


卡罗尔·卡德瓦莱德(Carole Cadwalladr)是今年成名的一位打破《剑桥分析》(Cambridge Analytica)故事的记者,她讲述了这样一个故事:

Damian Collins, the chair of the culture, media and sport select committee, invoked a rare parliamentary mechani** to compel the founder of a US software company, Six4Three, to hand over the documents during a business trip to London. In another exceptional move, parliament sent a serjeant at arms to his hotel with a final warning and a two-hour deadline to comply with its order. When the software firm founder failed to do so, it’s understood he was escorted to parliament. He was told he risked fines and even imprisonment if he didn’t hand over the documents.

“We are in uncharted territory,” said Collins, who also chairs an inquiry into fake news. “This is an unprecedented move but it’s an unprecedented situation. We’ve failed to get answers from Facebook and we believe the documents contain information of very high public interest.”

这里到底有什么有趣的东西?在《华尔街日报》上,Deepa Seetharaman向我们讲述了64三个问题以及它起诉Facebook的原因:

The Six4Three lawsuit stemmed from Facebook’s decision in 2014 to stop giving outside developers broad access to information about users’ friends. The move was a harsh blow to developers, forcing a number of apps to shut down, while Facebook argued it helped bolster user privacy.

Six4Three was the developer of an app called Pikinis, which allowed its users to find photos of Facebook users in bathing suits. It ceased operation in 2015 because of Facebook’s decision to curtail access to its users’ data, according to the lawsuit.






柯林斯之所以得到这些文件,是因为他能够确定63岁的董事总经理特德·克莱默(Ted Kramer)在伦敦出差期间下榻的酒店。谁告诉他的?Ryan Mac在BuzzFeed中有这样的故事:

Although Kramer concedes he does not know how the DCMS committee knew where he was staying in London, he suggests in a 19-page court filing made on Monday that Carole Cadwalladr, a freelance reporter at British outlet the Observer, had tipped off the committee to his hotel address so that it could obtain the documents. Kramer and his lawyers did not immediately respond to his request for comment. Cadwalladr also did not immediately respond to a request for comment. A spokesperson for Damian Collins declined to comment. […]

The filing alleges that on November 17, 2018, during a phone conversation with Cadwalladr, Kramer told the reporter he would be on an unrelated business trip to London. According to the document, “she suggested they meet for her to receive another update on the case. Mr. Kramer agreed to meet with her at his hotel and sent her a calendar invitation with the address of the hotel.”




Facebook的谢丽尔·桑德伯格(Sheryl Sandberg)受到了一场又一场危机的影响

莎拉·弗里尔(Sarah Frier)深入探讨了桑德伯格的地位因两年的永久危机而受到的各种损害。Frier引用Facebook的报道称,该公司自诩的选举战室已经关闭,取而代之的是周五上午的会议。之后,这个故事无意中在推特上引发了一整天的争论。在我发了推特后,Facebook的盖伊·罗森(Guy Rosen)在推特上回复说,作战室不仅没有关闭,而且会扩大。然后TechCrunch写了这篇文章。



布鲁斯·施奈尔(Bruce Schneier)发表了一篇与我们的兴趣密切相关的新论文。这里有一个很好的简明总结:

Democracies, in contrast, are vulnerable to information attacks that turn common political knowledge into contested political knowledge. If people disagree on the results of an election, or whether a census process is accurate, then democracy suffers. Similarly, if people lose any sense of what the other perspectives in society are, who is real and who is not real, then the debate and argument that democracy thrives on will be degraded. This is what seems to be Russia’s aims in their information campaigns against the US: to weaken our collective trust in the instituti*** and systems that hold our country together. This is also the situation that writers like Adrien Chen and Peter Pomerantsevdescribe in today’s Russia, where no one knows which parties or voices are genuine, and which are puppets of the regime, creating general paranoia and despair. […]

In other words, the same fake news techniques that benefit autocracies by making everyone unsure about political alternatives undermine democracies by making people question the common political systems that bind their society.


卡拉·斯威舍采访了菲律宾新闻网站Rappler的联合创始人玛丽亚·雷萨(Maria Ressa),她因诚实报道其独裁领导人而面临10年监禁。她将他的崛起部分归咎于Facebook:

RESSA: President Duterte, in his second state of the nation address, in July of 2017, singles us out, he doesn’t, he attacks the top television network but he singles us out and says, “This Rappler is foreign-owned or 100 percent owned by foreigners.” I couldn’t help myself, because we were live. I automatically tweeted about it, “Mr. President, you’re wrong.” I want my independence. This is part of the reason we set up Rappler. Then within a week the first investigati*** began. Then the cases came in.


科林·莱彻(Colin Lecher)报道,俄罗斯**官员正式指控谷歌违反法律,没有删除该国禁止的网站链接:

The potential penalty that Google could face is minuscule for a company of its size: officials said in the statement that the search giant could only face fines of up to 700,000 roubles, or about $10,000. But Reuters reports that the Russian government has been c***idering more drastic acti***, including fining companies up to 1 percent of annual revenue for failing to comply with similar laws. Russia has passed a series of laws in recent years that give the government more power to censor the web, and has clashed with major websites like Wikipedia over the rules.


据Jon Porter报道,谷歌宣布将在2019年欧盟议会选举期间公布支付政治广告费用的组织的身份,此举可能会解决Facebook的黑钱问题。

Any ad that menti*** a political party, candidate, or office holder will have to tell users who paid for it, with Google also introducing a new process to verify these identities.




YouTube在从顶级搜索结果中删除阴谋论方面做得更好了,但Caroline Haskins发现了加利福尼亚野火的一个遗漏:

Currently, when a user starts typing “California fire” into YouTube, the top autocomplete search suggesti*** are “c***piracy 2018,” “agenda 21,” and “laser beam,” all of which refer to c***piracy theories related to California’s wildfires. Similarly, typing in “California wildfire” leads YouTube to suggest “lasers,” “directed energy weapon,” and “dew,” which is an acronym for “directed energy weapon.” Simply typing “California fire” and searching it does return straightforward news coverage, which is an improvement over, say, the false flag and crisis actor c***piracies YouTube was surfacing about the Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High School mass shooting earlier this year.



The capital city will pool data from several departments to reward and punish some 22 million citizens based on their acti*** and reputati*** by the end of 2020, according to a plan posted on the Beijing municipal government’s website on Monday. Those with better so-called social credit will get “green channel” benefits while those who violate laws will find life more difficult.

The Beijing project will improve blacklist systems so that those deemed untrustworthy will be “unable to move even a single step,” according to the government’s plan. Xinhua reported on the proposal Tuesday, while the report posted on the municipal government’s website is dated July 18.


艾萨克·斯通·菲什(Isaac Stone Fish)报道说,美国大学有许多中国学生,越来越多地从中国获得大量资金,而且他们越来越咬牙切齿,担心激怒***

More often, the self-censorship is nuanced and difficult to detect. “You’re not going to get a lot of China specialists openly confessing that self-censorship is a big problem,” said Minxin Pei, a professor of government at Claremont McKenna College in California who is known for his critical stance toward the Chinese Communist Party. And yet Pei believes that those who communicate to non-academic audiences, particularly in the media, thus increasing the likelihood that the Chinese government will see their work, and those who work on sensitive issues like Tibet, must watch what they say. “You don’t want to go out on a limb,” he said. “You want to come across as very measured.” Sounding “too strident,” he said, not only risks “the ire of the Chinese government but could also lose the respect of your peers, who value evidence above opinion.” Robert Barnett, who ran Columbia University’s Modern Tibetan Studies Program from its founding in 1999 until stepping down in 2017, emphasized that Columbia never actively restricted his work, but that there was often “a very strong tendency within the university, and with many prestigious instituti*** in the U.S., not to include people who study the kind of subject I work on in any kind of academic collaborati*** in China or in dialogues with Chinese delegates.”



科技股持续下跌。Akane Otani和Michael Wursshorn报道:

Twenty-six funds dumped their entire stakes in Facebook Inc. in the third quarter, according to a Goldman Sachs Group ****ysis of 13-F filings, including billionaire Daniel Loeb’s Third Point LLC, which offloaded 4 million shares, citing “a very disappointing quarter” for Facebook.


乔·伯恩斯坦(Joe Bernstein)研究了两个极右键盘战士的案例,试图了解网络文化战争在多大程度上可以被归咎于现实世界的暴力:

The truth is, as researchers of violent extremi** like James and Horgan will tell you, the vast majority of people who use Gab and Stormfront will never commit a violent crime. That’s not to absolve online communities of the beliefs of their members. It’s not to say digital spaces can’t play a major role in ushering people toward violence. As the lasting influence of Anwar al-Awlaki and Dylann Roof show, they can. It’s not even to say such spaces have a right to exist on private hosting services. They don’t — at least not as far as the First Amendment is concerned. But there isn’t an easy answer when it comes to finding the **all number of people who will commit extremist violence.

Facebook内部备忘录显示,即将卸任的comms Schrage副总裁因聘用定义人而受到指责





泰迪·施莱弗(Teddy Schleifer)研究了谁会购买这个深受视频游戏玩家和可怕的种族主义者欢迎的平台。关于Facebook的一些相关话题:

Facebook might make the most sense and the least sense of everyone on this list. The most sense because Facebook is the big tech company for communication and messaging, which is what Discord does. Plus Facebook has a strong interest in gamingand the reputation for going out and spending big on companies that can help expand its social networking moat.

The biggest knock on the Facebook idea is that it feels unlikely that the government will let the social giant buy up another communicati*** service. One person who has spoken with Facebook in the past said the company is concerned about antitrust regulators if it were to purchase Discord.


Neeraj Arora是WhatsApp的首席商务官,经常被认为是Jan Koum的潜在替代者。但后来Facebook给了克里斯·丹尼尔斯这份工作,现在阿罗拉七年后就要离开了。

WhatsApp印度负责人:Abhijit Bose将在其最大市场中领导信息平台


The mobile messaging platform, owned by Facebook (FB), has appointed its first India chief, it said in a statement late on Wednesday. Abhijit Bose, co-founder and CEO of Indian digital payments firm Ezetap, will become head of WhatsApp India in early 2019. “Bose will build WhatsApp’s first full country team outside of California,” the company said.

He will be based in Gurgaon, a rapidly growing tech hub on the outskirts of New Delhi that is also home to other big names like Google and Microsoft.


Priya Krishna探讨了WhatsApp如何成为人们讨论农业和食品的中心——一个不寻常的在线论坛、帮助热线和博客的混合体:

But among Indians who produce, cook or care about food, the service has been a godsend. In a country where culinary traditi*** are often spoken but not written, WhatsApp has provided an open, democratic forum where Indians can share and codify their knowledge and skills, in new ways, and even profit from them.

“One of the problems with documenting Indian food is that the people who prepare it” — mainly homemakers, farmers and young cooks — “tend to be less empowered and less formally educated,” said Vikram Doctor, 51, a journalist in Mumbai. “They just don’t document. They are not comfortable using a computer or blogging, or people just don’t ask them.”


推特首席执行官杰克·多尔西(Jack Dorsey)前往印度,拍了一张海报,海报上写着“粉碎婆罗门父权制”,这是指由于印度历史上的种姓制度,在推特和其他地方发生的骚扰和虐待。这在右翼印度教**中引起了轩然**。整个过程就像硅谷有史以来最接近于**一集完美的Veep。

Twitch首席执行官埃米特·希尔(Emmett Shear)如何看待科技成瘾

库尔特·瓦格纳(Kurt Wagner)与Twitch首席执行官埃米特·希尔(Emmett Shear)就科技成瘾问题进行了交谈。他似乎基本上对这个想法不屑一顾,这让我感到惊讶,因为他的许多彩带每天广播八个小时或更长时间:

SHEAR: Twitch people don’t open our app that many times a day. They just open it for a long time when they do. And I actually think that’s a much healthier way of interacting with your technology, and with entertainment. You know? I go to a movie, I’ll spend two hours watching a movie. That doesn’t mean that I’m addicted to the movie. It just means that it’s a good piece of entertainment I decided to go sit down and watch. And I don’t necessarily think that’s such a big deal.

That said, we definitely are paying attention to this, and I think that it’s really important for every tech business to be self-reflective about, you know, “Is this addictive? Are people actually getting value out of their usage?” And making sure people feel like … You know, you give them the tools to have control over that.





To be clear, as the No. 2 in charge, Ms. Sandberg deserves much blame for the bad decisi*** at Facebook. But it’s notable that she is under much more fire than Mark Zuckerberg, the chief executive. While he underwent some scrutiny at Congressional hearings and in interviews, he has somehow managed to come off like a geek who has lost his way in the woods. Whatever blame he got has dissipated quickly.


Jennifer Senior说Sheryl Sandberg确实应该为Definers丑闻受到谴责:

What makes Sandberg’s current behavior so unsavory is that she put corporate interests — and her own image — ahead of the needs of democracy. She would sooner downplay Facebook’s involvement in a national security crisis than compromise the integrity of her reputation. And in so doing, Sandberg, one of the country’s most influential and renowned feminists, may have contributed to the historic loss of the first viable female candidate for president of the United States.


哲学家S。Matthew Liao对标题问题的回答可能是——但还不是:

For now I’m going to stay on Facebook. But if new information suggests that Facebook has crossed a moral red line, we will all have an obligation to opt out.




A facial recognition system in the city of Ningbo caught Dong Mingzhu, the chair of appliance-making giant Gree Electric, running a red light. Only it turned out not to be Dong, but rather an advertisement featuring her face on the side of a bus, local police said on Weibo Wednesday.



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