


Smiling young man at home looking sideways

在“含沙射影的叙述”中,Bruce Fraser将该术语定义为“以指控形式表达的隐含信息,其内容构成对评论目标的某种不必要的归属”(语义学、语用学和话语视角,2001年)。

正如T.Edward Damer所指出的,“这一谬论的力量在于所产生的印象,即某些隐晦的说法是真实的,尽管没有证据支持这一观点”(攻击错误推理,2009年)。


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"The informal fallacy of innuendo consists of implying a judgment, usually derogatory, by hinting. No argument is offered. Instead the  audience is invited by suggestion, by a nod and a wink, to make the assumption. Someone asks, 'Where is Jones? Did he get fired or something?' Someone answers, 'Not yet.' By innuendo, the response numbers Jones's days. The political candidate who distributes a brochure promising to restore honesty and integrity to an office has suggested, without presenting any argument, that the incumbent is crooked." - Joel Rudinow and Vincent E. Barry, Invitation to Critical Thinking, 6th ed. Thomson Wadsworth, 2008 "Sexual come-ons are a classic example [of innuendo]. 'Would you like to come up and see my etchings?' has been recognized as a double entendre for so long that by 1939, James Thurber could draw a cartoon of a hapless man in an apartment lobby saying to his date, 'You wait here, and I'll bring the etchings down.'​" The veiled threat also has a stereotype: the Mafia wiseguy offering protection with the soft sell, 'Nice store you got there. Would be a real shame if something happened to it.' Traffic cops sometimes face not-so-innocent questions like, 'Gee, Officer, is there some way I could pay the fine right here?'" - Steven Pinker, "Words Don't Mean What They Mean," Time, September 6, 2007


"To detect innuendo, one has to 'read between the lines' of the written or spoken discourse in a given case and draw out by implicature conclusions that are meant to be inferred by a reader or audience. This is done by reconstructing the argument as a contribution to a conversation, a conventionalized type of dialogue, in which the speaker and hearer (or reader) are supposedly engaged. In such a context, speaker and hearer may be presumed to share common knowledge and expectations and cooperatively to take part in the conversation at its different stages, by taking turns making kinds of moves called 'speech acts,' for example, questioning and replying, asking for clarification or justification of an assertion." - Douglas Walton, One-Sided Arguments: A Dialectical Analysis of Bias. State University of New York Press, 1999


"Tact in regard to face-work often relies for its operation on a tacit agreement to do business through the language of hint--the language of innuendo, ambiguities, well-placed pauses, carefully worded jokes, and so on. The rule regarding this unofficial kind of communication is that the sender ought not to act as if he had officially conveyed the message he has hinted at, while the recipients have the right and the obligation to act as if they have not officially received the message contained in the hint. Hinted communication, then, is deniable communication; it need not be faced up to." - Erving Goffman, Interaction Ritual: Essays in Face-to-Face Behavior. Aldine, 1967


"Some seem to believe that we should negotiate with the terrorists and radicals, as if some ingenious argument will persuade them they have been wrong all along. We have heard this foolish delusion before." - President George W. Bush, speech to the members of the Knesset in Jerusalem, May 15, 2008 "Bush was speaking of appeasement against those who would negotiate with terrorists. The White House spokeswoman, with a straight face, claimed the reference was not to Sen. Barack Obama." - John Mashek, "Bush, Obama, and the Hitler Card." U.S. News, May 16, 2008 "Our nation stands at a fork in the political road. In one direction, lies a land of slander and scare; the land of sly innuendo, the poison pen, the anonymous phone call and hustling, pushing, shoving; the land of smash and grab and anything to win. This is Nixonland. But I say to you that it is not America." - Adlai E. Stevenson II, written during his second presidential campaign in 1956


Norman: (leers, grinning) Your wife interested in er . . . (waggles head, leans across) photographs, eh? Know what I mean? Photographs, "he asked him knowingly." Him: Photography? Norman: Yes. Nudge nudge. Snap snap. Grin grin, wink wink, say no more. Him: Holiday snaps? Norman: Could be, could be taken on holiday. Could be, yes--swimming costumes. Know what I mean? Candid photography. Know what I mean, nudge nudge. Him: No, no we don't have a camera. Norman: Oh. Still (slaps hands lightly twice) Woah! Eh? Wo-oah! Eh? Him: Look, are you insinuating something? Norman: Oh . . . no . . . no . . . Yes. Him: Well? Norman: Well. I mean. Er, I mean. You're a man of the world, aren't you . . . I mean, er, you've er . . . you've been there haven't you . . . I mean you've been around . . . eh? Him: What do you mean? Norman: Well, I mean, like you've er . . . you've done it . . . I mean like, you know . . . you've . . . er . . . you've slept . . . with a lady. Him: Yes. Norman: What's it like? - Eric Idle and Terry Jones, episode three of Monty Python's Flying Circus, 1969

  • 发表于 2021-09-14 08:01
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  • 分类:语言



...度的是,它在从儿童动画片到电影和音乐等流行文化中被影射或直接引用的频率。即使你从未看过这部电影,你也会通过这部电影的广泛影响,在数百部其他电影中看到它的身影。 Have an interesting bit of geek trivia to share? Shoot us an e...

  • 发布于 2021-04-13 02:12
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...及,所以这股烟周围可能也有一些火。 这是很多谣言和影射要跟踪,所以简短的版本是这样的:RIM可能正在考虑几个非常可怕的解决方案,显然这是一个非常可怕的情况。

  • 发布于 2021-04-23 00:13
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...;以及第四代iPad和iPad mini。乔希的位置要多久才能变成影射?观看视频了解情况。

  • 发布于 2021-04-24 12:46
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  • 发布于 2021-05-02 13:53
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...”,今早我们所见,这条小溪一直是一条无休止的调情、影射、浪漫误导的河流。 有一些可怕的姿态: 从神学到后来的一些灵巧的片段: 也许是我们见过的最大胆的伎俩,埃斯特拉贡只是宣布两人结婚了,然后马上...

  • 发布于 2021-05-09 09:04
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...。尽管这可能仍然是特朗普及其助手在没有证据的情况下影射前任犯罪行为的一个话题,但瑞安在这里的承认至少应该给白宫官员和共和党人施加压力,要求他们停止在公共场合娱乐窃听的想法。 在今天的新闻发布...

  • 发布于 2021-05-10 08:14
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...他的名字。 这个成语暗指大自然的力量。 他翻拍了一部影射她穿衣方式的作品。 老师特别提到了我们的项目。 他的小说暗指19世纪存在的种姓制度。 注意动词暗指后面总是跟有介词“to”。这是一个不及物动词。同样需要注意...

  • 发布于 2021-06-27 17:23
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...中逃离。” 迂回可以通过使用其他文学手段如委婉语、影射等来创造。 委婉语是指一种礼貌的、间接的表达方式,它取代了那些被认为是粗鲁或不礼貌的令人不快的词语和短语。例如,表达“变得有点瘦上面”是指秃顶。影射...

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  • 发布于 2021-07-11 12:36
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...。 在一句话中: 这部小说的书名是对莎士比亚戏剧的影射。歌词中有圣经的影射。她影射了她的第一次婚姻。 魔术师展示了一个巨大的幻觉。视觉幻觉让我大吃一惊。他们用颜料创造了金属的幻觉。电子游戏的目的是给人一...

  • 发布于 2021-07-12 11:11
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