


首先,一些背景。这次演讲是由一家名为Brand Studio的公司于今年3月组织的,该公司自称为“谷歌内部智囊团,利用创意、媒体、,它还有一个团队,负责开发“危机应对和可持续发展”项目。一般来说,Brand Studio会与专家交谈,撰写白皮书,并围绕这些白皮书进行各种营销噱头。

换句话说,泄露给Breitbart News的演示文稿不是谷歌搜索主管或YouTube首席执行官的备忘录。尽管如此,它还是值得一看,主要是因为它为谷歌、脸谱网和推特等公司围绕内容节制展开的辩论提供了框架。









Google is committed to free expression — supporting the free flow of ideas is core to our mission. Where we have developed our own content policies, we enforce them in a politically neutral way. Giving preference to content of one political ideology over another would fundamentally conflict with our goal of providing services that work for everyone.

当然,如果不考虑蜻蜓计划,就不可能阅读报告或谷歌的声明。根据Ryan Gallagher在Intercept上的持续报道,谷歌计划中的中文搜索引擎将实现思想的自由流动。即使在美国用户呼吁技术平台限制用户自由以换取更多安全和保障的环境下,许多人仍然对搜索引擎禁止搜索词以支持独裁政权的想法感到畏缩。




参议员理查德·布卢门塔尔(Richard Blumenthal)致函联邦贸易委员会,要求对导致Google+关闭的数据泄露进行调查。


28岁的理查德·皮恩多(Richard Pinedo)向俄罗斯人**被盗的银行账户,赚了9.5万美元,这些账户在2016年选举期间被用来购买互联网广告。今天,在承认一项身份欺诈重罪指控后,他被判6个月监禁和6个月家庭监禁。


Alexandra Stevenson与菲律宾新闻机构Rappler联系,后者是Facebook在菲律宾的事实核查员:

“It’s frustrating,” said Marguerite de Leon, 32, a Rappler employee who receives dozens of tips each day about false stories from readers. “We’re cleaning up Facebook’s mess.”

On the front lines in the war over misinformation, Rappler is overmatched and outgunned — and that could be a worrying indicator of Facebook’s effort to curb the global problem by tapping fact-checking organizati*** around the world. Civil society groups have complained that Facebook’s support is weak. Others have said the company doesn’t offer enough transparency to tell what works and what doesn’t.



The seven debates that will be livestreamed throughout October include the debate between Sen. Cruz and Rep. O’Rourke and the Oregon governor’s race. Zuckerman said Twitter is actively looking to add more to the list.



库尔特·瓦格纳正在寻找接替埃利奥特·施拉格(Elliot Schrage)在Facebook工作的候选人。这将是一项困难的工作:沟通团队最近压力很大。一个人告诉我,最近的一次通信会议以眼泪结束:

“I can’t think of another company that’s facing the [challenges] they have, or even anticipated facing those [challenges],” said Brandee Barker, co-founder of The Pramana Collective, a marketing and communication firm. Barker was head of global communication and public policy at Facebook from 2006 to 2010, when the biggest issue facing the company was explaining its technology. When Facebook launched News Feed, angry users protested outside the company’s office.

“It’s clear that from when I was there the role has evolved so significantly,” Barker said. Noting that the job has two elements, she thinks it’s predominantly a policy role right now. “They have challenges now at the governmental level internationally, in the U.S., in the EU, and it will only continue to increase.”


在该公司承诺将通过某种方式将人工智能应用于照片来解决这一问题的一天后,泰勒·洛伦兹(Taylor Lorenz)对Instagram的欺凌行为进行了曝光:

According to a recent Pew survey, 59 percent of teens have been bullied online, and according to a 2017 survey conducted by Ditch the Label, a nonprofit anti-bullying group, more than one in five 12-to-20-year-olds experience bullying specifically on Instagram. “Instagram is a good place sometimes,” said Riley, a 14-year-old who, like most kids in this story, asked to be referred to by her first name only, “but there’s a lot of drama, bullying, and gossip to go along with it.”

Teenagers have always been cruel to one another. But Instagram provides a uniquely powerful set of tools to do so. The velocity and size of the distribution mechani** allow rude comments or harassing images to go viral within hours. Like Twitter, Instagram makes it easy to set up new, anonymous profiles, which can be used specifically for trolling. Most importantly, many interacti*** on the app are hidden from the watchful eyes of parents and teachers, many of whom don’t understand the platform’s intricacies.


格雷琴·麦库洛赫(Gretchen McCulloch)有一篇论文给这件事起了个名字,人们在社交媒体网站上称总统为“奇多”或其他什么:

A recent paper by researcher Emily van der Nagel puts a name to this phenomenon of hiding a word in plain sight. She calls it Voldemorting. Van der Nagel traces Voldemorting back to the Harry Potter books, where most characters are too afraid of Voldemort to say the word directly, instead replacing his name with euphemi**s like You Know Who and He Who Must Not Be Named. This practice starts as a superstition, but by the final book there’s a deeper purpose: The word Voldemort is revealed as a way of locating the resistance: “Using his name breaks protective enchantments, it causes some kind of magical disturbance.”

The internet practice of Voldemorting, van der Nagel says, comes via a comment left by a user named Eugene, who made the connection as part of a discussion about deliberately starving “trash celebrities” of attention by not referring to them by name.


Iliana Magra报道,社交媒体的兴起是英国饮酒下降的主要原因:

Social media has made users more image-c***cious, he noted, while also providing lasting documentation, in text and images, of behavior people might prefer to forget.

“There’s a trend of greater sense of health c***ciousness among young people,” Mr. Nicholls added. “There’s a move away from alcohol and drugs, there’s less of a culture of intoxication.”


Bijan Stephen与Google+顽固派联系:

“这可能不是一个令人惊异的网站,但感觉肯定是这样。用户Buruburedo Boudreaux问道:“那我为什么要搬家呢?”。




In an interview at the company’s offices in Santa Monica, California, Mills said Snap’s original shows are engineered to succeed in the difficult environment of mobile video where viewers are never more than a thumb-tap away from abandoning a show. Snap Originals are designed to hook viewers within seconds and keep them stimulated with flashy visuals, he said.

“I feel like I’m watching the beginning of a fundamentally new medium, where people are just waking up to how you have to take a very different creative approach,” Mills said.



LinkedIn will track what happens in the hiring process with regards to gender, showing companies reports and insights about how their job postings and InMail are performing on this. In addition, LinkedIn will re-rank the top search results in LinkedIn Recruiter to be more representative.

Magic Leap正在美国(大部分地区)运输

Magic Leap One Creator Edition混合现实耳机目前正以2295美元的低价在邻近的美国各地**。它将在您的Juicero旁边看起来很棒!


泰勒·斯威夫特(Taylor Swift)的Instagram帖子导致选民登记数量激增


“We are up to 65,000 registrati*** in a single 24-hour period since T. Swift’s post,” said Kamari Guthrie, director of communicati*** for

For context, 190,178 new voters were registered nationwide in the entire month of September, while 56,669 were registered in August.



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  • 发表于 2021-08-25 20:31
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... 在科技巨头中,Alphabet(谷歌母公司)在2017年的游说支出最多。花了1800多万美元。苹果亚马逊花了1300万美元。Facebook花费了1100多万美元。根据这次的不同,Facebook的支出自2009年以来增长了5500%。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-25 06:11
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  • 发布于 2021-04-18 12:10
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epic games首席执行官蒂姆·斯威尼(tim sweeney)认为游戏可以是政治性的,但游戏公司应该远离政治

...己的私人护墙墙或私人垄断的尝试”),以及隐私(指责谷歌和Facebook提供免费服务,客户为此付出了“失去隐私和自由的代价”)。 但斯威尼提到的最有争议的问题是他的评论,即“我们应该让营销部门退出政治,”他说。...

  • 发布于 2021-04-20 04:15
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...在成为全球最大科技公司之间的一个关键分歧,Alphabet和谷歌首席执行官Sundar Pichai建议,欧盟最近提出的临时禁令可能会受到欢迎,而微软首席法律官布拉德·史密斯(Brad Smith)则警告不要进行此类干预。 据路透社...

  • 发布于 2021-04-20 16:25
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  • 发布于 2021-04-22 16:28
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  • 发布于 2021-04-24 17:25
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  • 发布于 2021-04-26 21:51
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...样的内容提供商,还是像康卡斯特这样的巨无霸。然而,谷歌首席执行官桑达尔·皮查伊(Sundar Pichai)认为,谷歌对网络中立性的承诺是公司成功的核心,也是指导其未来行动的一条不可动摇的原则:

  • 发布于 2021-05-02 18:49
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...到威胁。 该组织提交的一份文件显示,代表谷歌、Facebook和Netflix等30多家公司的互联网协会对Pai表示,该协会“坚决支持”2015年的网络中立令,并表示“应执行现有的网络中立规则,并保持其完整性”。 就在一周前...

  • 发布于 2021-05-10 17:00
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...态。我们在智能****业也见过类似的情况。从技术上讲,谷歌有一个“开放”的Android平台,确实你可以用Android做任何你想做的事情,但是如果一个**商想在他们的**上使用googleplay服务(Gmail、Drive、Play Store等等),他们就有更多...

  • 发布于 2021-05-17 21:06
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