




在本週的科技評論季**播客系列的最後一集中,Vergecast的Dieter Bohn與iFixit的Kyle Wiens和Kay Kay Clapp討論了他們對蘋果最新產品的可修復性的看法,以及對修復權的爭奪,以及它如何操作著名的撕裂。


It looks like Apple has done something with the camera module specifically, where it makes it harder to replace the camera module. Can you explain what’s going on with this camera module thing?

Kyle Wiens: Sure. So when we do our first teardown, we open it up. We’re looking at, mechanically, how do we get in. The rating we provide is generally based on just how easy it is to open, how can we get to the components.

We did some light compatibility testing where we took two different iPhones, and we swapped the batteries between them to see if they would work. We took [an iPhone 12] battery, put it in an 11 to see if it will work, that kind of thing, just to get a feeling of how they design the phone, what their supply chain is going to look like, but we don’t extensively go and swap every single component.

After we published our teardown, Hugh Jeffreys in Australia, a popular YouTuber, did some more extensive testing, and he started swapping more components. He took the camera out of one iPhone 12, put it in another, and it didn’t work — or it worked but in a very glitchy way. That was sort of eye-opening to us. And then we got leaked a document from Apple’s internal service saying that in order to repair the camera the official way, you have to have Apple software to pair the camera to the phone.

Interesting. So some part of the iPhone — maybe it’s their secure enclave, maybe it’s just like the logic board or something — needs to identify the specific camera part, and Apple needs to approve that pairing through some sort of cloud process in order for the camera to actually work. Is that right?

It’s possible that’s how it works. That’s how the Touch ID sensor works. It’s also possible that there’s just a calibration procedure. There may be a very precise signal timing. So to put the phone into a sort of pairing mode and say, “Hey, listen to the signal timing, and sync up precisely with the camera.”

So it’s the kind of thing that you do at the factory, right? You hook everything up at the factory, and then they’ve got the tooling.

And this is True Tone works. Every LED that you make is going to have slightly different performance characteristics. And so the way that True Tone works is at the factory after they make every screen, they tune it a little bit for that specific phone and then they write that configuration to the phone. And that way, you get more c***istent color. It’s possible they’re doing something like that with the camera.

So there’s nothing wrong with that kind of pairing procedure. The problem is when you have a process like that and then you don’t make that tool available to the owner of the phone, now all of a sudden, we’re in a situation where I’ve got this iPhone 12, we swapped the camera, you can see this one camera is working fine. And then I go in portrait mode and switch to the other camera, it just crashes the whole camera app.




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