
去年12月,保守派出版商《标准周刊》成为Facebook认可的事实核查员。这是美国唯一一家被批准成为Facebook事实核查员的党派渠道,而将其与美联社、Politifact、Snopes和Factcheck.org一起纳入合作关系的决定在发生时招致了一些批评,正如Sam Levin当时在《卫报》上报道的:...

去年12月,保守派出版商《标准周刊》成为Facebook认可的事实核查员。这是美国唯一一家被批准成为Facebook事实核查员的党派渠道,而将其与***、Politifact、Snopes和Factcheck.org一起纳入合作关系的决定在发生时招致了一些批评,正如Sam Levin当时在《卫报》上报道的:

“I’m really disheartened and disturbed by this,” said Angelo Carusone, president of Media Matters for America, a progressive watchdog group that published numerous critici**s of the Weekly Standard after the partnership was first rumored in October. “They have described themselves as an opinion magazine. They are supposed to be thought leaders.”

Calling the magazine a “serial misinformer”, Media Matters cited the Weekly Standard’s role in pushing false and misleading claims about Obamacare, Hillary Clinton and other political stories.


周日,自由派出版商ThinkProgress发表了Ian Millhiser的一篇文章,题为“Brett Kavanaugh说他将杀死Roe v。在这篇文章中,米尔希瑟引用了卡瓦诺对参议员特德·克鲁兹的证词中的一句话,并根据卡瓦诺此前关于堕胎权的声明推断出他认为这句话的含义。


《标准周刊》称是后者,在文章上贴上了“虚假”标签,Facebook称这通常会使文章的覆盖率降低80%。Millhiser在ThinkProgress today的一篇新文章中反对这一评级:

The article in question, which this reporter wrote, pointed out that, when you read a statement Kavanaugh made during his confirmation hearing alongside a statement he made in a 2017, it becomes clear he is communicating that he opposes Roe v. Wade. Our article is factually accurate and The Weekly Standard’s allegation against us is wrong.


According to Merriam-Webster’s dictionary, the verb “say” or “said” can mean to “indicate,” “show,” or “communicate” an idea. Our argument is that Kavanuagh indicated, showed, or communicated his intention to overrule Roe when he endorsed the Gluckberg test after saying that Gluckberg is inc***istent with Roe.




It’s no secret that the digital news business is driven by clicks. A news site that brings in many readers will also bring in a great deal of ad revenue, and this money can be used to hire reporters and to continue the outlet’s work. An outlet that loses a significant portion of its readership may have to lay off reporters or could even go under.

At its peak, Facebook provided as much as 40 percent of ThinkProgress’ traffic. Facebook recently changed its algorithm in ways that reduced the amount of traffic it sent to most news outlets, but it still accounts for between 10 to 15 percent of our readers. The difference between keeping those readers and losing them could decide whether we can hire more reporters who will continue to report on subjects that the Weekly Standard may have ideological disagreements about.


“真正的问题不是‘Facebook审查进步人士’,”Poynter国际事实调查网络主管Alexios Mantzarlis在推特上说,该网络批准了《标准周刊》的加入,“但‘Facebook是否应该要求事实调查合作伙伴根据标题标记新闻?’以及‘如何逐字标记?’我们知道,许多假货都是从标题中传播出来的。不按这些行动会打开一个相当大的漏洞。”


哈佛大学尼曼实验室的负责人约书亚·本顿(Joshua Benton)表示,《标准周刊》在被允许介入Facebook的争议之前,作为一个事实核查员,本应建立一个更长的记录(在成为Facebook的合作伙伴之前,Facebook还刚刚开始核实事实。)他还聪明地建议,我认为,Facebook不应该与那些只选择一小部分主题(比如挑战保守观点的文章)的组织合作,以“核实事实”

相反,Facebook可能会采取更加民主的方式。丹尼尔·芬克(Daniel Funke)周二报道了其子公司CrowdTangle的一项新测试,该公司生产的软件可以让你分析内容如何在网络上传播:

CrowdTangle announced in a blog post that it’s testing a feature that allows users to report potentially false news stories within the platform’s Facebook dashboards. That test builds upon the company’s existing mechani** for reporting potential misinformation at the post-level as a regular user.

“We know media professionals who use CrowdTangle have a sense of the type of content being circulated that is false or misleading, especially outside the United States. Many also have an understanding of the active ecosystem of websites that generate false news,” Jesse Evans wrote in the post. “We want to give our partners the ability to quickly and easily report false news right where they are, inside CrowdTangle.”








President Trump is expected to sign an executive order as soon as Wednesday that would authorize sancti*** against foreigners who attempt to interfere in American electi***, according to three people familiar with the matter.


苏珊娜·诺塞尔(Suzanne Nossel)审视了谷歌通过其审查过的搜索引擎重新进入中国所做出的道德妥协:

Google’s compliance with Chinese censorship directives will also have an unavoidable, distorting impact on online discourse in the world’s most populous country, obscuring the truth, reifying government-sanctioned orthodoxies, denying history, and furthering the repression of persecuted groups. Chinese government organs are estimated to issue thousands of separate censorship directives annually, charging all companies with compliance under threat of severe sanction or shutdown. Discussion of the Tiananmen Square protests, Taiwan’s independence, and the rights of Tibetans is forbidden, and those who violate the strictures face harsh punishment. Beyond those three top taboo topics, Google may be required to deny its users vital information about health and safety threats when such information casts a negative light on the state, including vaccinati***, pollution, and disease controls.

Those who use Google to search for information on human rights violati***—including the pervasive, forced detainment of hundreds of thousands of ethnic minority residents of China’s Xinjiang region—will find only whitewashed accounts that provide cover for the government’s abusive campaigns. Articles or posts questioning China’s frequent use of forced confessi*** will be banned, helping to shield this brutal practice from scrutiny. Other topics certain to be off-limits include the rights of other ethnic minorities; the mistreatment and premature deaths of Chinese political prisoners; politically motivated charges and show trials of activists, human rights lawyers, and independent scholars; and extrajudicial renderings of Chinese and foreign citizens throughout Asia. Whereas Google has positioned itself as a champion of the #MeToo movement, it will be required to censor that and related hashtags in China, denying survivors of sexual assault and abuse a desperately needed voice.


乔·伯恩斯坦(Joe Bernstein)写到了百万美元的终结:

Before it was shuttered, the /r/milliondollarextreme subreddit had more than 43,000 subscribers, making it one of the more active Reddit communities where white supremacist and white nationalist content was shared. An archived version of the page preserved in Google cache shows the subreddit on Monday featured posts mocking nonwhite people, vilifying transgender people, and claiming Jews are trying to normalize pedophilia.

“As of September 10th, r/miliondollarextreme and associate subreddits have been banned for violating our violent content rules,” a Reddit spokesperson told BuzzFeed News. “We are very clear in our site terms of service that posting content that incites violence will get users and communities banned from Reddit.”


媒体喜欢嵌入俄罗斯巨魔推特!尽管没有贴上这样的标签,但Alex Hern、Pamela Duncan和Ella Creamer报告:

In June the US Congress released details of 1,000 accounts that Twitter believes were run by the Internet Research Agency (IRA), a state-backed misinformation operation based in St Peter**urg, adding to more than 2,000 accounts the company had already identified.

The accounts were cited in news stories by the British press more than 20 times. Adding to the 80 citati*** the Guardian uncovered in November 2017, Russian propaganda ended up being published by the British press more than 100 times.


这是Jeremy W.的一篇好文章。Peters和Sapna Maheshwari讲述了初选候选人如何成功**关于自己的非传统视频,其中许多视频已经传播开来,并帮助筹集资金:

The wave of female, minority and outsider candidates that is breaking cultural barriers and toppling incumbents in the Democratic Party is also sweeping aside a longstanding norm in campaigns: That the public image of politicians — especially women — should be upbeat, uncontroversial and utterly conventional.

For many of these Democrats who were running against better-financed rivals, the breakthrough moment came after they got personal in relatively low-cost videos that went viral, reaching milli*** of people. Using documentary-style storytelling, which can last for several minutes, candidates have found a successful alternative to the traditional model of raising huge sums of money that get spent on expensive, 30-second television commercials.


在亚历克斯·琼斯(Alex Jones)抨击“大科技”的同时,他的信息战商店仍在网上蓬勃发展

Craig Timberg报道,Alex Jones失去了他的在线平台,但他的在线商店却没有:

The sites, called Infowars stores after Jones’s main c***piracy-themed brand, continue to operate on Twitter and Facebook, both of which have closed other accounts affiliated with Jones.

Digital storefronts on these and other platforms funnel traffic to a website where transacti*** take place, Infowarsstore.com, that has not been affected by the industry crackdown on Jones. It had 1.15 million visits in August, up 55 percent compared with June, the last month before the recent controversy started, according to SimilarWeb, an ****ytics tool.


Kim Hart从常识媒体的这项新研究中得出了关键要点:

In 2012, 68% said their go-to social site was Facebook. That number fell to 15% in 2018, with Snapchat and Instagram the new favorites.


Steven Zeitchik报道,Facebook首次进军prestige TV是一部半小时的电视剧,讲述了一位**如何应对失去丈夫的痛苦:

The Silicon Valley giant unveiled its first high-end series, “Sorry for Your Loss,” on Saturday at the Toronto International Film Festival. And it turns out that the show — about a young woman coping with the sudden death of her hu**and — is at once highly traditional yet very particular to the platform.

“In some ways this comes in a long line of shows and movies about loss,” said Kit Steinkellner, the creator of the series, which will stream on Facebook Watch, Facebook’s streaming platform. “But I also like the idea of media meeting message. Facebook is a place where I hear about most deaths, most births, most marriages. It made sense for them to do a series about these life events.”


你讨厌每年打开一次Safari浏览器吗?你很幸运:你可以在推特上观看明天的iPhone活动,就在所有关于加密狗的笑话旁边(我将与我的Verge同事Nilay Patel和Dieter Bohn一起在博客上直播,我邀请您与我们一起关注。)

Twitch streamer Disrespect博士说有人一周内向他的房子开枪两次


Guy Beahm, best known as the boisterous PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds streamer Dr. Disrespect, abruptly stopped his Twitch broadcast today following what he says was an attempted shooting at his house.

News of this apparent shooting spread primarily due to Beahm’s live stream, where he can be seen playing Call of Duty only to leave his station following an unknown noise. He breaks character and says, “someone shot at our house.“




Facebook Lite添加社区帮助危机响应工具

Mallory Locklear报道,Facebook的低数据替代应用程序的用户现在可以访问其工具,在灾难发生后寻求帮助:

The feature, which evolved out of Safety Check, helps users connect in the event of a crisis, allowing them to share updates, communicate with others and find or provide help.


唐纳德·特朗普的竞选经理布拉德·帕斯卡尔(Brad Parscale)曾多次对保守派对谷歌感到愤怒,并对谷歌的影响力表示不满(内容提示:这种做法令人愤怒。)

Google’s broad and pervasive role in the lives of almost every American today cannot be overstated. More than 90 percent of all online searches are conducted through Google or YouTube. The media giant’s video-sharing site has 1 billion active users a month, many of whom go there to learn and share c***ervative ideas only to find their quest for knowledge subverted by faceless ideologues.

Google is clearly manipulating and controlling the political narrative in favor of Democrats and the left, and silencing c***ervatives and Republicans. A company with such power and influence cannot simply be allowed to play the biased gatekeeper of political discourse.


亚历克西斯·马德里加尔(Alexis Madrigal)以扎克伯格的《纽约客》(New Yorker)形象出现,莱德(lede)也不错:

Mark Zuckerberg is impossible to profile. He’s a narrative anti-catalyst, who takes all the elements of a fantastic story, and renders them lifeless, probably on purpose. The latest New Yorker contains about 14,000 exceedingly well-crafted words about Zuckerberg, and yet, not once do we catch a glimpse of the man outside his carefully managed cocoon of self-awareness. When there is a reporter around, he’s never thinking aloud, or hanging around with his friends, or talking shit. He is never in the heat of the moment. He is the anti–Elon Musk.


劳伦·奥勒(Lauren Oyler)漫不经心地试图回答这样一个问题:“为什么有人真的在推特上谈论政治或其他事情?”许多用户都会很熟悉:

The movement to abolish ICE was supplemented in no **all part by the diligent tweets of one guy, but I am not that guy. Are we all supposed to be that guy? That’s sort of the message I get. I suspect the main thing for most people is that it (tweeting) makes them feel, briefly, like they’re helping, but beyond politics, it usually makes me feel worse. If people “engage” I can’t stop checking back to see who and how many; if they don’t, I feel like I’ve made some grave error of judgment that will soon trickle down into my professional and social prospects. My self-deprecating commentary—“nothing more embarrassing than being complimented on your Twitter thread”—never quite manages to ironize itself out of what it is: a plea for attention among infinite other pleas for attention. The “connection” we were promised is not so different from a broadcast: I make up a character and play it for ratings. It’s amazing that a tech company can make me—me!—divide my self-worth into endless discrete moments and distribute them among people I’ve never met and on average don’t think are very **art. I’m not being sarcastic: it really is amazing.


请欣赏这只会说日语的Shiba Inu狗



向我发送提示、问题、更正和事实核查:[email protected].

  • 发表于 2021-08-25 09:59
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...的行列,给必应加上了“事实核查”的标签。几个月前,Facebook颁布了一项打击虚假新闻的法令,谷歌也很快跟进。而现在,微软也加入了这一行列。你很快就会在Bing搜索结果中看到这些努力的成果。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-13 02:55
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... 在竞选过程中,候选人回答了几个关于他们在问题上立场的问题。你不希望有一个地方可以得到所有的信息吗?Vote411是你需要去的地方。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-17 12:07
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...度支出和收入的摘要。它的收入分为GoFundMe活动、广告、Facebook事实调查合作伙伴关系、读者贡献和股东融资。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-03-18 01:56
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  • 发布于 2021-04-16 12:37
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根据Markup周二公布的一项研究,当Facebook解除了对格鲁吉亚政治广告的禁令后,当地的新闻源变得更加党派化,信息量也大大减少。 Facebook在11月3日总统大选后禁止了美国的政治广告,这是其打击选举错误信息的更广...

  • 发布于 2021-04-16 15:37
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  • 发布于 2021-04-17 06:48
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...建的儿童健康保卫组织(Children's Health defence)正在起诉Facebook及其事实核查合作伙伴拒绝广告,并为有关疫苗和5G网络的被揭穿的说法贴上标签。对Facebook、Facebook首席执行官马克•扎克伯格(markzuckerberg)以及事实调查机构PolitiF...

  • 发布于 2021-04-18 06:59
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  • 发布于 2021-04-18 16:37
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Facebook周一发布了一份新的报告,详细说明了它如何结合人工智能和人类事实核查员和版主来执行其社区标准。这份名为《社区标准执行报告》(Community Standards Enforcement report)的报告通常包含了前三到六个月的数据和调查结果...

  • 发布于 2021-04-19 07:34
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...500个账户在Twitter上发布了这篇文章,还有数百个账户在Facebook上分享了这篇文章,其中包括一些知名的保守派人士。特朗普的竞选经理布拉德·帕斯卡尔(Brad Parscale)周二在特朗普宣布后分享了这一消息。保守派组织Justicial Watch...

  • 发布于 2021-04-19 13:08
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