如何在英语课上变得更好(become better in english class)



  1. 1永远不要忘记正确的标点符号和语法。它真的让老师或任何正在阅读它的人感到恼火。如果你写了一个段落,别忘了在每个段落的开头缩进。此外,不要忘记在需要的地方添加逗号和分号。
  2. Image titled Become Better in English Class Step 1
  3. 2确保你的打印是整洁的!如果你的老师看不懂,你可能需要重做,否则你的成绩就不会被计算在内。你可以用一张纸和一支铅笔来练习!
  4. Image titled Become Better in English Class Step 2
  5. 3.多尝试阅读。如果你看到一个你不知道的单词,查字典!你甚至可以读几页字典。
  6. Image titled Become Better in English Class Step 3
  7. 4买些书。你可以买到像《文字智慧》这样的书,它们真的很有用!你可以学习生词和词义,并将其用于K-12年级。还有印刷和草书来练习你的整洁。
  8. Image titled Become Better in English Class Step 4
  9. 5向你的英语老师寻求一些书籍推荐。你最终可能会找到一本你真正喜欢的书!
  10. Image titled Become Better in English Class Step 5
  11. 6.寻找教育软件。你可以买一些可以教你英语的课程。而不是花500美元在罗塞塔石上,你可以花50美元立即沉浸其中!这可能还是有点贵,但与500美元相比差异很大。
  12. Image titled Become Better in English Class Step 6
  13. 7.和老师一起轻松得分。虽然从长远来看,如果你想获得更好的英语成绩,提高你的整体写作能力是个好主意,但你可以通过改变一些写作习惯来获得短期的巨大收益。大多数英语老师都喜欢以下几点,如果你开始使用它们,他们可能会让你的成绩至少有一点提高:使用大词。健康的词汇是每个作家最好的朋友!试着开始使用像“分歧”和“独白”这样的词。用严肃的语气。你的写作不必乏味,只要认真就行。尽量避免使用愚蠢或愚蠢的词语和表达。要整洁。保持书写在空白处,避免留下难看的橡皮擦痕迹。如果你在打字,使用庄重的字体,并遵循老师的缩进和边距规则。引用你的消息来源。每当你在写作中使用你不知道的信息时,给你的消息来源应得的信任。给你的文章起个好标题。时髦的头衔是一大优势!准确描述文章内容的严肃标题是一个不错的选择,聪明的“时髦”标题(双关语、参考文献等)也是一个不错的选择。
  14. Image titled Become Better in English Class Step 7
  • 发表于 2022-05-16 02:51
  • 阅读 ( 31 )
  • 分类:教育


然后(then)和而不是英语语法(than in english grammar)的区别

...就听到电话铃响了。 然后(then)和而不是英语语法(than in english grammar)的区别 •Then是副词。Than是介词也是连词。比是众所周知的用于比较形式。 •然后表示时间。介词than用于第五格或消音格。这就是then和than这两个词的主要区...

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...期日泰晤士报》(The Sunday Times)的《英语改变生活》(English Changes Lifes)中提到了一项较早的估计,“现在估计全球有15亿人说英语:3.75亿人以英语为第一语言,3.75亿人以英语为第二语言,7.5亿人以英语为外语。” "The elites ...

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...ed. Many works lacking any tincture of obscenity, some at the heart of the English literary tradition, are bowdlerized. It is only fairly recently that school editions of Shakespeare have become unexpurgated. An American study by James Lynch and Bertrand Evans, High School English Textbooks: A Criti...

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...s overwhelmed the native Britons is illustrated in their vocabulary... Old English (the name scholars give to the English of the Anglo-Saxons) contains barely a dozen Celtic words... It is impossible...to write a modern English sentence without using a feast of Anglo-Saxon words. Computer analysis o...

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如何你能找到英语课吗(can find english classes)

...是初级和中级演讲者的宝贵资源。 美国学习等免费在线英语课程允许移民与老师一起学习或独立学习,为公民资格考试做准备。成人和儿童的免费在线ESL课程对于那些由于日程安排、交通问题或其他障碍而无法进入教室的人来...

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... whatever age, conjugation taught us proper use of verb 'tenses,' which in English are time distinctions grouped broadly by past, present, or future; also, each verb had to be connected to a personal pronoun acting as its subject."(Davis) 主要部分 "Conjugation means breaking a verb down in...

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什么是英语语法中的名词性从句(或名词性从句)?(a noun clause (or nominal clause) in english grammar?)

...on as complete sentences." — Martha Kolln and Robert Funk, Understanding English Grammar, 5th ed., Allyn and Bacon, 1998 "A Colorado study found that the average homeless person cost the state forty-three thousand dollars a year, while housing that person would cost just seventeen thousand dol...

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什么是英语语法中的递归?(recursion in english grammar?)

...·莫里森,他只是个朋友。肯辛顿,2003) "The fact that English permits more than one adjective in a sequence in this manner is an example of a more general feature of languages that linguists call recursion. In English, prenominal adjectives are recursive. Simply put, this means th...

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...教授不会通过电子邮件给出分数)。 当布雷特谈到他的英语课时,他似乎又在责怪除了他自己以外的任何人。他似乎认为把一篇论文带到写作中心会神奇地改变他的写作。他似乎认为在复习上的微弱努力代表着应该得到更高分...

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...ose belonging to the grammatical, or function, classes...Function words in English include conjunctions (and, or), articles (the, a), demonstratives (this, that), and prepositions (to, from, at, with). To take one specific case, consider the word and. The essential feature of the word and is that it...

  • 发布于 2021-09-23 22:54
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