




今天事件的直接原因是上周《****》的一则轰动一时的报道,报道称,尽管安卓联合创始人安迪·鲁宾(Andy Rubin)的***指控可信,但该公司已获得9000万美元的离职金。这是《****》在该公司高管中发现的几**不当事件之一。

紧接着,谷歌首席执行官Sundar Pichai告诉员工,在过去两年中,谷歌解雇了48名性骚扰者。但今天的**之所以如此强大,是因为他们向全世界展示了性骚扰和对**的不平等待遇在公司是多么普遍。



Nancy said she reported the incident to HR, which made it clear “that I was the problem.”

She cried in her car every day before work for an hour.

“They told me I’m no longer allowed to talk to anybody about this issue at all. They recommended therapy,” said Nancy, in tears. “They said, ‘Don’t worry, keep working with this person’.” Despite an investigation, nothing happened, and Nancy said she continued to work with the person for three months. During that time, she said she cried in her car every day before work for an hour.



Claire Stapleton, a product marketing manager for YouTube, which is owned by Google, who helped call for the walkout, said the number of employees who had turned out at protests exceeded her expectati***.

“We’re optimistic that we’ve opened a conversation about structural change here and elsewhere,” she said.


谷歌高管退到角落里,对这一活动表示了官方(如果沉默的话)支持。首席执行官Sundar Pichai不祥地同意在今天的Dealbook会议上登台亮相,他对采访者说:“像这样的时刻表明,我们并不总是做对,因此我们致力于做得更好。”





In the United States, internet freedom declined in 2018 due to the Federal Communicati*** Commission’s repeal of net neutrality rules. Other countries fared much worse — 17 out of 65 surveyed had adopted laws restricting online media. Of those, 13 prosecuted citizens for allegedly spreading false information. And more countries are accepting training and technology from China, which Freedom House describes as an effort to export a system of censorship and surveillance around the world.


YouTube全球音乐总监Lyor Cohen是YouTube最新一位发表博客谴责欧盟版权指令的高管。科恩说,第13条将损害音乐家和独立创作者(这也将给YouTube和谷歌带来许多法律难题。)

“Let me be clear: we understand and support the intent of Article 13. We need effective ways for copyright holders to protect their content,” Cohen wrote. “But we believe that the current proposal will create severe unintended c***equences for the whole industry. We still have a couple of weeks to work together towards a better final version of the law. The music industry should really pay attention to these unintended c***equences - the system that largely contributes to their success is at risk of major change in the European Union.”




迪特尔·博恩(Dieter Bohn)询问谷歌推出feed是否会威胁到Facebook的稳定:

After a weekend where we learned about two domestic terrorists who were radicalized by social media, all I could think about regarding Google’s new effort to push an algorithmic news feed was: “Hey Google, read the freaking room.”

We live in an era where we see real-world tragedies inspired by some form of awfulness on social media every day. We sometimes struggle to clearly define the online causal connecti*** to these tragedies, but over the past few weeks, it doesn’t seem all that hard. So it seems like a pretty inopportune time for Google to decide to put yet another news feed in front of milli*** (or billi***) of people. There has probably not been a time in 2018 when Google could have chosen to launch a new news feed that wouldn’t have made me feel this way, but this week seems particularly bad.


Peter Aldhous撰写了微软关于俄罗斯人如何利用病毒共享的最新研究:

Most Russian trolls made little headway, but the star performers scored some big hits. Sometimes they beat the mainstream news media to coverage of divisive events. On other occasi***, their tweets were embedded in widely read news stories. And in March 2017, one story from a fake black identity news site operated by the Kremlin got a huge traffic surge thanks to a high ranking in Microsoft’s Bing search engine.

It all dem***trates “the ease with which malicious actors can harness social media and search engines for propaganda campaigns,” the Microsoft study found.



乔治亚·威尔斯(Georgia Wells)和罗布·巴里(Rob Barry)写下了俄罗斯巨魔在推特上说的话,当时他们并没有破坏民主。事实证明,他们痴迷于被取消的喜剧中央节目《午夜》,该节目邀请观众在推特上发表愚蠢的双关语。

One of the trolls’ most popular tweets was in resp***e to the prompt #RedneckAMovie. The tweet “Y’all Come Back to the Future, Ya Hear?” got more than 140 likes. On the topic #MarriageAdviceIn3Words, the reply “Order your fries”—possibly a reference to spouses who don’t like to share—was retweeted 174 times


Snap首席执行官埃文·斯皮格尔(Evan Spiegel)周四在一次会议上表示,他的公司将在五年后保持独立。根据最近的趋势,这足够**和解雇首席商务官3600多次了。


随着TikTok在美国的崛起,Raymond Zhong介绍了其母公司ByteDance:

Sae-eun said she didn’t realize that TikTok was made in China, which raises what might be the most interesting question about Bytedance: How did a company that is further democratizing self-expression come out of sternly undemocratic China in the first place?

Bytedance, which was founded in 2012, did not set out to dominate the market for bite-size videos. For many years, the company’s best-known product was not Douyin but a news aggregator called Jinri Toutiao, which uses machine learning to figure out what users like, then feeds them more of it.



The study, commissioned by Heart & Stroke, found that children see an estimated 111 advertisements for food per week, or an average of 5,772 ads per year on apps such as Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter and YouTube.

The majority of those ads promoted ultra-processed foods and beverages high in fat, salt, or sugar, the study found.



There’s not a lot of TV that’s genuinely “must see,” but “The Facebook Dilemma” qualifies. Part 1, which airs Monday night, concerns itself with the warnings that arose, very early on, about the dangers Facebook posed to democratic instituti***. Tuesday’s Part 2 deals with the company’s resp***e, or lack thereof, to charges that it has enabled “fake news” and the disruption of electoral politics. It’s no **all thing that the program clarifies vital issues raised about Facebook—algorithms, for instance—so obscure to so many. Or that it so concisely tells its very disturbing story.



乔什·康斯特恩(Josh Contine)报道说,你现在可以付费让Facebook在Instagram上向更多人展示你糟糕的品牌故事:

A new ad type called “Promote” for Stories allows Instagram business pages to show their ephemeral slideshows to more users without doing much work. Admins can choose to auto-target users similar to their followers, people in a certain location, or use all of Instagram’s targeting parameters to inject their Story into the Stories queue of more users as an ad that can also link to business’ Instagram profile or website.




Farhad Manjoo说马克·扎克伯格实际上不向任何人负责:

That few can imagine a Facebook without Mr. Zuckerberg, 34, underscores how unaccountable our largest tech companies have become. Mr. Zuckerberg, thanks to his own drive and brilliance, has become one of the most powerful unelected people in the world. Like an errant oil company or sugar-pumping food company, Facebook makes decisi*** that create huge c***equences for society — and he has profited handsomely from the chaos.

Yet because of Facebook’s ownership structure — in which Mr. Zuckerberg’s shares have 10 times the voting power of ordinary shares — he is omnipotent there, answering basically to no one.


吉姆·鲁滕伯格(Jim Rutenberg)指出,我在这里经常提到的超党派论调也延伸到了由主要出版商、媒体公司和戏剧连锁店付费的作品:

You can see this kind of thing in the pages of “Liars, Leakers and Liberals” by the Fox News opinion host Jeanine Pirro. Published in July by Center Street, a division of the Hachette Book Group, Ms. Pirro’s book lays out “the globalist, open-border oligarchy” that, the author asserts, is seeking to nullify the results of the 2016 presidential election.

“The perpetrators of this anti-American plot include, but are not limited to, the leadership at the F.B.I., the C.I.A., N.S.A. and other intelligence agencies, the Democratic Party and perhaps even the FISA courts,” she writes.


对我来说,几乎没有什么事情比社交网络算法纯粹出于偶然而帮助人们更令人愉快。Brian Krebs今天从LinkedIn获得了一个冠军。


向我发送提示、评论、问题以及每个人都应该在贵公司举行**的原因:[email protected].

  • 发表于 2021-08-26 09:25
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  • 分类:互联网



据TechCrunch报道,明尼阿波利斯警方获得搜查令,要求谷歌提供去年乔治·弗洛伊德遇害两天后,一场演变为暴力的**活动附近人员的账户数据。 据TechCrunch称,搜索令要求谷歌在2020年5月27日向警方提供AutoZone商店“地...

  • 发布于 2021-04-16 08:32
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Pinterest的员工今天举行了一次虚拟的**,**对公司的歧视和报复。在8月13日发布在匿名网络应用程序Blind上的一份**书中,员工们呼吁声援三位知名**,她们最近指责公司存在种族和性别不平等。 **书鼓励员工用这三位**...

  • 发布于 2021-04-18 06:26
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在科技公司使用公共交通基础设施的**声中,谷歌今天表示,将为旧金山青年提供两年免费交通工具的资金。据说这项680万美元的赠款是该市历史上最大的私人捐款之一,将资助这项年制的免费Muni for低收入青年计划。该项目的...

  • 发布于 2021-04-25 11:13
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...年级的老师,目前她在任务区的家中面临被驱逐——距离谷歌新闻发布会举行地只有几分钟路程。蒂拉多在谷歌Android工程总监大卫伯克(David Burke)的演讲中突然站了起来,不知何故,他继续努力,好像什么都没发生。

  • 发布于 2021-04-26 18:42
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  • 发布于 2021-05-03 07:38
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在上周末的白人至上主义**之后,一场针对谷歌解雇工程师詹姆斯·达莫尔的九城**活动被取消。”“谷歌游行”组织者杰克·波索比克(Jack Posobiec)今早将游行推迟了“几个星期”,原因是他称之为“可信的极左翼恐怖威胁”...

  • 发布于 2021-05-29 11:55
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  • 发布于 2021-09-01 19:44
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...此后所有主编都是女性。 05 2006年 妇女争取平等罢工,1970年8月 1970年8.月26日,全国妇女争取平等罢工,看到妇女使用各种创造性的策略来引起人们对她们受到不公平对待的方式的注意。在商业场所和街头,妇女站起来...

  • 发布于 2021-09-04 19:48
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...的帝国将持续到1917年。 1914 •6月至7月:圣彼得堡大罢工。•7月19日:德国向俄罗斯宣战,在俄罗斯民族中造成了短暂的爱国联盟感,罢工活动减少。•7月30日:以利沃夫为总统成立了全俄罗斯伤病军人救济联盟。•8月至11...

  • 发布于 2021-09-06 04:43
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  • 发布于 2021-09-07 01:29
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