



When an earlier generation of media companies acted as gatekeepers against false and misleading stories, they created a market for alternative media. That led to the rise of c***ervative talk radio, Fox News, and (most recently) the alt-right. Facebook’s worst nightmare is that c***ervatives stop seeing it as a neutral platform, and create a fair-and-balanced social network of their own.

周四,这场噩梦获得了一些动力。Axios的迈克·艾伦(Mike Allen)与唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump Jr.)进行了交谈。特朗普说,他正在寻找一个“保守的、类似Facebook的社交网络”,他将大力推广给他的数百万追随者:

When I asked him if his father’s 2020 campaign might build such a platform, Don Jr. said: “I’d love to do it. But what I would prefer is, take one of the two Silicon Valley c***ervatives and let them start it. And then I’d help promote the platform and be all over that.”

Scary thought: Imagine tribal news delivered via tribal pipes. And, as one mischievous Trump adviser told us, imagine the president moving his Twitter show to that network.

当然,仅仅希望拥有一个保守的脸谱网是不可能的。现在已经有了一个名为Gab的另类右翼推特,两年后,它似乎几乎无法运行。还不清楚一个纯粹意识形态的社交网络会有多有趣;正如Joe Weisenthal所说:“一个只支持右翼的社交网络将无法让用户触发LIB,那么这有什么意义呢?人们只会感到无聊。”



Of c***ervatives who have used Facebook, 32.3% say they have either left (7.5%), or are c***idering leaving (24.8%), Facebook due to its censorship of c***ervative views.

What’s more, nearly two-thirds (66.9%) of c***ervative likely voters have less trust in Facebook than they did a year ago. Likewise, nearly two-thirds (66.1%) do not trust Facebook to treat all political views equally and 64.6% believe sites like Facebook are intentionally censoring c***ervatives and c***ervative ideas.








Selina Wang表示,Twitter首席执行官在国会作证时(首次)将面临最严厉的审查下个星期原因是推特拥有的资源更少,而且其决策往往不透明且不连贯:

Twitter Inc. is in a more precarious position than its larger compe*****s, though. Dorsey’s company can’t match their user bases or cash reserves, and the modest user growth he’s fostered over the past two years could vanish if Twitter starts losing c***ervatives over concerns, warranted or not, about bans and “shadow bans” (in which a user’s content is invisible to everyone but ­themselves—a ­practice Twitter says it doesn’t engage in). On the other side, the service could lose liberals who won’t participate on a site they perceive to be fostering abusive speech or bending rules to accom­modate c***ervatives.

The latest flashpoint is a decision Apple, Facebook, Spotify, and Google-owned YouTube made in early August to purge content from Alex Jones, the shock-radio host and creator of the website InfoWars, over posts and videos that violated their hate-speech and haras**ent policies. Twitter has also been under mounting pressure to ban Jones, notably for spreading false asserti*** that the 2012 mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut was a hoax. After his compe*****s’ decision, Dorsey tweeted that Jones “hasn’t violated our rules” and implied that other platforms had caved to political pressure.



Senator Angus King, a Maine independent who caucuses with Democrats, said Google and the other companies should all send their CEOs.

“This is the United States Senate, this is an important issue, and we deserve to hear from the decision-makers, not the people who carry out the decisi***,“ King said.


哈珀·内迪格报道,犹他州共和党参议员奥林·哈奇(Orrin Hatch)已要求联邦贸易委员会重新展开调查,调查谷歌的搜索和数字广告行为是否反竞争。请注意,这一请求是基于现实的——与谷歌搜索结果被“操纵”总统的说法不同。

Hatch sent a letter to FTC Chairman Joseph Sim*** expressing concern about reports in recent years ranging from Google restricting competing advertising services to collecting data from users’ Gmail inbox contents.

“Needless to say, I found these reports disquieting,” Hatch wrote. “Although these reports concern different aspects of Google’s business, many relate to the company’s dominant position in search and accumulating vast amounts of personal data.”


乔纳森·科珀松(Jonathan Corpus Ong)考察了罗德里戈·杜特尔特(Rodrigo Duterte)培养巨魔军队如何预示俄罗斯2016年的影响力战役:

Duterte’s campaign machinery strategically focused onassembling bloggers, digital influencers, and fake account operators to tap into the public’s deep-seated anger—and convert these emoti*** into votes on election day. This was initially a cost-saving maneuver for an “outsider” candidate lacking extensive political resources, but it worked to great effect. This tactic owed much of its success to the fact that the Philippines is the world’s “social media capital,” with the average Filipino spending more time on social media than any other nationality.



“The radio campaign will air starting today across 46 Hindi-speaking stati*** of All India Radio (AIR) across Bihar, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand,” a WhatsApp spokesperson told PTI. […]

These campaigns advise users to verify authenticity of messages before forwarding them and to report content that they might find to be inflammatory. It also cauti*** users to be careful about forwarding messages that contain misinformation and said doing so, could have serious repercussi***.



Sarah Kuranda通过提供最新的组织结构图为我们所有人提供了巨大的服务。莎拉,希望你能永远更新这个。我立刻把它加入书签,我相信我并不孤单。


错误信息影响的不仅仅是政治。Nat Gynes和Xiao Mina报道说,这实际上让我们的病情更加严重:“研究人员发现,越来越多的在线错误信息助长了蛀牙、埃博拉和麻疹等疾病的传播。”

Recent research found that Twitter bots were sharing content that contributed to positive sentiments about e-cigarettes. In West Africa, online health misinformation added to the Ebola death toll. In New South Wales, Australia, where the spread of c***piracy theories about water fluoridation run rampant, children suffering from tooth decay are hospitalized for mass extracti*** at higher rates than in regi*** where water fluoridation exists. Over the past several weeks, new cases of measles—which the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention declared eliminated from the United States in 2000—have emerged in places such as Portland, Boston, Chicago, and Michigan; researchers worry that the reemergence of preventable diseases such as this one is related to a drop in immunization rates due to declining trust in vaccines, which is in turn tied to misleading content encountered on the internet. With new tools and technologies now available to help identify where and how health misinformation spreads, evidence is building that the health misinformation we encounter online can motivate decisi*** and behaviors that actually make us more susceptible to disease.



Johnny Johnny是的爸爸解释说互联网上最好的模因创造者

有时候,一个迷因出现在最完美的时刻,当你看到它时,你就知道它为什么吸引了互联网的想象力。是的,爸爸不是那种迷因。事实上,朱莉娅·亚历山大(Julia Alexander)不得不采访一大群专家,甚至开始理解为什么一首简单的童谣(不押韵!!!)在各种令人不安的YouTube频道上获得了数十亿的浏览量。这是最能引起我共鸣的解释:

Creator behind Welcome to My Meme Page (300,000 Facebook followers): I think Dem*** have descended upon our world. We are thrashing under the fever of a Great Sickness, yet we do not know it.




Twitter said Thursday that it would begin requiring some organizati*** that purchase political ads on topics such as abortion, health-care reform and immigration to disclose more information about themselves to users, part of the tech giant’s attempt to thwart bad actors, including Russia, from spreading propaganda ahead of the 2018 election.

The new policy targets promoted tweets that mention candidates or advocate on “legislative issues of national importance,” Twitter executives said in a blog post. To purchase these ads, individuals and groups must verify their identities. If approved, their ads then would be specially labeled in users’ timelines and preserved online for the public to view. And promoted tweets, and the accounts behind them, would be required disclose the name of the actual organization that purchased the ad in the first place.


Alexis Madrigal说,谷歌新闻对右翼媒体的排名低于主流媒体,因为他们不做太多报道,也不遵守基本的新闻标准

But even if the methodology is flawed, Google applies it equally to all the media organizati*** in its news universe. It might not be a “free” marketplace of ideas, but it is a marketplace with fairly well-known and nonpartisan rules. If right-wing sites aren’t winning there, maybe Google isn’t the problem.





New Yorkers who opened up Snapchat, The Weather Channel, CitiBike, or a number of other apps and services this morning found that the name of their city had been swapped with anti-Semitic vandali**, replacing it with “Jewtropolis.”

The offensive change appears to have been a result of edits to Mapbox, a widely used service that powers the maps inside of all these apps and more. The change was also spotted inside the app for StreetEasy and on The New York Times’ map of 2016 election results. Mapbox also lists Vice, Vox (our sibling site), and the FCC as groups that have made use of its maps, however, the vandali** didn’t show up on those sites.



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  • 发表于 2021-08-25 07:22
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  • 发布于 2021-03-16 14:47
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据《华尔街日报》报道,Facebook在2017年设计了新闻提要算法的修改,以降低Jones妈妈等左倾新闻网站在其平台上的知名度,CEO马克·扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)亲自批准了这一计划。 但《琼斯母亲》负责增长和战略的编...

  • 发布于 2021-04-17 15:20
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据BuzzFeed News报道,Facebook清除了保守派针对多个帖子的错误信息“**”,显然是为了防止这些帖子被禁。而在周五发表的另一份报告中,NBC新闻援引Facebook匿名员工的话说,公司领导层成员“在审查过程中删除了因过去6个月发布...

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...建的儿童健康保卫组织(Children's Health defence)正在起诉Facebook及其事实核查合作伙伴拒绝广告,并为有关疫苗和5G网络的被揭穿的说法贴上标签。对Facebook、Facebook首席执行官马克•扎克伯格(markzuckerberg)以及事实调查机构PolitiF...

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该公司印度办事处的一名Facebook政策主管对一名记者Awesh Tiwari提起刑事诉讼,指控他在社交网络上发表的批评文章构成性骚扰、刑事恐吓和诽谤。然而,根据保护记者委员会(CPJ)的一份报告,这项申诉没有提供证据证明蒂瓦里...

  • 发布于 2021-04-18 07:27
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当人们来到Facebook时应该看到什么新闻? 在过去,你的答案可能是“他们想看什么”,甚至“谁在乎?但随着Facebook的统治地位不断增强,成为全球最重要的关注仲裁者之一,这个问题变得更加紧迫。如果一个中间选民...

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brett kavanaugh能公正对待facebook吗?


  • 发布于 2021-04-18 16:37
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据TechCrunch报道,Facebook今天将在美国推出其改进后的新闻标签,该标签将包括一个专门的本地新闻栏目以及其他主题,其中包括周二起推出的乔治·弗洛伊德(George Floyd)专区。只有点击汉堡包菜单,选择“查看更多”并浏览其...

  • 发布于 2021-04-19 01:58
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...新的提案,限制《通信体面法》第230条授予的豁免权,为Facebook和YouTube等公司如何调节自己的平台打下了基础。 该法案被称为《限制见义勇为者豁免权法案》(Limiting Section 230豁免权to Good Samaritans Act),它将要求公...

  • 发布于 2021-04-19 03:17
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Facebook首席执行官马克•扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)最近接受了《****》(New York Times)的采访,谈到了一些话题,内容涵盖了从公司认为缺乏创新到他对Secret等新应用的想法等各个方面。在被问及Facebook近年来的一些“失败”时,...

  • 发布于 2021-04-25 18:28
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