如何禁止开车时使用手机吗?(are the bans on cell phone use while driving?)




  • 据估计,三分之二的司机在开车时使用手机,25%的司机承认即使在高速和繁忙的交通中也会使用手机。
  • 2008年,估计有22%的车祸被认为是由于使用手机而分心驾驶造成的。
  • 截至2013年底,美国12个州和哥伦比亚特区禁止在开车时使用手持手机通话。
  • 发表于 2022-01-07 13:18
  • 阅读 ( 35 )
  • 分类:汽车



在相当长的一段时间内,人们不建议使用闪存来运行桌面系统,比如Windows。但是,是什么让它成为移动设备的理想和可行的选择呢?今天的超级用户问答帖子回答了一位好奇的读者的问题。 今天的问答环节是由SuperUser提供的,...

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我们都听到过这样的警告:当我们使用完USB设备后,要安全地将其卸下,但如果操作系统被挂起,而您决定只需在当时或那里拔下USB设备,那该怎么办?今天的超级用户问答帖子回答了一位好奇的读者的问题。 今天的问答环节...

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有时,当技术规范“禁止”使用某个特定的配件时,可能会让人感到困惑,然而每个人似乎都认为使用有问题的配件是完全可以的。到底谁是对的?今天的超级用户问答帖子回答了一位忧心忡忡的读者的问题。 今天的问答环节...

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...d drive that I have and came across this warning: Detaching the USB cable while file transfer is in progress can damage your computer and/or Portable Series External Hard Drive. Here is the original warning: Seriously? I am going to fry my computer by doing something that USB was explicitly desig...

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...迪科斯(Flickr)提供。 问题 超级用户读者Andrew想知道如何在空的和新格式化的闪存驱动器上使用空间: I recently purchased a SanDisk Cruzer CZ36 16GB USB 2.0 flash drive with FAT32 as the default formatting. I need to store files that are larger than four GB on ...

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...外部硬盘在很多方面都很有用。考虑到这一点,在Linux中使用外部USB硬盘作为/home挂载是安全的吗?今天的超级用户问答帖子讨论了这个问题,以帮助好奇的读者。 今天的问答环节是由SuperUser提供的,SuperUser是Stack Exchange的一个...

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...fragmentation. File fragmentation is an issue (B), but lack of free space, while definitely one of many contributing factors, is not the only cause of it. Some key points here: The chances of a file being fragmented are not related to the amount of free space left on the drive. They are related to ...

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... possibly easier way is to take a USB cable (such as an extension cable or phone charger cable) that has a USB A connector on one side (the normal big computer kind like the one on the USB drive), cut off the other end, strip the wires, and solder them to the board. For the best results, try to keep...

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...atrick R.和Adam Davis为我们提供了答案。首先,帕特里克R: While a lot of modern SSDs like the 840 EVO series do provide the sizes you are used to, like the mentioned 256 GB, manufacturers used to preserve a bit of storage for mechani**s fighting performance drops and defects. If you...

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...ty soluti*** such as those offered by gitbucket.org, bettercodes.org, etc. While part of the fun is about learning about Internet security, I have not enough time to dedicate to it to become an expert and be almost certain that I took the correct prevention measures. In order to decide if I will con...

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