什么是使用小苏打牙膏的好处?(the benefits of using baking soda toothpaste?)

Baking soda in an inexpensive, natural alternative to commercial toothpastes.



Many commercially available toothpastes contain baking soda.



Some people use baking soda toothpaste in an effort to get whiter teeth.



Baking soda helps remove stains and whiten teeth.



Baking soda can help neutralize acids and remove plaque from teeth.






The free radicals produced when baking soda and water mix can penetrate the surface of enamel, and over time, this can weaken it. For this reason, experts don’t recommend using baking soda more than once or twice a week. Even so, compared to the other abrasive agents used in toothpastes, it is extremely mild in terms of the actual scraping it does. It has the lowest rating, 7, out of any substances measured on the Relative Dental Abrasiveness scale. Most general commercial products don’t get much lower than around 35, and some, such as Colgate® 2-in-1 Tartar Control Whitening or Icy Blast/Whitening toothpaste, reach the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s recommended limit of 200.

Chemical Avoidance

Commercial toothpastes often contain a wide range of different substances, regardless of whether they contain baking soda. Some of these have not been studied thoroughly enough to determine all their potential benefits and side effects, with technical classifications sometimes allowing manufacturers to avoid regulation. People who do not want to take a chance on damaging their health with these chemicals can use a homemade baking soda toothpaste if desired.

Money Savings

At most retailers, a box or other container of baking soda is relatively cheap. When people make their own toothpaste at home using it, the cost per brushing session is usually less than what it would be using a commercial version. Adding other ingredients to make the mixture have a better consistency or taste can increase the expense, however.


碳酸氢盐(bicarbonate)和小苏打(baking soda)的区别

碳酸氢钠和小苏打的关键区别在于碳酸氢钠是一种阴离子,而小苏打是一种完全的化合物。 碳酸氢盐和小苏打是两种密切相关的物质,因为它们的化学结构中含有碳和氧分子。此外,当人们提到碳酸氢钠时,几乎总是首先想...

  • 发布于 2020-10-24 06:36
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碳酸氢钠(sodium bicarbonate)和小苏打(baking soda)的区别

... 主要区别碳酸氢钠(main difference sodium bicarbonate) vs. 小苏打(baking soda) 关于碳酸氢钠和小苏打的区别似乎有很多混淆。但是,小苏打和碳酸氢钠是同一事物的不同术语,因为小苏打是指纯碳酸氢钠。然而,小苏打主要用于烹...

  • 发布于 2021-06-27 07:44
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洗涤苏打水(washing soda)和小苏打(baking soda)的区别


  • 发布于 2021-07-03 01:07
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小苏打(baking soda)和发酵粉(baking powder)的区别

关键区别:小苏打是一种化合物,在烘焙食品中用作发酵剂。发酵粉通常只是小苏打和酸的混合物。 发酵粉通常只是小苏打与酸(通常是酒石的奶油)和干燥剂(通常是淀粉)的混合物。小苏打,也叫碳酸氢钠或碳酸氢钠,是...

  • 发布于 2021-07-13 19:46
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这位新的家庭主妇列举了无数种使用小苏打作为廉价但有效的家庭清洁剂的方法。我最喜欢的几个:Baking soda will keep away garbage odors; sprinkle the bottom of the pail, and then sprinkle again after you put a new bag in.To clean silver, use a paste of 3 parts ba...

  • 发布于 2021-08-02 13:30
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...这是一个简单的项目,但适合户外活动。 柠檬汁和小苏打 Baking soda reacts with any acid to produce simulated lava -- it doesn't need to be acetic acid from vinegar. Mix together lemon juice, a few drops of detergent, and a bit of food coloring to make the lava. Sta...

  • 发布于 2021-09-04 08:09
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什么是小苏打?(baking soda?)

... 小苏打,又称碳酸氢钠、碳酸氢钠,还有不太常见的saleratus,是一种具有多种实际用途的化学盐。化学式为NaHCO3,为白色粉末,具有晶粒。虽然小苏打可以通过人工方式生...

  • 发布于 2021-12-03 11:21
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什么是小苏打有除臭的用途吗?(some odor-removing uses for baking soda?)

... 实际上,小苏打有数百种家庭用途。不要与添加了酸化剂和干燥剂(通常分别是酒石和淀粉)的发酵粉混淆,小苏打是纯碱重碳酸盐。小苏打的有益品质是其作为缓冲液,中和酸性...

  • 发布于 2021-12-16 16:28
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什么是小苏打在厨房里有什么用途?(some uses for baking soda in the kitchen?)

... 实际上,小苏打有数百种家庭用途。不要与添加了酸化剂和干燥剂(通常分别是酒石和淀粉)的发酵粉混淆,小苏打是纯碱重碳酸盐。它的优点在于它能起到缓冲作用,中和酸性和...

  • 发布于 2021-12-16 16:35
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什么是洗衣房里的小苏打有什么用途?(some uses for baking soda in the laundry room?)

... 实际上,小苏打有数百种家庭用途。不要与添加了酸化剂和干燥剂(通常分别是酒石乳和淀粉)的发酵粉混淆,小苏打是纯碳酸氢钠。它的优点在于它能起到缓冲作用,中和酸性和...

  • 发布于 2021-12-16 16:36
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