黑色金屬之間的差異(differences between ferrous metals)和有色金屬(non-ferrous metals)的區別



The quality of every material c***tructed depends on its foundation. As today’s 技術 advances, we often see new things being built such as towering buildings and long bridges. In the past, these structures were built with fragile wood. But since humans are quite discontented, they explore and devise new and sturdier materials like metals. Though metals are chemical elements found in nature, humans keep on enhancing their forms to maximize their use. Metals can be subdivided into two groups which are called ferrous metals and non-ferrous metals.

We all know that metals are malleable yet sturdy. These lustrous metals are very good conductors of heat and electricity which make them very 本質的 in today’s living. But what exactly are the differences between ferrous and non-ferrous metals?

Ferrous metals contain iron. The word “ferrous” has its roots from the Latin word “ferrum” which means “anything that contains iron.” Specific examples of ferrous metals are: wrought iron, stainless steel, and carbon steel. Since ferrous metals contain iron, they are magnetic. This property is the major difference between ferrous metals and non-ferrous metals. Ferrous metals are preferred in building sturdy, strong iron fences and walls, gates, and other materials made with ferrous metal alloys.

If ferrous metals have magnetic properties, non-ferrous metals are known for their lighter weight yet higher strength. Specific examples of non-ferrous metals are: brass, aluminum, and copper. Since non-ferrous metals are also non-magnetic in nature, they have higher resistance to corrosion with increased melting points. They are more preferred in electronic applicati***. If you would take a closer look at most electrical wiring, it is made mostly of copper, which is a non-ferrous metal.

We have said earlier that ferrous metals are magnetic, but it depends on the amount of iron these metals contain. The best example of this is stainless steel. This type of ferrous metal is not magnetic in nature because it undergoes a different process. In order to make it non-magnetic, it is soaked in nitric acid to get rid of its iron content, thus only the nickel remains. Even if the iron of the stainless steel is purposely removed, it is still classified as a ferrous metal.

If non-ferrous metals are very resistant to corrosion, ferrous metals are not. This corrosion takes the form of rust, the reddish and brownish substance on the surfaces of ferrous metals. This happens because of the presence of moisture in the air causing the ferrous metals to rust.


  1. 金屬有兩大類:黑色金屬和有色金屬。金屬通常是堅固的、可延展的和可延展的。

  2. “鐵”一詞來自拉丁語“鐵”,意思是“任何含有鐵的東西”

  3. 黑色金屬是一種含鐵的金屬,而有色金屬則不含鐵。

  4. 黑色金屬具有以下特性:磁性和抗腐蝕性較差。

  5. 有色金屬具有以下特性:本質上無磁性,隨著熔點的增加,抗腐蝕性更強。

  6. 黑色金屬的磁性有一些例外。不鏽鋼不是磁性的,因為它的鐵是特意去除的,使之成為“不鏽鋼”

  7. 黑色金屬的具體例子有:熟鐵、不鏽鋼和碳鋼。有色金屬的具體例子有:黃銅、鋁和銅。

  8. 黑色金屬優先用於建造堅固、堅固的鐵柵欄和牆壁、大門以及其他由黑色金屬合金製成的材料。有色金屬主要用於電氣和電子應用。

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