


作者兼编辑索尔·斯坦建议:“切掉你遇到的每一个陈词滥调。”。“说新的或直截了当的”(Stein on Writing,1995)。但切碎陈词滥调并不像馅饼那么容易,甚至不如一、二、三那么容易。在消除陈词滥调之前,你必须能够识别它们。




"The essence of a cliché is that words are not misused, but have gone dead."


"I think I'll adopt the definition set forth by someone who has thought about clichés longer than I have. In On Clichés (Routledge and Kegan Paul [1979]), a most suggestive treatise, a Dutch sociologist named Anton C. Zijderveld defines a cliché thus: "'A cliché is a traditional form of human expression (in words, thoughts, emotions, gestures, acts) which—due to repetitive use in social life—has lost its original, often ingenious heuristic power. Although it thus fails positively to contribute meaning to social interactions and communication, it does function socially, since it manages to stimulate behavior (cognition, emotion, volition, action), while it avoids reflection on meanings.' "This is a definition that doesn't, you might say, throw the baby out with the bathwater; it leaves no stone unturned while offering several blessings in disguise, and in the final analysis provides an acid test. You might say all this, that is, if you have an ear dead to the grossest of clichés."


"People say, 'I'm taking it one day at a time.' You know what? So is everybody. That's how time works."


"I sailed through a logjam of dead literary clichés: snow-capped peaks above, fathomless depths below; and, in the middle of the picture, the usual gaunt cliffs, hoary crags, wild woods and crystal cascades."



"Clichés are a dime a dozen. If you've seen one, you've seen them all. They've been used once too often. They've outlived their usefulness. Their familiarity breeds contempt. They make the writer look as dumb as a doornail, and they cause the reader to sleep like a log. So be sly as a fox. Avoid clichés like the plague. If you start to use one, drop it like a hot potato. Instead, be smart as a whip. Write something that is fresh as a daisy, cute as a button, and sharp as a tack. Better safe than sorry."

(Gary Provost,《提高写作能力的100种方法》,导师,1985年)


"Absence makes the heart grow fonder is a proverb cliché indicating that, if two people who love each other are separated, the separation is likely to intensify their love for each other.​ "Achilles heel is an allusion cliché meaning a weak spot, a flaw that makes one vulnerable.​ "Acid test is an idiom cliché referring to a test which will either prove or disprove the truth or worth of something.​ "Age before beauty is a catchphrase cliché supposedly used when allowing someone older to go before one into a room, etc., although this seems rather arrogant if used seriously.​ "Alive and kicking is a doublet cliché, both words in the context meaning much the same thing.​ "Avoid like the plague is a simile cliché meaning to avoid contact as much as possible."



"When metaphors are fresh they are a form of thought, but when they are stale they are a way to avoid thought. Tip of the iceberg offends the ear as a cliché, and it offends reason because it is imprecise, if not spurious—just as when people say, 'And the list goes on,' and one knows that they have actually run out of examples. Often the writer will try to excuse the cliché by acknowledging it ('the proverbial cat that ate the canary') or by dressing it up ('the icing on the marketing cake'). These gambits never work."



"Our writers are full of clichés just as old barns are full of bats. There is obviously no rule about this, except that anything you suspect of being a cliché undoubtedly is one and had better be removed."


"You probably haven't lived as long as, say, your storytelling uncle, so how can you be expected to know a cliché if you write one? The best way to develop an ear for clichés (as well as for originality) is to read as much as you can. There is also that most useful weapon in any battle, the one you are developing every day—experience."


"It is a cliché that most clichés are true, but then like most clichés, that cliché is untrue."


"Some clichés were quite apt when first used but have become hackneyed over the years. One can hardly avoid using the occasional cliché, but clichés that are inefficient in conveying their meaning or are inappropriate to the occasion should be avoided."


"You might . . .want to base your notion of the cliché not on the expression itself but on its use; if it seems to be used without much reference to a definite meaning, it is then perhaps a cliché. But even this line of attack fails to separate cliché from the common forms of polite social intercourse. A second and more workable approach would be simply to call a cliché whatever word or expression you have heard or seen often enough to find annoying."



"Q: Mr. Arbuthnot, you are an expert in the use of the cliché as applied to matters of health and ill health, are you not? A: I am. Q: In that case, how do you feel? A: Oh, fair to middling. I suppose. I can't complain. Q: You don't sound so awfully chipper. A: What's the use of complaining? I hate people who are always telling their friends about their ailments. O-o-h! Q: What's the matter? A: My head. It's splitting. . . . Q: Have you taken anything? A: I've taken everything but nothing seems to do me any good. Q: Maybe you're coming down with a cold. A: Oh, I always have a cold. I'm subject to colds. Q: There's certainly quite a lot of 'em around. A: You know, I'm supposed to say that. I'm the cliché expert around here, not you."



"The following interesting lines, of which the composer is unknown, contain all the stock comparisons most frequently used in conversation, arranged in such a manner as to rhyme: As wet as a fish—as dry as a bone, As live as a bird—as dead as a stone, As plump as a partridge—as poor as a rat, As strong as a horse—as weak as a cat, As hard as a flint—as soft as a mole, As white as a lily—as black as a coal, As plain as a pikestaff—as rough as a bear, As light as a drum—as free as the air, As heavy as lead—as light as a feather, As steady as time—uncertain as weather, As hot as an oven—as cold as a frog, As gay as a lark—as sick as a dog, As slow as the tortoise—as swift as the wind, As true as the Gospel—as false as mankind, As thin as a herring—as fat as a pig, As proud as a peacock—as blithe as a grig, As savage as tigers—as mild as a dove, As stiff as a poker—as limp as a glove, As blind as a bat—as deaf as a post, As cool as a cucumber—as warm as a toast, As flat as a flounder—as round as a ball, As blunt as a hammer—as sharp as an awl, As red as a ferret—as safe as the stocks, As bold as a thief—as sly as a fox, As straight as an arrow—as crook'd as a bow, As yellow as saffron—as black as a sloe, As brittle as glass—as tough as gristle, As neat as my nail—as clean as a whistle, As good as a feast—as bad as a witch, As light as is day—as dark as is pitch, As brisk as a bee—as dull as an ass, As full as a tick—as solid as brass."



"That's the way with these directors: they're always biting the hand that lays the golden egg."


"Shortly after returning from his tour of the Near East, Anthony Eden submitted a long-winded report to the Prime Minister on his experiences and impressions. [Winston] Churchill, it is told, returned it to his War Minister with a note, 'As far as I can see you have used every cliché except "God is love" and "Please adjust your dress before leaving."'"


"[Winston] Churchill was once asked why he never began a speech with 'It gives me a great deal of pleasure . . ..' He replied: 'There are only a few things from which I derive great pleasure, and speaking is not one of them.'"


"Reginald Perrin: Well, we meet in altered circumstances, CJ. CJ: We do indeed. Reginald Perrin: The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune. CJ: I couldn't put it better myself. Reginald Perrin: The night is darkest before the storm. CJ: Precisely. I didn't get where you are today without knowing that the night is darkest before the storm. Reginald Perrin: Now tell me, CJ. Do you think you can work happily with me as your boss? CJ: If you ask me a straight question, I'm going to give you a straight answer. I've always taken great pains not to talk in clichés. A cliché to me is like a red rag to a bull. However, there's an exception that proves a rule, and there is a cliché which fits my situation like a glove. Reginald Perrin: And that is? CJ: Necessity is the mother of intention. In other words, Reggie, I am forced to consider working for you."


  • 发表于 2021-09-14 09:44
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  • 分类:语言



...不同于隐喻,明喻是对两种事物进行明确的比较。有许多陈词滥调é我们日常用语中使用的明喻。下列句子使用这些明喻。 水清澈如水晶。 她的脸白得像床单。 他像猪一样大汗淋漓。 他动作像闪电一样快。 比喻通常被作者用...

  • 发布于 2021-06-27 16:24
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...特征。 现实或实际存在。 明显的或公认的事实;真理;陈词滥调。 诚实;完整性;诚实。 (通常是大写字母的首字母)理想或基本的现实,脱离并超越感知的经验:生活的基本真理。 与标准或原件的协议。 位置或调整的精确...

  • 发布于 2021-07-12 05:38
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  • 发布于 2021-07-30 11:48
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...集报纸和细绳的碎片,而是将零散的语言片段排列起来:陈词滥调、他们听到的短语或引语。”(《健康文学指南》)。华盛顿特区希思,1984年) 彼得肘 “每日报纸,尤其是周日报纸上的许多专题报道都以拼贴的形式或例...

  • 发布于 2021-09-07 23:15
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什么是极权主义?定义和例子(totalitarianism? definition and examples)

...知就是力量》中描述的极权政府创作的海报,常常充斥着陈词滥调和令人困惑的流行语 国家对经济的控制 为了推进其掠夺性军国主义目标,极权政权拥有并控制经济的所有方面,包括资本和所有生产资料。因此,资本主义的...

  • 发布于 2021-09-10 02:01
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...《好乡下人》(Good Country People)在一定程度上讲述了将陈词滥调误认为原创见解的危险。 该故事首次出版于1955年,讲述了三个角色的生活,他们的生活由他们接受或拒绝的陈词滥调所支配: 霍普韦尔夫人几乎完全是用令...

  • 发布于 2021-09-12 06:56
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...of Grammar." W.W. Norton, 1990.) 在创作夸张的语句时,要远离陈词滥调,因为这些陈词滥调只不过是疲劳和过度使用,与新鲜的语言相反。您创建的描述需要在对比或描述所描绘的图像上给观众带来惊喜或喜悦。不要害怕在最终版本...

  • 发布于 2021-09-14 08:13
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...钟方面,手才能定位在脸上……隐喻的死气沉沉和它作为陈词滥调的地位是相对的。第一次听到“生活不是玫瑰床”,有人可能会被它的灵巧和活力冲走。”(汤姆·麦克阿瑟,《牛津英语伴侣》,牛津大学出版社,1992年) “...

  • 发布于 2021-09-14 09:23
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...是你正在尝试的一种新型讽刺吗?” 只是一个比喻:陈词滥调 陈词滥调是一种老生常谈的表达方式,由于过度使用和过于熟悉,其效果已经失效。 David Punter,“隐喻”,2007年 “[我]有趣的是,“只是一个修辞格”这句话...

  • 发布于 2021-09-17 05:57
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定义 陈词滥调是一种陈词滥调和明显的观察,尤其是,它被表达得似乎新鲜而有意义。形容词:陈词滥调和陈词滥调。动词:扁平化。习惯使用陈词滥调或陈词滥调的人(除其他外)是陈词滥调者。 卡伦·特蕾西说,陈词...

  • 发布于 2021-09-22 18:27
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