


第一种是随机恐怖主义:“利用大众、公共传播,通常针对特定的个人或群体,煽动或激发恐怖主义行为,这些行为在统计上很可能发生,但似乎是随机发生的。”我在数据科学家艾米莉·戈尔森基(Emily Gorcenski)周五的一篇文章中遇到了这个想法,他用它把最近的四起袭击联系在一起。


周六,另一个内核出现了。罗伯特A。鲍尔斯是犹太教堂枪击案的嫌疑人,造成11人死亡,他沉浸在网络阴谋文化中。他经常向Gab发帖,Gab是一个推特克隆人,强调****,已成为白人民族主义者青睐的社交网络。Julie Turkewitz和Kevin Roose在《****》上描述了他可恨的观点:

After opening an account on it in January, he had shared a stream of anti-Jewish slurs and c***piracy theories. It was on Gab where he found a like-minded community, reposting messages from Nazi supporters.

“Jews are the children of Satan,” read Mr. Bowers’s biography.



右翼媒体,最著名的是福克斯新闻,提出了这样一种观点,即该商队与犹太亿万富翁(也是大屠杀幸存者)乔治·索罗斯有关。佛罗里达州共和党人马特·盖兹(Matt Gaetz)是一位真正的国会议员,他暗示这辆大篷车是由索罗斯出资的。鲍尔斯热情地在社交媒体上推广这些阴谋论。




The tenth edition of the Economist Intelligence Unit’s Democracy Index suggests that this unwelcome trend remains firmly in place. The index, which comprises 60 indicators across five broad categories—electoral process and plurali**, functioning of government, political participation, democratic political culture and civil liberties—concludes that less than 5% of the world’s population currently lives in a “full democracy”. Nearly a third live under authoritarian rule, with a large share of those in China. Overall, 89 of the 167 countries assessed in 2017 received lower scores than they had the year before.

今年1月,《经济学人》认为巴西是一个“有缺陷的民主国家”。但在本周末之后,该国的民主自由可能会经历更为急剧的下降。正如所料,极右翼候选人贾伊尔·波索纳罗(Jair Bolsonaro)在选举中轻松战胜了他的左派对手,他对该国以前的军事独裁表示赞同。

在我今天读到的最好的一篇文章中,BuzzFeed的Ryan Broderick——他当时正在巴西参加选举——将Bolsonaro的选举置于互联网和社交平台的背景下。布罗德里克专注于互联网媒体与承诺回归常态的极右翼领导人之间的共生关系。互联网媒体擅长于营造永久的危机感和愤怒感。

Typically, large right-wing news channels or c***ervative tabloids will then take these stories going viral on Facebook and repackage them for older, mainstream audiences. Depending on your country’s media landscape, the far-right trolls and influencers may try to hijack this social-media-to-newspaper-to-television pipeline. Which then creates more content to screenshot, meme, and share. It’s a feedback loop.

Populist leaders and the legi*** of influencers riding their wave know they can create filter bubbles inside of platforms like Facebook or YouTube that promise a safer time, one that never existed in the first place, before the protests, the violence, the cascading crises, and endless news cycles. Donald Trump wants to Make American Great Again; Bolsonaro wants to bring back Brazil’s military dictatorship; Shinzo Abe wants to recapture Japan’s imperial past; Germany’s AFD performed the best with older East German voters longing for the days of authoritariani**. All of these leaders promise to close borders, to make things safe. Which will, of course, usually exacerbate the problems they’re promising to disappear. Another feedback loop.





你不必到Gab去看讨厌的帖子。Sheera Frenkel、Mike Isaac和Kate Conger报道了过去一周的国内恐怖袭击在曾经比较快乐的地方是如何发生的,最著名的是Instagram:

On Monday, a search on Instagram, the photo-sharing site owned by Facebook, produced a torrent of anti-Semitic images and videos uploaded in the wake of Saturday’s shooting at a Pitt**urgh synagogue.

A search for the word “Jews” displayed 11,696 posts with the hashtag “#jewsdid911,” claiming that Jews had orchestrated the Sept. 11 terror attacks. Other hashtags on Instagram referenced Nazi ideology, including the number 88, an abbreviation used for the Nazi salute “Heil Hitler.”


就在周六犹太教堂袭击发生之前,大卫·英格拉姆(David Ingram)发布了一篇关于在社交平台上袭击犹太人的惊人增长的报道:

Samuel Woolley, a social media researcher who worked on the study, ****yzed more than 7 million tweets from August and September and found an array of attacks, also often linked to Soros. About a third of the attacks on Jews came from automated accounts known as “bots,” he said.

“It’s really spiking during this election,” Woolley, director of the Digital Intelligence Laboratory, which studies the intersection of technology and society, said in a telephone interview. “We’re seeing what we think is an attempt to silence conversati*** in the Jewish community.”


Dana Prist、James Jacoby和Anya Bourg报告说,乌克兰在信息战方面的经验为Facebook提供了一个早期且未被注意的警告:

To get Zuckerberg’s attention, the president posted a question for a town hall meeting at Facebook’s Silicon Valley headquarters. There, a moderator read it aloud.

“Mark, will you establish a Facebook office in Ukraine?” the moderator said, chuckling, according to a video of the assembly. The room of young employees rippled with laughter. But the government’s suggestion was serious: It believed that a Kiev office, staffed with people familiar with Ukraine’s political situation, could help solve Facebook’s high-level ignorance about Russian information warfare.


Natasha Lomas报道了欧盟在数据隐私问题上对Facebook施加压力的最新举措:

MEPs are urging the company to allow European Union bodies to carry out a full audit to assess data protection and security of users’ personal data, following the scandal in which the data of 87 million Facebook users was improperly obtained and misused.

In the resolution, adopted today, they have also recommended Facebook make additional changes to combat election interference — asserting the company has not just breached the trust of European users “but indeed EU law”.




这是另一个Facebook黑钱的案例,来自Donie O'Sullivan。谁在Crush Cruz Facebook页面后面?

The “Crush Cruz” page on Facebook first appeared on September 12th. Since then the person or people behind the page have spent almost $6,000 on dozens of Facebook ads, which doesn’t sound like much, but according to Facebook data reviewed by CNN Business, the page could have reached more than a million Texans. Facebook took away the page’s ability to run political ads in its current form after CNN Business inquired about it.



More than 187 million people are expected to cast their votes when the country goes to the polls on April 17. With six months of campaigning left, a deluge of political and social narratives — true and false — are being distributed to shape voters’ views.

In an attempt to stem that flow, Indonesia’s Ministry of Communicati*** has established a ‘war room,’ where a surveillance team of 70 engineers monitor social media traffic and other online platforms 24 hours a day. When Bloomberg visited on Wednesday, more than a dozen engineers were keeping a close eye on posts about an incident in West Java on Oct. 22, in which a flag bearing an Islamic creed was burned, prompting outrage across the country.


本杰明·沃福德(Benjamin Wofford)调查了美国选举制度的安全性,结果非常担心:

The country’s election vulnerability falls into three broad camps: 1) the targeting of individual campaigns, which are susceptible to email theft and other meddling; 2) the hacking of our national discourse, or “information operati***,” which are the propaganda efforts designed to sow discord; and perhaps most dangerously, 3) the technology itself that underlies the country’s election infrastructure.

In the past two years, federal and state officials have scrambled to harden a system that is almost perfectly vulnerable to the kinds of meddling and mischief on offer from Russian (or other) adversaries. One reason for this vulnerability: The basic configuration of American electi*** dates to 1890 — a chaotic ritual designed, literally, for another century.



Many of these newly awakened tech workers are motivated by Trump’s controversial policies on issues including immigration, and they’re focused on closing what they perceive to be an innovation gap with the GOP, two years after Trump effectively tapped Facebook, Twitter and other data-heavy tools on his road to victory. One outgrowth of the Valley’s efforts, a service called MobilizeAmerica, has helped Baer find potential supporters in Florida’s 18th District, a chunk of the state about the size of Rhode Island. The tool helped the campaign knock on more than 2,000 doors during a campaign event held a month before Election Day, aides said.

“After the 2016 election, I think we saw a number of individuals in the tech space, in Silicon Valley and also around the country, frankly saying they wanted to use technology for good,” said Baer, who stands to become Florida’s first openly le**ian representative in Congress if she wins. “And because of that, we’ve seen a proliferation of new tools.”



凯文·鲁斯(Kevin Roose)通过推特和Facebook的帖子记录了这名被指控的邮件**手向边缘阴谋理论家和****的转移。2016年,他的情况似乎发生了变化。

But before Mr. Sayoc’s accounts were taken down, The New York Times archived their contents. And a closer study of his online activity reveals the evolution of a political identity built on a foundation of false news and misinformation, and steeped in the insular culture of the right-wing media. For years, these platforms captured Mr. Sayoc’s attention with a steady flow of outrage and hyperpartisan clickbait and gave him a public venue to declare his allegiance to Mr. Trump and his antipathy for the president’s enemies.

On social media, none of this behavior is particularly out of the ordinary. In fact, to many of his followers, Mr. Sayoc may have appeared to be just one of many partisan keyboard warriors working through their rage.




这里有一则消息来源不充分,可能是虚假的,关于Twitter取消其核心参与机制之一的报道——而且“很快”就要启动了!一家普通的公司会否认这一点,但Twitter首席执行官杰克·多尔西(Jack Dorsey)表示,公司正在“重新考虑一切”,这可能包括一项如此激烈的措施。在这里,我发现推特对“透明度”的拥抱令人尴尬——它的实际效果是**更多的混乱和不确定性,从而损害对公司的信任(廖香农(Shannon Liao)更详细地解释了为什么like按钮可能不会出现在任何地方。)



Other moderators have noticed how Facebook’s algorithm shapes the discussion in groups. Posts in a group, not unlike the newsfeed, are sorted algorithmically by default. “If you click on the group, it tends to be the most popular content, but it’s not the most relevant,” says Dana Lewis, a member of several diabetes groups. For example, according to Lewis, the algorithm might keep showing a post whose question has been answered. And it might de-prioritize posts from new members that don’t get much engagement—ensuring they get even less engagement in a form of algorithmic ghosting. It’s not exactly a friendly welcome to a support group. “I don’t think Facebook has done a good enough job,” says Lewis. “They have a lot of room to improve.” A Facebook spokesperson noted that members can choose to see most-recent posts first, and admins see posts in their approval queue in reverse chronological order.


莎拉·弗里尔(Sarah Frier)在《Snap》中饰演的埃文·斯皮格尔(Evan Spiegel)令人难以置信的糟糕形象:

On a recent Friday, Kristen O’Hara got a major promotion: to become Snap Inc.’s chief business officer. Chief Executive Officer Evan Spiegel made it official by alerting her direct reports, according to people familiar with the matter.

Two days later, he changed his mind, rescinded the offer and hired Jeremi Gorman, who oversaw ad sales at Amazon.com Inc. The switch was jarring for Snap’s sales division, as O’Hara was well-liked, according to people familiar with the matter. Now she’s gone.


乔纳斯·帕雷罗·普莱斯纳(Jonas Parello Plessner)写道,中国曾利用LinkedIn招募他为间谍:

Back in 2011-2012, I was asked to connect over LinkedIn by a handsome Chinese woman representing a recruitment company, DRHR, in China. I accepted. She had LinkedIn connecti*** to well-seasoned China scholars, which lowered my alertness. Back then I had just started a book project on how Chinese companies risk manage in fragile environments around the globe, so I was interested in connecting with Chinese companies through DRHR. Initially not much came of the connection.

On a later trip to Beijing, she suggested an opportunity to meet. My LinkedIn contact never showed but claimed she had important business in Hangzhou. Instead, at the St. Regis, a five-star hotel where foreign delegati*** often congregate, I was greeted by three inc***picuous Chinese men. They vaguely presented themselves as representatives of a Chinese state-sp***ored think tank, but never provided me with business cards. In China, this is as awkward and unusual as being naked in a meeting. I soon understood that they worked to recruit Westerners on behalf of the Chinese party-state.


Nellie Bowles报告说,在大型科技平台工作的父母更有可能限制孩子的屏幕时间:

Ms. Stecher, 37, and her hu**and, [Facebook engineer] Rushabh Doshi, researched screen time and came to a simple conclusion: they wanted almost none of it in their house. Their daughters, ages 5 and 3, have no screen time “budget,” no regular hours they are allowed to be on screens. The only time a screen can be used is during the travel portion of a long car ride (the four-hour drive to Tahoe counts) or during a plane trip.






The quest to accrue retweets regularly drives users to tweet outlandish comments, extremist opini***, fake news, or worse. Many users knowingly tweet false and damaging information and opini*** in an effort to go viral via retweets. Entire Twitter accounts have been built on this strategy. If Twitter really wants to control the out-of-control rewards mechani**s it has created, the retweet button should be the first to go.

Retweets prey on users’ worst instincts. They delude Twitter users into thinking that they’re contributing to thoughtful discourse by endlessly amplifying other people’s points—the digital equivalent of shouting “yeah, what they said” in the midst of an argument. And because Twitter doesn’t allow for editing tweets, information that goes viral via retweets is also more likely to be false or exaggerated. According to MIT research published in the journal Science, Twitter users retweet fake news almost twice as much as real news. Other Twitter users, desperate for validation, endlessly retweet their own tweets, spamming followers with duplicate information.


Josh Contine告诉Netflix购买Snap:

That’s why I think Netflix could be a great acquirer for Snap. They’re both video entertainment companies at the vanguard of cultural relevance, yet have no overlap in products. Netflix already showed its appreciation for Snapchat’s innovation by adopting a Stories-like vertical video clip format for discovering and previewing what you could watch. The two could partner to promote Netflix Originals and subscripti*** inside of Snapchat. Netflix could teach Snap how to win at exclusive content while gaining a place to distribute video that’s under 20 minutes long.







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...这个平台还没有名字,但他建议,它将比竞争对手更欢迎极右翼的政治立场。Facebook于2020年10月开始禁止QAnon相关的团体、页面和账户,而Twitter在林德尔被禁止进入该平台的同时删除了7万个QAnon账户。 ...

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...题并没有让他们出轨,他们也许更适合这种体验。这就是为什么社交媒体对你有好处。 ...

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... 为什么人们都涌向帕勒? ...

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  • 发布于 2021-04-17 12:11
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...心这会损害公司在印度的商业利益。 本月,围绕Facebook对极右翼保守派网页和个人的明显优惠待遇,美国也出现了类似的担忧。据报道,像公共政策主管乔尔·卡普兰(Joel Kaplan)这样的Facebook高管进行了干预,以防止由合作的事...

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  • 发布于 2021-05-01 04:14
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...击案凶手塔什芬·马利克(Tashfeen Malik)在获得美国**前在社交媒体上发布了对圣战的支持,据报道,美国国土安全部正在审查其做法,总统候选人也在参与**审查过程。但联邦调查局局长詹姆斯·科米(jamescomey)反驳说,这些帖...

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...教堂。去年,一名俄德女孩被移民绑架**的报道导致德国极右翼**,促使俄罗斯外长批评德国当局。这名女孩后来承认编造了这个故事,但在这个故事被俄罗斯媒体和右倾网站广泛传播之前。 德国极右翼领导人并没有像唐纳德·...

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