


尽管AMD工程师Tom Lendacky此前表示“AMD处理器不受内核页表隔离功能所保护的攻击类型的影响”,但英特尔表示,它正与AMD和ARM在一份措辞强硬的声明中合作。英特尔表示,计划下周与其他供应商一起披露这一问题,但它今天发表声明,因为它愤怒地称之为“不准确的媒体报道”



Intel and other technology companies have been made aware of new security research describing software ****ysis methods that, when used for malicious purposes, have the potential to improperly gather sensitive data from computing devices that are operating as designed. Intel believes these exploits do not have the potential to corrupt, modify or delete data.

Recent reports that these exploits are caused by a “bug” or a “flaw” and are unique to Intel products are incorrect. Based on the ****ysis to date, many types of computing devices — with many different vendors’ processors and operating systems — are susceptible to these exploits.

Intel is committed to product and customer security and is working closely with many other technology companies, including AMD, ARM Holdings and several operating system vendors, to develop an industry-wide approach to resolve this issue promptly and c***tructively. Intel has begun providing software and firmware updates to mitigate these exploits. Contrary to some reports, any performance impacts are workload-dependent, and, for the average computer user, should not be significant and will be mitigated over time.

Intel is committed to the industry best practice of resp***ible disclosure of potential security issues, which is why Intel and other vendors had planned to disclose this issue next week when more software and firmware updates will be available. However, Intel is making this statement today because of the current inaccurate media reports.

Check with your operating system vendor or system manufacturer and apply any available updates as soon as they are available. Following good security practices that protect against malware in general will also help protect against possible exploitation until updates can be applied.

Intel believes its products are the most secure in the world and that, with the support of its partners, the current soluti*** to this issue provide the best possible security for its customers.

  • 发表于 2021-08-22 00:28
  • 阅读 ( 62 )
  • 分类:互联网



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