





  • 央行利用货币政策工具控制经济增长,**经济走出衰退期。
  • 虽然中央银行可以发挥作用,但目前实施的短期补救措施可能会产生负面的长期后果。
  • 财政政策是**用来改变税收和支出水平以影响经济的工具。
  • 财政政策可能会受到政治和安抚选民的影响,这可能会导致不受数据或经济理论影响的糟糕决策。
  • 如果货币政策与各国**制定的财政政策不协调,也会破坏**的努力。


货币政策是指一国中央银行为实现宏观经济政策目标而采取的行动。一些央行的任务是针对特定水平的通胀。在美国,联邦储备银行(美联储)已经成立,其任务是实现最大限度的就业和价格稳定。这有时被称为美联储的“双重授权” 大多数国家将金融管理局与任何可能破坏其授权或影响其客观性的外部政治影响分开。因此,包括美联储在内的许多央行都是作为独立机构运作的。





  • Interest Rate Targeting Controls Inflation 

    A **all amount of inflation is healthy for a growing economy as it encourages investment in the future and allows workers to expect higher wages. Inflation occurs when the general price levels of all goods and services in an economy increases. By raising the target interest rate, investment becomes more expensive and works to slow economic growth a bit.

  • Can Be Implemented Fairly Easily 

    Central banks can act quickly to use monetary policy tools. Often, just signaling their intenti*** to the market can yield results.

  • Central Banks Are Independent and Politically Neutral 

    Even if monetary policy action is unpopular, it can be undertaken before or during electi*** without the fear of political repercussi***.

  • Weakening the Currency Can Boost Exports 

    Increasing the money supply or lowering interest rates tends to devalue the local currency. A weaker currency on world markets can serve to boost exports as these products are effectively less expensive for foreigners to purchase. The opposite effect would happen for companies that are mainly importers, hurting their bottom line.


  • Effects Have a Time Lag

    Even if implemented quickly, the macro effects of monetary policy generally occur after some time has passed. The effects on an economy may take months or even years to materialize. Some economists believe money is "merely a veil," and while serving to stimulate an economy in the short-run, it has no long-term effects except for raising the general level of prices without boosting real economic output.

  • Technical Limitati*** 

    Interest rates can only be lowered nominally to 0%, which limits the bank's use of this policy tool when interest rates are already low. Keeping rates very low for prolonged periods of time can lead to a liquidity trap. This tends to make monetary policy tools more effective during economic expansi*** than recessi***. Some European central banks have recently experimented with a negative interest rate policy (NIRP), but the results won't be known for some time to come. 

  • Monetary Tools Are General and Affect an Entire Country 

    Monetary policy tools such as interest rate levels have an economy-wide impact and do not account for the fact some areas in the country might not need the stimulus, while states with high unemployment might need the stimulus more. It is also general in the sense that monetary tools can't be directed to solve a specific problem or boost a specific industry or region.

  • The Risk of Hyperinflation

    When interest rates are set too low, over-borrowing at artificially cheap rates can occur. This can then cause a speculative bubble, whereby prices increase too quickly and to absurdly high levels. Adding more money to the economy can also run the risk of causing out-of-control inflation due to the premise of supply and demand: if more money is available in circulation, the value of each unit of money will decrease given an unchanged level of demand, making things priced in that money nominally more expensive. 




  • Can Direct Spending To Specific Purposes

    Unlike monetary policy tools, which are general in nature, a government can direct spending toward specific projects, sectors or regi*** to stimulate the economy where it is perceived to be needed to most.

  • Can Use Taxation to Discourage Negative Externalities

    Taxing polluters or those that overuse limited resources can help remove the negative effects they cause while generating government revenue.

  • Short Time Lag

    The effects of fiscal policy tools can be seen much quicker than the effects of monetary tools.


  • May Be Politically Motivated

    Raising taxes can be unpopular and politically dangerous to implement.

  • Tax Incentives May Be Spent on Imports

    The effect of fiscal stimulus is muted when the money put into the economy through tax savings or government spending is spent on imports, sending that money abroad instead of keeping it in the local economy. 

  • Can Create Budget Deficits

    A government budget deficit is when it spends more money annually than it takes in. If spending is high and taxes are low for too long, such a deficit can continue to widen to dangerous levels.




  • 发表于 2021-06-20 19:09
  • 阅读 ( 243 )
  • 分类:商业金融


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