



Interacti*** with these sites on both Facebook and Twitter rose steadily through the end of 2016. Interacti*** then fell sharply on Facebook while they continued to rise on Twitter, with the ratio of Facebook engagements to Twitter shares falling by approximately 60 percent. We see no similar pattern for other news, business, or culture sites, where interacti*** have been relatively stable over time and have followed similar trends on the two platforms both before and after the election.

在这项研究中,作者Hunt Allcott、Matthew Getzkow和Chuan Yu收集了一份570个网站的列表,这些网站在以前的故事中被认定为虚假故事的贩子。然后,它测量了一系列出版商的参与情况——大型主流出版商、小型主流出版商和利基商业文化网站,以及假冒网站。


The results show that interacti*** with the fake news sites in our database rose steadily on both Facebook and Twitter from early 2015 to the months just after the 2016 election. Interacti*** then declined by more than half on Facebook, while they continued to rise on Twitter. The ratio of Facebook engagements to Twitter shares was roughly steady at around 40:1 from the beginning of our period to late 2016, then fell to roughly 15:1 by the end of our sample period. In contrast, 2 interacti*** with major news sites, **all news sites, and business and culture sites have all remained relatively stable over time, and have followed similar trends on Facebook and Twitter both before and after the 2016 election. While this evidence is far from definitive, we see it as c***istent with the view that the overall magnitude of the misinformation problem may have declined, at least temporarily, and that efforts by Facebook following the 2016 election to limit the diffusion of misinformation may have had a meaningful impact.











Ryan Gallagher还有一个蜻蜓勺。他写道,谷歌“探索性”搜索引擎中经过审查的中文术语将包括“人权”、“学生**”和“诺贝尔奖”:

Google built a prototype of a censored search engine for China that links users’ searches to their personal phone numbers, thus making it easier for the Chinese government to monitor people’s queries, The Intercept can reveal.

The search engine, codenamed Dragonfly, was designed for Android devices, and would remove content deemed sensitive by China’s ruling Communist Party regime, such as information about political dissidents, free speech, democracy, human rights, and peaceful protest.



DORSEY: Upon further reflection, we are being used more like what you would find in Washington Square Park. You walk into Washington Square Park and there’s a bunch of people who, when I walk in, there’s a bunch of people there who are not expecting me to walk in and aren’t expecting me to do the things that I intend to do and might see it out of the corner of their eye and might come over and listen or interact or whatnot. In that public square, there’s all these things that happen and some are amazing, and some are stupid, and some are silly, and some are really terrible. There’s a guy in the corner with a megaphone broadcasting his thoughts and then he recognizes you and he says, “Jay, get the hell over here. You’re a terrible person and I hate you,” and all these other things. And it’s completely directed at you.

And at that point, people recognize it and they tell him to stop, or the park stewards or police come over and say, “Here’s a warning and if you keep attacking this one person who doesn’t want it and is not even paying attention to you, then you’re out.” So that action right there was not neutrality, it was being impartial to the conduct and with an eye towards more of the collective, with an eye towards like, “We need to make Washington Square Park something that people actually want to be at and recognize that there’s going to be people who choose unhealthy behaviors and we’re going to at least dem***trate what is not healthy and what could be healthier.”



In July, seventeen U.S. lawmakers urged the chief executives of Facebook and Google to resist changes stipulated by the new law.

Last week, acting information minister Hung said Vietnam should promote home-grown social networks in order to compete with Google and Facebook and capture more of the social network market share in Vietnam, state media reported.


戴维·阿尔巴(Davey Alba)刚刚在Facebook和菲律宾上写了一篇长篇文章,他发现一篇帖子说,对菲律宾总统罗德里戈·杜特尔特(Rodrigo Duterte)的高调批评者、参议员安东尼奥·特里兰斯四世(Antonio Trillanes IV)的处决是“一件有趣的事情”。Facebook表示,这并不违反社区准则:

And so it remains — with 12,000 reacti***, nearly 3,000 shares, and more than 1,200 comments. Here’s one: “Can we just shoot him now and explain later?” Here’s another: “Just cremate Trillanes alive.” (Facebook deleted a handful of comments after BuzzFeed News inquired about the post.)






Interest in Forlini’s undeniably accelerated last May after Vogue magazine hosted its lavish pre-Met Gala party there. Alexa Chung, Kate Bosworth and Hailey Baldwin attended, a D.J. played until morning, and the event had its own hashtag: “#spaghettiandMetballs.”

The Forlini’s selfie became a coveted social media accomplishment shortly after the spectacle. Recently, a Vogue writer named Brooke Bobb happened to be dining at Forlini’s, and she had some thoughts on the phenomenon. “It’s becoming a spot,” said Ms. Bobb, 31. “One of those places that has become Instagrammable. It’s not really about the food. It’s about looking cool on the couches. Getting a million likes from sitting in the booths and posing like models. That’s just what happens when something goes viral now.”

小奥德尔·贝克汉姆在Facebook Watch上的Docu系列“我更喜欢:OBJ”


The 16-episode series, which bows Friday, Sept. 14, is produced by Uninterrupted, the sports-media company founded by LeBron James and his business partner Maverick Carter. Subsequent episodes of “I Am More: OBJ” will hit on Fridays throughout the course of the NFL season on Facebook Watch and the show’s page at facebook.com/IAMMOREOBJ.


Lisa Marie Segarra报告称,亚马逊拥有的流媒体服务Twitch的四位高管现在都是**:

Rangachary and Weaver also bring the total number of women in Twitch’s C-Suite to four out of seven. It’s an anomaly in the male-dominated tech industry, especially for a company with an emphasis on gaming, an industry that is dominated by men.


Aaron Tilley报道,Facebook是参与最新人工智能芯片基准测试的科技巨头之一。这是一个非常有争议的过程!

The companies involved in creating the new benchmark say they’re eager to make the test fair. Last May, Google, Baidu, Intel, Arm and a number of AI chip startups were among the first to join the project. Since then, The Information has learned, the U.S.-based tech giants investing the most in AI—Facebook, Microsoft and Amazon—have quietly joined the effort as unofficial participants, as has Nvidia, an important maker of chips for AI applicati***, according to multiple participants in the project.

The outcome of the project could help determine how investments are made in the artificial intelligence chip market, forecast to be worth more than $90 billion in 2025.


罗布·维恩伯格(Rob Wijnberg)是荷兰一家名为De-Teleptor的新闻网站的众筹资金人,他说当前的新闻环境“都是耸人听闻的、特殊的、负面的和时事的”,这严重扭曲了我们的现实感它给了我们一个关于概率、历史、进步、发展和相关性的严重扭曲的观点,”维恩伯格写道。他建议其他组织效仿他的做法:

At De Correspondent in the Netherlands, we try to tell precisely those stories that aren’t news, but news-worthy nevertheless. Or, as we often say, that reveal not the weather but the climate. Those stories are written by correspondents who don’t have a news-driven schedule to meet, and thus can take the time they need to develop an area of expertise and learn to recognize and describe the truly influential developments of our time. Our ultimate goal: to replace the sensational with the foundational and the recent with the relevant.





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  • 发表于 2021-08-25 10:57
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... 2020年8月,Facebook开始删除含有COVID-19错误信息的帖子。Twitter在一月份通过Birdwatch发布了社区驱动的节制,TikTok上个月删除了数千个关于选举错误信息的视频。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-11 00:52
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  • 发布于 2021-03-16 14:47
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Facebook有一个假新闻问题需要解决。不幸的是,确定什么是真的,什么是假的,什么是观点,什么是讽刺是一项非常棘手的工作。难怪Facebook会求助于它的用户来帮助它解决这个问题。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-16 15:39
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  • 发布于 2021-04-17 06:48
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...主进程产生怀疑。但最新研究表明,这些谣言并非诞生于Facebook或Twitter的阴暗角落,有效地打击这些谣言可能需要追踪社交媒体最强大的用户之一。 上周,哈佛大学伯克曼-克莱恩中心(Berkman-Klein Center)针对投票错...

  • 发布于 2021-04-17 12:11
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...有关COVID-19的假新闻的“详细数据”。 谷歌、Facebook和Twitter是这场运动的主要目标,这三家公司告诉Verge,他们将遵守欧盟的规定’s请求。不过,他们究竟将采取什么步骤,以及何时开始**报告,目前还不得而知。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-04-19 02:17
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Facebook和Twitter对于新闻分享可能不像我们曾经认为的那么重要— 至少目前是这样。皮尤研究中心(Pew Research Center)对3000人进行的一项新调查发现,只有9%的人“非常经常”从他们在Facebook和Twitter上关注的人那里得到新闻。36%的...

  • 发布于 2021-04-21 16:36
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  • 发布于 2021-05-07 11:34
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  • 发布于 2021-05-08 16:40
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...素(有些甚至是主要原因)。 关注的焦点是Facebook,它已经不仅仅是一个社交平台,现在是一个重要的信息分发者,44%的美国人从中获得新闻。尽管马克·扎克伯格公开表示,Facebook上的假新闻影响选举的想法是“疯...

  • 发布于 2021-05-08 17:13
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