项目已经大幅减少,Kickstarter就是这样赚钱的。备忘录称,项目下降了约35%,没有明显的反弹迹象






Hi everybody,

I’d like to update you on the conversati*** we’ve all been having about how to keep Kickstarter well-positioned as we navigate what’s quickly become the worst economic downturn in a lifetime. As I shared a couple weeks ago, and again during last week’s All Hands, we’ve been looking at a number of possible scenarios. After great c***ideration, ongoing monitoring and modeling of our outlook, and c***ultation with our board of directors, here’s where we stand.

As you know, although projects on the site continue to garner plenty of support from backers, we’ve seen many fewer projects launch on the platform over the last several weeks. The live project count is about 35% below what it was at this time last year with no clear sign of rebound. As a result, our pledge volume and revenue are tracking sharply down as well. Setting the business up for the future will require significant cost-cutting. Kickstarter is a **all business of 140 people with modest operating margins, and all of the approximately $1.27 million in after-tax profit we earned last year has already been reinvested back into the business during the first four months of this year. With that in mind, we’ve undertaken a number of measures, including reducing compensation for a number of senior leaders at the company, including myself and the board of directors; instituting a hiring cap and policy to not automatically fill positi*** when people leave in order to limit headcount costs; and working to trim non-headcount budgets wherever we can.

The truth is, these measures aren’t enough for us to continue to serve creators during this crisis and beyond. We must look more broadly at ways to restructure the business, including potential layoffs across teams and at all levels of staff. Earlier today I reached out to OPEIU to share more about where we are, and to uphold our resp***ibility to negotiate next steps that involve members of the union. We expect to continue our discussi*** with the union over the next few days. In the meantime, please feel free to use our normal process and submit any questi*** you have for me here. The OPEIU reps are of course available to answer any questi*** members of the bargaining unit may have as well.

The uncertainty of this moment is stressful and I recognize you’re each shouldering some part of that. We’re going to navigate this thoughtfully and transparently to allay that as best we can. Kickstarter has an essential role to play for independent creators right now as a source of financial support. And the art, creativity, and innovation that they bring to life is essential to a healthy society — particularly during times like these. Many creators are also experiencing uncertainty and stress, so we’re going to make sure Kickstarter is here for them not just the next few months, but also the years ahead.

Thank you,


  • 发表于 2021-08-11 11:22
  • 阅读 ( 104 )
  • 分类:互联网


kickstarter gold让老项目重现生机

Kickstarter推出了一项新的计划,名为Kickstarter Gold。这让一些最受欢迎的项目和创作者重新使用了众筹网站。也许Kickstarter已经没有什么点子了,或者它只是知道重温热门音乐能赚钱。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-14 07:24
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... 7kickstarter公司 ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-27 07:54
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  • 发布于 2021-04-17 12:29
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Mozilla正在裁员250人,约占其员工总数的四分之一,并计划将一些团队重新集中在旨在赚钱的项目上。一位发言人证实,公司未来将有大约750名员工。 Mozilla首席执行官米切尔·贝克(Mitchell Baker)今早在博客中写道,...

  • 发布于 2021-04-18 05:36
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...员人数。 索诺斯加入了越来越多的公司名单,包括Uber、Kickstarter、Airbnb、Yelp和其他一些公司,由于COVID-19流感疫情继续严重扰乱经济,这些公司已经裁员或休假。

  • 发布于 2021-04-19 04:41
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工会在一份新闻稿中说,Kickstarter员工工会周五与管理层达成协议,为下岗工人提供保护。这家众筹公司在4月20日的一份内部备忘录中宣布,它可能会寻求裁员,以及其他削减成本的措施。首席执行官阿齐兹•哈桑(Aziz Hasan)在...

  • 发布于 2021-04-19 06:00
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  • 发布于 2021-04-19 08:08
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  • 发布于 2021-04-23 02:33
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  • 发布于 2021-04-24 10:14
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众筹网站christie street one启动kickstarter,提供审计、支持者退款


  • 发布于 2021-04-24 18:40
  • 阅读 ( 134 )

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