



这就是说,制定一项国家数据隐私法——几乎可以肯定,这项法律将比加利福尼亚州的法律更弱,它将取代加利福尼亚州的法律——至少在理论上是可能的。科技公司非常想要它,昨晚赢得连任的加州民主党人罗·坎纳也是如此。马克娜·凯利(Makena Kelly)在边缘写道,他可能会在共和党控制的参议院中找到某种盟友,即使她很可能会大大削弱该法案:

But something like Khanna’s bill would need to move through the Senate before landing on the president’s desk. Republicans still have the majority in that chamber, so any tough Democratic privacy bills from the House will be met with the GOP’s general skeptici** regarding regulation. Leadership electi*** will also shake up the members on important commerce committees. Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) won her bid for the Senate last night, and after chairing the House Energy and Commerce subcommittee on tech this past term, her new energy will likely be brought to the corresponding body in the Senate. Last year, Blackburn put forth her own light-touch privacy legislation, and any bill that passes through the House will likely be brought in front of her before it passes the Senate.








The rebuff came after Damian Collins, the head of the U.K. parliament’s media committee, joined forces with his Canadian counterpart in hopes of pressuring Zuckerberg to testify, as he did before the U.S Congress. Facebook rejected the invitation to appear before the so-called “international grand committee” session Nov. 27, arguing it wasn’t possible for Zuckerberg to appear before all parliaments. Collins says pressure is building, with counterparts in Australia, Argentina and Ireland having joined the grand committee in the time since Zuckerberg was invited.


为了回应关于Facebook“暗钱”问题的广泛报道,该公司正在推迟在英国推出类似的易滥用表单字段,Alex Hern和Jim Waterston报道:

“We have learnt that some people may try to game the disclaimer system by entering inaccurate details and have been working to improve our review process to detect and prevent this kind of abuse,” a Facebook spokesperson said in a statement.

“Once we have strengthened our process for ensuring the accuracy of disclaimers, we will be introducing enforcement systems to identify political advertisers and require them to go through the authorisation process.”



A site that claims to be associated with the Russia-based Internet Research Agency (IRA) later posted a list of fake Instagram accounts it made before the US midterm electi***, which included many that were removed by Facebook yesterday and others that the company has now blocked.


David McCabe和Shannon Vavra写道:“国土安全部表示,在中期选举即将结束之际,没有看到安全违规行为影响到全国各地的选票。”。请注意,这适用于选举基础设施,如投票机,而不是社交媒体。



“We’ve done a lot research on fake news and people are getting better at figuring out what it is, so it’s become less effective as a tactic,” said Priscilla Moriuchi, a former National Security Agency official who is now a threat ****yst at the cybersecurity firm Recorded Future threat manager.

Instead, Russian accounts have been amplifying stories and internet “memes” that initially came from the U.S. far left or far right. Such postings seem more authentic, are harder to identify as foreign, and are easier to produce than made-up stories.


克雷格·廷伯格(Craig Timberg)和托尼·罗姆(Tony Romm)报告说,国内的超级党派演员采纳了俄罗斯的中期选举剧本,并发现它们在很大程度上是有效的:

“Everyone’s witnessed the playbook playing out,” explained Watts, a fellow at the Foreign Policy Research Institute. “Now they don’t need Russia so much. They’ve learned that the tactic is devastatingly effective.”

He and other experts point to a rampant online spread of misleading reports and images about the migrant caravan in Mexico, for example — and especially the dem***trably false allegati*** that billionaire George Soros is funding a violent “invasion” of the United States.


Paresh Dave使用新的平台广告档案来评估2018年活动期间有多少广告因违反规则而被删除:

Reuters found that Facebook and Google took down 436 ads from May through October related to 34 U.S. House of Representatives contests declared competitive last month by RealClearPolitics, which tracks political opinion polls.

Of the 258 removed ads with start and end dates, ads remained on Google an average of eight days and Facebook 15 days, according to data Reuters collected from the databases.




Digital ad spending rose more than 25-fold from the last non-presidential national electi*** in 2014, reaching 20 percent of expected political spending this year at almost $1.8 billion, according to estimates compiled by Borrell. Kantar Media/CMAG, which omits some online activity, estimated 2018 online spending at $900 million, up from $250 million four years ago.

The figures show how digital sites, with their ability to target thin slices of the electorate, have assumed a prime place alongside traditional media such as broadcast TV, which is still prized for reaching large numbers of older voters likely to go the polls and accounts for the largest amount of political ad spending.

Samantha Bee的****玩家报告了800多起压制选民的事件


And a few months ago, Full Frontal host Samantha Bee released an app called This Is Not A Game: The Game, which married HQ Trivia-esque gameplay with political knowledge, for jackpots ranging from $1,000 to $5,000. In the lead-up to this year’s climactic midterms, however, Bee and the show have partnered with The Democracy Labs — a project founded by Silicon Valley technologist Deepak Puri — to turn the app into something more: a portal for Americans to report voter suppression. Today, Bee and the show announced that players on the app have now reported more than 800 total instances of voter suppression nationwide.


泰勒·洛伦兹(Taylor Lorenz)在推特的个人简历中提到你重要的另一半的做法引发了巨大的争议。我支持那些说这种做法通常令人恶心的人,但其他人不同意:

“I added my hu**and’s handle to my bio right around the time we got engaged three years ago. It kind of came along with that haze of OMG I’m engaged and so in love and everyone needs to know it! feeling,” said Natalie O’Grady of Portland, Oregon. “Now I feel like spouse is definitely part of my personal identity. I’m a lucky lady and while wife isn’t my entire world, I think I ended up with a pretty awesome partner, and I’m proud to be his partner, too.”


马修·英格拉姆(Mathew Ingram)报告说,当Facebook删除总统宣传的种族主义广告时,已经有多达500万人看到了它。






微软正在逐步推出其Kaizala group communicati***应用程序



法哈德·曼乔(Farhad Manjoo)和我一样认为谷歌的退出是一件大事:

In just a week, the organizers used Google’s own collaborative tools, and leveraged its open company culture, to create a wide-ranging movement. Their demands reflect the comments and suggesti*** of more than 1,000 people who participated in internal conversati*** about the walkout. They include points of view of that have long been marginalized in tech — of minority workers, for instance, and of contractors, the industry’s second-class citizens.

The walkout’s organizers told me that they were aiming to keep that movement alive — to ask the most important questi*** about how their company operates in the world, and to inspire those in other parts of the tech industry to take up similar arms.



泰勒·洛伦兹(Taylor Lorenz)报道说,Instagram上的所有热门人物都在脱下衣服,以便更好地突出他们的“我投票的贴纸”,这是一部杰作:

When Juan Del Toro, a Ph.D. student in New York, got home from the polls this morning, he took his shirt off, set the camera to selfie mode, posted an i votedsticker to his shirtless chest, and shared the photo to Instagram. “Don’t forget to exercise … your right to vote,” he wrote, followed by a winky-face emoji. Del Toro said it was easy, and peeling the sticker off his hairy chest didn’t even hurt.

“I thought it was effective because sex sells. Non-shirtless pics get less likes (40-60) whereas shirtless pics get a ton (200+). So I thought why not,” he wrote via an Instagram direct message, adding that he wanted to “inspire people to do their civic duty and make it seem like voting is a sexy and provocative thing to do. As it should be!



请向我发送提示、评论、问题以及与选举相关的口渴陷阱:[email protected].

  • 发表于 2021-08-26 11:55
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...限制和标注总统特朗普(Donald Trump)的帖子,这次是针对民主党官员操纵关键州计票的毫无根据的说法。Twitter对tweet进行了标记,并限制了tweet的访问范围,称tweet“存在争议,可能具有误导性”。Facebook补充了一条一般性警告,...

  • 发布于 2021-04-17 06:07
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民主党人在推特上呼吁暂停总统特朗普的推特帐户,直到选举决定。 众议员大卫·西西林(David Cicilline)周三在推特上说:“现在,总统的推特账户正在一个惊人的片段上发布谎言和错误信息。“这是对我们民主的威...

  • 发布于 2021-04-17 06:14
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...2020年的大选。 名为“特朗普获胜”的视频。民主党试图拉一个快速的“和”特朗普赢了。MSM希望你不要相信自己的眼睛,”11月4日开始出现在奥恩的YouTube频道上——这是人们在联邦选举中投票的一天。这些视频充满...

  • 发布于 2021-04-17 06:34
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...错误信息。 附加阅读: 观看费城伟大的人民现场计票 Facebook、Twitter采取措施限制总统的虚假选举主张 推特限制特朗普竞选官员推特指称费城选民欺诈 在选票全部清点之前,特朗普谎称获胜 推特限制了特朗普又一条编造选举...

  • 发布于 2021-04-17 06:44
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...俄罗斯更大规模干预选举活动的一部分,其中还包括窃听民主党全国委员会,并向媒体散发他们的电子邮件。 作为回应,Facebook大幅扩充了其团队,致力于所谓的“平**整性”。在全职员工和致力于内容节制的承包商之间,到201...

  • 发布于 2021-04-17 06:48
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  • 发布于 2021-04-17 13:13
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  • 发布于 2021-04-17 18:13
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Facebook首席执行官扎克伯格(markzuckerberg)今天表示,在大选前的7天内,Facebook将停止在美国投放新的政治广告,这是该公司为防止选举干扰而采取的一系列措施的一部分。 扎克伯格在脸书上宣布这一举动时说:“距...

  • 发布于 2021-04-17 19:26
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Facebook将拒绝唐纳德·特朗普和乔·拜登在宣布美国大选获胜者之前宣称获胜的广告。 这一变化是对9月3日宣布的一项政策的更新,正如Fast公司报道的那样,该政策禁止在选举前一周发布政治广告。这一政策不会阻止...

  • 发布于 2021-04-18 01:48
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Facebook将禁止那些错误地宣称在美国总统竞选中获胜的广告。一周前,该公司宣布将拒绝唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)或乔·拜登(Joe Biden)在11月3日声称提前获胜的广告。 该政策涵盖了声称合法投票形式(如邮寄投...

  • 发布于 2021-04-18 03:23
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