



没有什么比不作为更能彻底地定义Twitter了。今年2月,彭博社的Selina Wang在一篇题为“为什么Twitter不能触发新产品”的文章中诊断出了这个问题。在很大程度上,Wang的报道将责任归咎于首席执行官杰克·多尔西:

Dorsey’s leadership style fosters caution, according to about a dozen people who’ve worked with him. He encourages debate among his employees and waits — and waits — for a c***ensus to emerge. As a result, ideas are often debated ‘ad nauseum’ and fail to come to fruition. ‘They need leadership that can make tough decisi*** and keep the ball rolling,’ says a former employee who left last year. ‘There are a lot of times when Jack will instead wring his hands and punt on a decision that needs to be made quickly.’


的确,Twitter的员工和资金都比Facebook的竞争对手少。甚至其最近缓慢的发展速度也比前任首席执行官迪克·科斯托洛(Dick Costolo)时期更快。







这就是为什么本周多尔西的媒体之旅让我感到困惑的原因,在这次媒体之旅中,他试图解释该公司对亚历克斯·琼斯(Alex Jones)采取的矛盾态度。在过去的一周里,推特发现琼斯八次违反了它的规定,然后给了他一周的禁赛期,在禁赛期间他仍然可以阅读推特和发送直接消息。


“We’re always trying to cultivate more of a learning mindset and help guide people back towards healthier behaviors and healthier public conversation.“

“We also think it’s important to clarify what our principles are, which we haven’t done a great job of in the past, and we need to take a step back and make sure that we are clearly articulating what those mean and what our objectives are.”


周三,杰克·多尔西(Jack Dorsey)告诉《*****》,他正在“重新思考推特的核心工作原理”。然而,该公司的历史表明,它并没有因为缺乏思考而失败。相反,问题在于思维常常被当作行动的替代品。



凯特·康格(Kate Conger)和大辅Wakabayashi(Daisuke Wakabayashi)收到了一封由1400名谷歌员工签名的信,**开发一个经过审查的搜索引擎和新闻应用程序。这将成为一场重大冲突。谷歌不愿置评——审查制度在中国被视为****,因此讨论审查制度可能会破坏公司的计划——但结果是,这些员工能够在不受谷歌自身阻挠的情况下定义故事。

“We urgently need more transparency, a seat at the table, and a commitment to clear and open processes: Google employees need to know what we’re building,” the letter said.

The letter also called on Google to allow employees to participate in ethical reviews of the company’s products, to appoint external representatives to ensure transparency and to publish an ethical asses**ent of controversial projects. The document referred to the situation as a “code yellow,” a process used in engineering to address critical problems that impact several teams.


2011年至2014年,谷歌亚太区自由表达负责人Lokman Tsui介绍了谷歌的审查搜索引擎计划。”“这只是一个非常糟糕的主意,一个愚蠢的举动,”他告诉莱恩·加拉赫我觉得有必要直言不讳地说,这是不对的。”

“In these past few years things have been deteriorating so badly in China – you cannot be there without compromising yourself,” Tsui said. Google launching a censored search engine in the country “would be a moral victory for Beijing,” he added. “Beijing has nothing to lose. So if Google wants to go back, it would be under the terms and conditi*** that Beijing would lay out for them. I can’t see how Google would be able to negotiate any kind of a deal that would be positive. I can’t see a way to operate Google search in China without violating widely held international human rights standards.”


加拉赫还报道了前谷歌人布兰登·唐尼(Brandon Downey)撰写的一篇文章,他曾在最初被审查的谷歌搜索引擎上工作:

“I want to say I’m sorry for helping to do this,” Downey wrote. “I don’t know how much this contributed to strengthening political support for the censorship regime in [China], but it was wrong. It did nothing but benefit me and my career, and so it fits the classic definition of morally heedless behavior: I got things and in return it probably made some other people’s life worse.”

“We have a resp***ibility to the world our technology enables,” Downey adds. “If we build a tool and give it to people who are hurting other people with it, it is our job to try to stop it, or at least, not help it. Technology can of course be a force for good, but it’s not a magic bullet – it’s more like a laser and it’s up to us what we focus it on. What we can’t do is just collaborate, and assume it will have a happy ending.”


周三晚些时候,在一份关于其处理缅甸种族冲突的可怕报告之后,Facebook发布了其在缅甸工作的“最新情况”。talking points bingo游戏的玩家会发现“我们行动迟缓”,“我们正在招聘更多的人”,“我们还有更多的工作要做”这些都代表了这一点。但关于Facebook在缅甸的问题,我还不知道一些事情——字体显示问题加剧了这些问题:

We’re also working to make it easier for people to report content in the first place. One of the biggest problems we face is the way text is displayed in Myanmar. Unicode is the global industry standard to encode and display fonts, including for Burmese and other local Myanmar languages. However, over 90% of phones in Myanmar use Zawgyi, which is only used to display Burmese. This means that someone with a Zawgyi phone can’t read websites, posts or Facebook Help Center instructi*** written in Unicode properly. Myanmar is switching to Unicode, and we’re helping by removing Zawgyi as an option for new Facebook users and improving font converters for existing ones. This will not affect people’s posts but it will standardize how they see butt***, Help Center instructi*** and reporting tools in the Facebook app.

新的WordPress政策允许它关闭Sandy Hook deniers的博客

有人批评WordPress的母公司Automattic在周四改变了公司政策,开始关闭这些博客。莎拉·佩雷斯(Sarah Perez)报告说,WordPress的政策现在禁止“恶意发布未经授权的未成年人识别图像”

WordPress policies were designed to be more resistant to the strategic use of copyright claims as a means of getting content removed. Longtime web veterans know they were written this way because they were created at a time when large corporati*** would wield copyright law – like the DMCA – as a weapon used to force platforms to take down content about their company that they deemed unfavorable.

But in recent years, the permissiveness these policies has also created loopholes for those whose spread disinformation, incite hatred and violence, and post abusive and offensive content to the web.


加里·丁格斯报道说,除WordPress外,最新一家取消Alex Jones平台的实体是联邦通信委员会(目前尚不清楚该电台与琼斯有何联系(如果有的话)

An Austin pirate radio station that airs controversial host Alex Jones has been knocked off the city’s airwaves – at least temporarily – and the Federal Communicati*** Commission has levied a $15,000 penalty that the station’s operators are refusing to pay.

A lawsuit filed this week in U.S. District Court in Austin accuses Liberty Radio of operating at 90.1 FM without federal c***ent since at least 2013. Religious programming was airing on that frequency Wednesday, in place of Liberty Radio.


Issie Lapowsky介绍了大西洋委员会的数字取证研究实验室,该实验室的任务是解释网上错误信息的来源。Facebook在努力了解目前正在开展的对该服务的影响力活动时,严重依赖该组织:

But for Facebook, giving money away is the easy part. The challenge now is figuring out how best to leverage this new partnership. Facebook is a $500 billion tech juggernaut with 30,000 employees in offices around the world; it’s hard to imagine what a 14-person team at a non-profit could tell them that they don’t already know. But Facebook’s security team and DFRLab staff swap tips daily through a shared Slack channel, and Harbath says that Brookie’s team has already made some valuable discoveries.



信不信由你,“Snap是新推特”过去被认为是热门话题。但数字并没有撒谎:这是另一家在缓慢增长和彻底衰退之间摇摆不定的公司,Tom Dotan报道:

For now, Snap’s ad revenue is growing quickly, as advertisers flock to what remains a relatively new platform. In the June quarter, the company’s revenue of $262 million was up 44% over the same period last year, blowing past ****yst projecti***. But if it follows Twitter, Snap’s ad revenue growth will slow sharply next year.


据希瑟·凯利(Heather Kelly)报道,硅谷移民倡导组织FWD.us最近投资数百万美元帮助失散的移民家庭团聚,该组织的表现似乎大大低于预期。对FWD有好处。

The group spent two weeks in July in New Mexico, Texas, and Arizona booking flights for reunited parents and their children who were just out of federal custody. The multi-million dollar effort, called Flights for Families, required long hours on the phone booking some 1,300 tickets and attending to countless other details, such as lining up prepaid cell phones, connecting families with lawyers, and keeping the kids entertained.


布莱恩·梅内格斯(Bryan Menegus)估计,7月份的一个周二,他收到了319条在线广告,广告主为此花费了约2.69美元。



据Josh Contine报道,Facebook现在向搜索芬太尼和其他阿片类药物的人推荐资源,并从搜索结果中删除更多的毒贩。


Olivia Solon对Facebook最近关于其在缅甸工作的声明没有印象:

When the Guardian asked how the notoriously metrics-focused company would measure the success of the policy, the answer was characteristically mealy-mouthed: “Our goal is to get better at identifying and removing abuses of our platform that spread hate and can contribute to offline violence or harm, so people in Myanmar can safely enjoy the benefits of connectivity.”

When pushed again to specify how it would measure this, a spokeswoman said “that’s difficult”.



Revcontent**了一个可怕的密友盒,贴在更著名的新闻故事的底部,诱使你了解一个治疗腹部脂肪的奇怪技巧,或者12个现在看起来很糟糕的前童星,或者其他什么。Buzzfeed的克雷格·西尔弗曼(Craig Silverman)向他们询问好友信箱中包含的各种虚假新闻后,Revcontent不情愿地删除了其中一些——但在谴责Buzzfeed本身是虚假新闻之前。

An ad network launched a new initiative to “continue the fight against fake news” at the same time it was working with 21 websites that have published fake news stories, according to a review conducted by BuzzFeed News.

When contacted for comment, Revcontent subsequently removed four of the sites from its network, and in a statement suggested that a previous BuzzFeed News story about ad networks on fake news sites could itself be c***idered “fake news.”



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  • 发表于 2021-08-25 04:44
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... 微软做出明智的决定令人震惊 ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-12 22:54
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...过葡萄树吗?或者你只是看别人的葡萄藤?为什么你认为推特杀了维恩?为什么是现在?你应该用什么来代替呢?请在下面的评论中告诉我们! ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-17 02:38
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... 推特对否认大屠杀采取行动 ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-30 02:41
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...道是基于被黑客攻击的材料,进而恶意暗示他是黑客。 推特对“黑客”的定义松散,包括未经授权获取文件,并没有将某个特定个人命名为“黑客”。该报说,它通过特朗普律师鲁迪·朱利安尼(Rudy Giuliani)的律师间接获取了...

  • 发布于 2021-04-17 05:14
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推特对总统特朗普的另一条推特采取了行动,这次错误地声称选举日后抵达的选票没有资格。 “任何在选举日之后收到的选票都不会被计算在内,”这条推特写道,显然是指一些州正在进行的邮寄选票统计。 Twitter在...

  • 发布于 2021-04-17 06:25
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  • 发布于 2021-04-19 00:51
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  • 发布于 2021-04-19 01:16
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...但不移除— 美国总统唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)的违规推特。公司限制了一个王牌职位“严重武力” 与华盛顿特区相当于西雅图的潜在竞争对手’美国国会山占领了**区。 Twitter的安全团队写道:“我们已经在这条...

  • 发布于 2021-04-19 04:33
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  • 发布于 2021-04-23 14:21
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  • 发布于 2021-05-01 04:18
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