



“Key facts about this market research program are being ignored,” the company said. “Despite early reports, there was nothing ‘secret’ about this; it was literally called the Facebook Research App. It wasn’t ‘spying’ as all of the people who signed up to participate went through a clear on-boarding process asking for their permission and were paid to participate. Finally, less than 5 percent of the people who chose to participate in this market research program were teens. All of them with signed parental c***ent forms.”

我认为,其中一些是公平的:将一个在各种应用程序上公开广告的程序称为Facebook Research(一个秘密间谍程序)似乎是错误的。另一方面,参与调查的青少年比例似乎不如他们一开始就成为目标的事实那么重要,即使头条新闻(包括我自己的头条新闻)强调了这一点。“父母同意书”是一个屏幕,任何人都可以快速点击过去。


Apple has shut down Facebook’s ability to distribute internal iOS apps, from early releases of the Facebook app to basic tools like a lunch menu. A person familiar with the situation tells The Verge that early versi*** of Facebook, Instagram, Messenger, and other pre-release “dogfood” (beta) apps have stopped working, as have other employee apps, like one for transportation. Facebook is treating this as a critical problem internally, we’re told, as the affected apps simply don’t launch on employees’ phones anymore.

正如我昨天在这里指出的,苹果和Facebook之间的紧张关系已经持续了一段时间。对于苹果首席执行官蒂姆·库克(Tim Cook),Facebook及其广告支持的科技巨头谷歌(Google)为其打造了方便的打孔袋。去年,在一次关于隐私权是一项人权的演讲中,他将这些公司称为“数据产业综合体”。库克希望推广这样一种理念,即iOS设备比其他设备更有价值,因为它们不使用基于广告的商业模式(2016年,在苹果五年来寻求建立自己的基于广告的商业模式的努力失败后,他的言论急剧升级。)


通过今天宣布Facebook的企业证书无效,库克扳动了他的一个较小的开关。Rob Price报道说,今天Facebook内部的结果是一片混乱(其他人跟我说的差不多。)

The move dramatically escalated tensi*** between Facebook and Apple, and has left Facebook employees unable to communicate with colleagues, access internal information, and even use company transportation.






对于那些认为Facebook应该被迫获取和保留更少的消费者数据的人来说,今天可能感觉是一场胜利。在这种观点下,苹果介入并保护了消费者《****》的凯文·鲁斯(Kevin Roose)在推特上写道:“苹果现在是Facebook事实上的隐私监管机构,这很奇怪,但可能是必要的/不可避免的。”


Hi, I’m the nagging voice in the back of your head pointing out that it’s pretty intense that Apple can simply decide to prevent people from running code on their phones.

Facebook是一个开明的独裁政权,但苹果也是。蒂姆·库克(Tim Cook)和他的副手决定了一个庞大经济体的条件,并能一时兴起改变这个经济体。今天,苹果的行为可能与其隐私原则不一致,这对一些消费者有利(这对那些指望着那张20美元的礼品卡的人来说是一种伤害!)但是,正如鲁斯所说,苹果面临着更多的压力,要成为事实上的隐私监管机构,我们可能会对其垄断权力感到不安。




但是,尽管我们在这里关注Facebook的举动,我希望我们至少也能为苹果付出同样的努力。如果蒂姆·库克(Tim Cook)能在Facebook的日子里造成如此大的破坏,无论多么合理,想象一下苹果对我们其他人有多大的影响力。



本尼迪克特·凯里(Benedict Carey)报道了斯坦福大学的一项新研究,该研究涉及暂时离开Facebook的积极和消极后果:

Expect the c***equences to be fairly immediate: More in-person time with friends and family. Less political knowledge, but also less partisan fever. A **all bump in one’s daily moods and life satisfaction. And, for the average Facebook user, an extra hour a day of downtime. […]

The new study, a randomized trial financed principally by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, a nonpartisan supporter of research in science, technology and economics, sketches out a nuanced, balanced portrait of daily use that is unlikely to satisfy either critics or supporters of the platform.


马克纳·凯利(Makena Kelly)报道,在总统阻止推特批评者的案件中胜诉后,美国公民自由联盟(American Civil Liberties Union)提起诉讼,指控萨克拉门托的一名治安官在其官方Facebook页面上非法阻止黑人生命事件活动人士

According to the ACLU, two Black Lives Matter Sacramento leaders were blocked by Sheriff Scott Jones on Facebook after Jones refused to investigate the death of Mikel McIntyre, who was killed by Sacramento deputies in 2017. This past fall, Jones posted on his official Facebook page to seek support, but was met with critici** which prompted him to block BLM leaders Tanya Faison and Sonia Lewis.

When a page blocks someone on social media platforms, the blocked user is no longer able to view or interact with posts on that page. Because the page in question was operated by the sheriff, a government official, the block raises unique c***titutional issues.


Daniel Funke探讨了Facebook上的假新闻发布者如何通过更换网络主机来逃避惩罚:

Of the 45 flagged stories that we identified at the time, 12 are still live on News Punch’s site with the same headline. Of those, none were flagged as false on Facebook as of publication.

That means that — even though fact-checkers like have already debunked these stories — users can share old YourNewsWire stories from News Punch links without receiving a warning that they’re false. The fake news site itself could even repost them and find a new audience. And some of the stories have.








There were more than 1.52 billion people using Facebook every day in December 2018, a 9 percent increase year over year. Monthly active users were also up 9 percent year over year, with 2.32 billion as of December 31st.

Those numbers are both up from last quarter by 1.8 percent, improving on a three-month stretch that saw a slight usage decline in the US and Europe. This quarter’s growth is by no means the best Facebook has had, but it does mark a return to the company’s usual upward trend after signs that it might be beginning to falter.

马克·扎克伯格(MarkZuckerberg)发布了关于Facebook 2019年优先事项的帖子


First, continue making progress on the major social issues facing the internet and our company.

Second, build new experiences that meaningfully improve people’s lives today and set the stage for even bigger improvements in the future.

Third, keep building our business by supporting the milli*** of businesses — mostly **all businesses — that rely on our services to grow and create jobs.

And fourth, communicate more transparently about what we’re doing and the role our services play in the world.


Taylor Hatmaker报告说,Facebook已经吸引了一些隐私倡导者从内部着手解决政策问题:

Next month, longtime Electronic Frontier Foundation counsel Nate Cardozo will join WhatsApp, Facebook’s encrypted chat app. Cardozo most recently held the position of Senior Information Security Counsel with the EFF where he worked closely with the organization on cybersecurity policy. As his bio there reads, Cardozo is “an expert in technology law and civil liberties” and already works with private companies on privacy policies that protect user rights.


杰克·尼卡斯(Jack Nicas)探索了准确测量Facebook上虚假账户的挑战(正如罗布·霍宁所指出的那样,假账户的存在也可以被视为一个充满希望的迹象,表明一个完美的全球全景游戏尚未完成,它只存在于利用我们当中最脆弱的群体!)

Facebook cut its estimate of fake accounts significantly in 2016. A year later, it more than quadrupled the estimate. And on Wednesday, in **all print at the bottom of a slide about earnings, Facebook increased the estimate by 36 percent, to 116 million. So what’s going on?

Facebook arrives at its estimates by ****yzing a sample of accounts, looking “for names that appear to be fake or other behavior that appears inauthentic,” the company said in securities filings. “We apply significant judgment in making this determination.”


Nathan Grayson报道了一名妇女,她被Twitch上的爬行动物所困扰,而亚马逊所有的公司似乎对此无能为力。她的罪行:倡导电子游戏的多样性:

Whenever she streams, she can count on people in her community getting creepy DMs, either from a person who goes by the handle “Mosheddy” or his friends, some of whom have created accounts that specifically mention Mosheddy to taunt her. Other channels DePass has hosted, sent her community into using Twitch’s “raid” feature, or even just decided to watch on her own have also ended up being trolled by Mosheddy and his sympathizers.

This is all happening despite a suite of Twitch tools and a terms of service that should, in theory, enable streamers to curate their communities and experiences—and, most importantly, protect themselves from users they feel threatened or upset by. DePass’ troll has uncovered a series of easily exploitable loopholes. Sure, now that DePass has banned him, he can’t talk in her channel’s chat, but he can still follow it, see who’s in her community, DM them, and tag along any time DePass decides to hit up another channel.


布伦丹·尼汉(Brendan Nyhan)和帕特里克·鲍尔(Patrick Ball)以谷歌**的成功为例,认为大型科技公司的员工应该向老板施加更大的内部压力,要求他们进行改革:

Encouraging the tech giants to do more to limit the spread of misinformation may be the least bad solution to the problem that now confronts us. The effectiveness of these efforts and their c***istency with our values is difficult to monitor from outside of these massive and powerful firms.

In this sense, the employees of Facebook, Google, and other platforms have been entrusted with a great resp***ibility; we must encourage them to act as advocates for socially resp***ible computing and protect and reward those who come forward when those principles are violated.


Adi Robertson对今年晚些时候将要前往Netflix的关于Cambridge Analytica的新纪录片印象不深:

The Great Hack is sometimes fascinating, especially when it’s delving into the shady inner workings of Cambridge Analytica. And it covers timely and important themes. But for a film about resisting propaganda, it’s surprisingly credulous.

Cambridge Analytica clearly breached Facebook users’ trust. There’s far less evidence that its “psychographic” tactics worked any better than traditional canvassing and broadly targeted ads. Some reports paint the company as a bumbling snake-oil hawker, suggesting that Mercer forced candidates to hire it as a condition of his donati***. But while The Great Hack’s subjects hammer Cambridge Analytica for all sorts of decepti***, they appear to accept its sales pitch at face value — and so do the filmmakers, who present company marketing material and promotional speeches as unchallenged fact.



More than anyone else in media, BuzzFeed’s founder, Jonah Peretti, bet on symbioses with the tech platforms. He understood that the tech giants would keep getting bigger, but to him that was a feature, not a bug. By creating content that hooked into their algorithms, he imagined BuzzFeed getting bigger — and making money — along with them.

At the least, the layoffs suggest the tragic folly of Mr. Peretti’s thinking. Google and Facebook have no economic incentive for symbiosis; everything BuzzFeed can do for them can also be done by the online hordes who’ll make content without pay.

So where does that leave media? Bereft.



It’s no stretch to posit that because human neurotran**itters respond to the platform’s iconic use of a certain shade of blue, and spark with dopamine upon receiving a “like” or “tag” notification, desperate children are now living in cages and a raving madman occupies the Oval Office. Not even Orwell, after a feast of psilocybin, could have predicted thisdystopia. This one’s all ours.



Jesse Daugherty喜欢向少数粉丝播放自己玩电子游戏的情景。然后他在广播时睡着了,醒来时看到了他有史以来最大的听众:

In a rather endearing clip on his channel, Daugherty can be seen slowly coming to and realizing how big his audience had gotten. The clip, titled “The awakening,” now has more than 2.6 million views.

“I saw the total of 200 and I thought that was wrong,” he said. “Then I saw how fast the chat was moving and I was like, okay, that’s not wrong.”



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  • 发表于 2021-08-27 16:26
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...至不是自满。一些公司希望被视为采取反恐怖主义行动。其他人则乐于分享大量数据,只要不登上头条。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-13 12:25
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... 操作这些系统的大型企业在辩论中拥有巨大的影响力,这无助于解决问题。人脸识别的实现常常以安全为幌子卖给我们。然而,你可能会想,目前的权衡是否值得牺牲你的隐私权。 ...

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据TechCrunch报道,Facebook和谷歌一直违反苹果的政策,在苹果应用商店外发布跟踪用户行为的应用程序。苹果暂时禁止Facebook和谷歌运行内部软件,发出了强烈的信息。 facebook监控用户(经同意) Facebook喜欢尽可能多地了解它的...

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Facebook今天在整版报纸广告中公开批评苹果即将对iOS隐私进行修改。《****》、《*****》和《华尔街日报》今天刊登的一则广告的标题是:“我们为各地的小企业与苹果抗衡。”。彭博新闻社报道说,这些广告与苹果iOS 14的隐私变...

  • 发布于 2021-04-17 03:28
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Facebook今天在报纸上发布了第二个整版广告,加大了对苹果修改隐私的力度。这则新广告声称,苹果iOS 14隐私变更“将改变我们所知的互联网”,并迫使网站和博客“开始向你收取订阅费”或因缺乏个性化广告而购买附加应用程...

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...多的时间来遵守这些变化。最关心这一功能的公司之一是Facebook,该公司表示将停止使用苹果打算警告用户的唯一标识,但对其网络上的第三方广告商表示担忧,因为他们负担不起这样做。 “我们致力于确保用户可以选择是否允...

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...的新闻可能会影响公众对大型科技平台的看法。 趋势:Facebook在11月的民意调查中给员工带薪休假。这项努力是在COVID-19导致民调工人短缺之际进行的。(萨拉·菲舍尔/阿西奥斯) 趋势是:谷歌的碳足迹现在为零。该公司在2007年...

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...得这很有说服力。它不是我们特别热衷于**的产品。也许其他人会成功。它不适合我们主要关心的那种社会用例。 如果不是“你脸上的苹果手表”,那么这些眼镜有什么令人兴奋的潜在用途呢? 虚拟现实和增强现实让我兴奋的...

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...短信、音乐、日历等——仍然停留在苹果的内置软件上。Facebook对此并不太满意。信息显示,Facebook正在更有力地说服iPhone**商让人们选择自己喜欢的短信应用。 Facebook的Messenger负责人斯坦·丘德诺夫斯基(Stan Chudnovsky...

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苹果在ios 14上加大广告力度的举动是一种趋势的一部分

...党。这个信息首先被一个看似不真实的账户分享,然后被其他人复制粘贴。(玛丽安娜·斯普林/BBC) 假黑人生命事件**者运动中使用的造谣策略反映了俄罗斯在2016年试图加剧美国的种族分裂,压制黑人选民投票率。(克雷格·汀...

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