
Facebook首席执行官马克·扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)今天在参议院就剑桥Analytica数据隐私丑闻进行了长达五小时的马拉松式听证会。除了讨论这种情况,以及多达8700万用户的信息被数据挖掘公司误用之外,对话还涉及到Facebook作为一个新闻来源和一个具有巨大影响力的民主和沟通工具在世界上的角色和责任。...

Facebook首席执行官马克·扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)今天在参议院就剑桥Analytica数据隐私丑闻进行了长达五小时的马拉松式听证会。除了讨论这种情况,以及多达8700万用户的信息被数据挖掘公司误用之外,对话还涉及到Facebook作为一个新闻来源和一个具有巨大影响力的民主和沟通工具在世界上的角色和责任。


***摄影师安德鲁·哈尼克(Andrew Harnik)拍摄了扎克伯格笔记中最好的照片,你可以在这里清楚地看到:


  • “Cambridge Analytica”一节的顶部强调了信用卡或社会保险号码是如何被泄露的
  • 在题为“问责”的一节中,扎克伯格的笔记中重申,作为Facebook的领导者,他应该受到谴责,而且没有人因为丑闻而被解雇
  • 在同一部分中,扎克伯格的谈话要点有助于他回避任何关于他是否会或应该辞职的问题(他不打算辞职)
  • 在概述Facebook商业模式要点的一节中,扎克伯格在他面前写下了一点,即社交网络需要免费,每个人都可以访问,而广告是向最多人提供该服务的唯一途径
  • 扎克伯格在为Facebook辩护的部分中重申了它对世界的好处
  • 在上周扎克伯格与苹果CEO蒂姆·库克就隐私权问题发生公开争议后,有整整一部分的笔记是献给苹果及其CEO蒂姆·库克的,其中包括亚马逊CEO杰夫·贝佐斯(Jeff Bezos)的一段名言,以及对苹果过去在第三方应用程序方面的隐私问题的评论
  • 这里有一个关于硅谷多样性的小章节,建议扎克伯格承认公司和行业的多样性数据是多么糟糕
  • 第二页的最后一部分包括与欧盟《一般数据保护监管法》相关的几个要点,该法律将于5月生效,并将对欧洲互联网企业的运营方式产生重大影响
  • GDPR部分用粗体大字建议扎克伯格避免说Facebook已经遵守了法律,而事实并非如此,但要点并未包括任何关于Facebook是否会将GDPR保护扩大到全球用户的确认,这是首席执行官在过去一周里一直不清楚的


Cambridge Analytica

- Breach of trust; sorry we let it happen; took steps in 2014 to stop it happening again.

- Quiz app designed by Cambridge University researcher named Aleksandr Kogan.

- People who used app gave Kogan FB information like public profile, page likes, friend list + birthday; same for friends’ whose settings allowed sharing; NO credit card/SSN info.

- Kogan sold to CA in violation of our terms; when we found out, told them to delete data.

- Confirmed they had — now seems untrue. Should have done more to audit + tell people.

- Didn’t think enough about abuse; rethinking every part of our relati***hip with people.


- Important issue but no credit card information or SSN shared.

- People gave Kogan access to Facebook information like their public profile, page likes, friend list, birthday; same for friends’ whose settings allowed sharing.

- 2014 changes mean it couldn’t happen now; restricted apps’ access to data even further.

Reverse lookup (scraping)

- Found out about abuse two weeks ago, shut it down.

- Useful to find someone by phone number/email; if people have the same name.

- Malicious actors linked public info (name, profile photo, gender, user ID) to phone numbers they already had; shut it down. Need to do more to prevent abuse.


- Fire people for CA?: It’s about how we designed the platform. That was my resp***ibility. Not going to throw people under the bus.

- Do you ever fire anyone?: Yes; hold people accountable all the time; not going to go into specifics.

- Resign?: Founded Facebook. My decisi***. I made mistakes. Big challenge, but we’ve solved problems before, going to solve this one. Already taking action.

- No accountability for MZ?: Accountable to you, to employees, to people who use FB.

Data safety:

- I use FB every day, so does my family, invest a lot in security.

- Made mistakes, working hard to fix them.

- Giving people more controls, just yesterday stated showing people their app controls.

Business model (ads)

- Want FB to be a service that everyone can use, has to be free, can only do that with ads.

- Key for me is mission — helping people connect. Business model supports that mission.

- Let’s be clear: Facebook doesn’t sell data. You own your information. We give you controls.

- People know [...] need ads; tell us if they have to see ads, want them to be relevant.


- Facebook [...] not time spent; time spent fell 5% Q4; pivot to MSI.

- [...]sse**[..] to communicate with kids; MK gives parents control.

- [...] like N[...] have commercial ads. We have no plans to do so.

Defend Facebook

- [If attacked: Respectfully, I reject that. Not who we are.]

- Billi*** people globally use FB every day to connect to the people that matter.

- Families reconnected, people met and gotten married, movements organized, tens of milli*** of SMBs now have better tools to grow and create jobs.

- More work to do, but can’t lose sight of all the ways people are using FB for good.

Tim Cook on biz model

- Bezos: “Companies that work hard to charge you more and companies that work hard to charge you less.”

- At FB, we try hard to charge you less. In fact, we’re free.

- [On data, we’re similar. When you install an app on your iPhone, you give it access to some information, just like when you login with FB.

- Lots of stories about apps misusing Apple data, never seen Apple notify people.

- Important you hold everyone to the same standard.]

Disturbing content

- It’s very disturbing; and sadly we do see bad things on Facebook.

- Should have no place on our service; community standards prohibit hate, bullying, terror.

- Working to be more proactive; AI, hiring more people e.g. terror, e.g. *******.

- Will never be perfect; but making huge investments.

Election integrity (Russia)

- Too slow, making progress. France, Germany, Alabama.

- Midterms are important, but not just in the US — Brazil, Mexico, Hungary.

- Just announced committee of academics to commission independent research on social media on democracy.


- Silicon valley has a problem, and Facebook is part of the problem.

- Personally care about making progress; long way to go [3% African American, 5% Hispanics].


- C***umer choice: c***umers have lots of choice over how they spend their time

- Small part of ad market: advertisers have choices too — $650 billion market, we have 6%.

- Break up FB?: US tech companies key asset for America, break up strengthens Chinese companies.

GDPR (Don’t say we already do what GDPR requires)

- People deserve good privacy tools and controls wherever they live.

- We build everything to be transparent and give people control. GDPR does a few things:

- Provides control over data use — what we’ve done for a few years.

- Requires c***ent — done a little bit, now doing more in Europe and around the world.

- Get special c***ent for sensitive things e.g. facial recognition.

- Support privacy legislation that is practical, puts people in control and allows for innovation.

  • 发表于 2021-08-23 13:31
  • 阅读 ( 63 )
  • 分类:互联网



Facebook创始人兼首席执行官马克•扎克伯格(markzuckerberg)在美国参议院司法和商务委员会(ussenatejusticial and Commerce committee)作证时表示,Facebook有可能推出付费版。 ...

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...华尔街日报》报道,Facebook首席执行官马克•扎克伯格(markzuckerberg)对Facebook员工说,苹果对这家社交媒体巨头的态度如此糟糕,“我们需要给苹果带来痛苦”。 ...

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...和推特首席执行官多尔西(Jack Dorsey)已同意于10月28日在参议院商务委员会作证。假设听证会以某种方式进行了现场直播,这意味着你将能够看到一些世界上最有权势的人受到政策制定者的盘问,他们最近讨论了修改法律,让自...

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...内的大型科技公司。就在上个月,众议院小组举行了一次听证会,扎克伯格与苹果、亚马逊和谷歌的首席执行官一起作证。 2019年,美国联邦贸易委员会对Facebook与政治分析公司Cambridge Analytica的关系以及其他侵犯隐私行为进行了...

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马克·扎克伯格的其中一个’详细的s笔记本‘黑暗的轮廓,’ 它可以让人们为他们的朋友制作facebook个人资料

Facebook首席执行官马克•扎克伯格(markzuckerberg)在2006年的一份杂志上对公司的潜在概念有很多想法,其中一个想法是让用户为那些实际上还没有进入社交网络的人创建个人资料。 《连线》杂志的编辑史蒂文·利维(s...

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