


Navy Ship Made With Steel Rubble From World Trade Center Christened





1890年,当美国海军新的战斗巡洋舰缅因号在布鲁克林海军造船厂接受洗礼时,大批人群涌了出来。1890年11月18日,即该船下水的早晨,《纽约时报》的一篇文章描述了将要发生的事情。它还强调了海军部长孙女、16岁的爱丽丝·特蕾西·威尔默丁(Alice Tracy Wilmerding)的责任:

Miss Wilmerding will have the precious quart bottle secured to her wrist by a short bunch of ribbons, which will serve the same purpose as a sword knot. It is of the utmost importance that the bottle be broken on the first throw, for the bluejackets will declare the vessel is unmanageable if she is permitted to get into the water without first being christened. It is consequently a matter of deep interest to the old “shellbacks” to learn that Miss Wilmerding has performed her task successfully.



Fifteen thousand people – on the word of the watchman at the gate – swarmed about the red hull of the giant battle ship, on the decks of all the assembled vessels, in the upper stories and on the roofs of all the adjacent buildings. The raised platform at the point of the Maine’s ram bow was prettily draped with flags and flowers and upon it with Gen. Tracy and Mr. Whitney stood a party of ladies. Prominent among them was the Secretary’s granddaughter, Miss Alice Wilmerding, with her mother. It was upon Miss Wilmerding that all eyes centred. That young lady, clad in a cream white skirt, a warm black jacket, and a big dark hat with light feathers, wore her honors with a very modest dignity, being fully sensible of the importance of her position. She is scarcely sixteen years old. Her hair in a long braid fell gracefully down her back, and she chatted with her more elderly companions with perfect ease, as though entirely ignorant of the fact that 10,000 pairs of eyes were looking toward her. The bottle of wine which her hands were to break over the formidable bow was a pretty thing indeed – quite too pretty, she said, to be offered up on the shrine of so unfeeling a monster. It was a pint bottle, covered with a network of fine cord. Wound around its full length was a ribbon bearing a picture of the Maine in gold, and from its base hung a knot of varicolored silk pennants ending in a gold tassel. Around its neck were two long ribbons bound in gold lace, one white and one blue. At the ends of the white ribbon were the words, “Alice Tracy Wilmerding, November 18, 1890,” and at the ends of the blue were the words, “U.S.S. Maine.”



“She moves!” burst from the crowd, and a great cheer went up from the lookers-on, whose excitement, no longer pent up, ran wild. Above all the uproar could be heard Miss Wilmerding’s clear voice. “I christen thee Maine” she said, accompanying her words with a smash of the bottle hard against the steel of the cruiser’s bow – a performance attended by a great splashing of the effervescent wine, which flew all over the coats of Secretary Tracy and his close companion, ex-Secretary Whitney.




At the conclusion of the religious service the Queen touched a button protruding from a small electric machine which had been placed in front of the place where her Majesty was standing, and the traditional brightly beribboned bottle of champagne, detached by the current from its position over the bows of the Royal Arthur, crashed upon the vessel’s cutwater, the Queen exclaiming, “I name thee Royal Arthur."



Camilla, the Duchess of Cornwall, the controversial wife of England's Prince Charles, christened the 2,014-passenger ship earlier this month in an elaborate ceremony in Southampton, England that was marred only by the fact the champagne bottle didn't break — a bad omen in the superstitious seafaring trade.



  • 发表于 2021-09-05 23:48
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  • 发布于 2021-06-25 19:31
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使徒信条(the apostles’ creed)和尼西亚信条(the nicene creed)的区别

...堂使用。 使徒信条史 目前的文本和背景的信条有类似的洗礼信条,是在教堂中使用的大约3和4世纪在罗马。在6世纪末和7世纪,它在法国西南部地区最终形成。 该信条逐渐取代了现有的洗礼信条,并得到了承认,作为一个正式...

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使徒信条(apostles creed)和尼西亚信条(nicene creed)的区别


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