
















Mark Bergen为谷歌的蜻蜓困境提供了一个功能处理:

Interviews with more than 18 current and former employees suggest the company’s predicament resulted in part from failing to learn from mistakes that played out a decade earlier, when it first confronted the realities of China’s economic and political might. This history is known to many at Google’s headquarters in Mountain View, Calif., but mostly unknown outside of it. In an interview in September, Downey, 42, elaborates. “There’s this Utopian idea: Technology will come in, and people will take these tools, change their government, and get their freedom,” he says. “We tried that experiment, and it didn’t work.”

谷歌的Sundar Pichai说:“技术不能解决人类的问题”


One of the things that’s not well understood, I think, is that we operate in many countries where there is censorship. When we follow “right to be forgotten” laws, we are censoring search results because we’re complying with the law. I’m committed to serving users in China. Whatever form it takes, I actually don’t know the answer. It’s not even clear to me that search in China is the product we need to do today.



Organizer Stephanie Parker said of the resp***e, “We demand a truly equitable culture, and Google leadership can achieve this by putting employee representation on the board and giving full rights and protecti*** to contract workers, our most vulnerable workers, many of whom are Black and Brown women.”



This may seem like a new development, but the Google walkout is steeped in a long history — both of women being minimized and discriminated against in tech, and of women asserting their power to force change. As I wrote my book Programmed Inequality, I found plenty of evidence of discrimination throughout tech history, but I also saw that when women in tech fight back — particularly by organizing or taking their labor elsewhere — the effects are tremendous. For instance, women’s forced exodus from the UK’s burgeoning early computing industry resulted in British computing’s premature decline. When they put their talents to work, however, they created multibillion-dollar software companies. Their experiences show us that not only can undervalued employees often wield an unexpected amount of power, but they also offer a blueprint for what’s to come in the US if the movement started by Google employees continues.


道格·麦克米伦(Doug MacMillan)为此次**带来了更积极的影响:

Facebook is ending its policy of requiring employee sexual-haras**ent claims to be settled in private arbitration, a day after Google rolled back a similar policy under rising pressure from employees.

The rule change, which will let Facebook employees pursue those claims in court, was announced in an internal post to staff on Friday, a spoke**an for the company said. The social networking giant has also updated its interoffice dating policy to require any executive at a director level or above to disclose if they are dating someone in the company.


亚马逊员工仍然对Rekognion感到不满,这是一种备受争议的面部识别技术,亚马逊正在向执法部门**。但高管们并没有屈服,Davey Alba报道:

Andy Jassy, the CEO of the company’s cloud-computing arm, Amazon Web Services, deflected employee critici**s over how Amazon has aggressively marketed its Amazon Rekognition product to law enforcement agencies across the country and the US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). “I think we’re going to have people who have opini*** that are very wide-ranging, which is great, but we feel really great and really strongly about the value that Amazon Rekognition is providing our customers of all sizes and all types of industries in law enforcement, and out of law enforcement,” Jassy said. He added that he thought it was the government’s resp***ibility to help specify regulati*** around the technology.


Bijan Stephen还有两位专家说是的,Acosta的视频是被篡改的。这是***的另一个。







Kevin Systrom仍然不会告诉任何人他为什么真的离开Instagram,这简直让我发疯。然而,他确实表示,他的下一家公司将不会是一家社交公司。我希望这是个谎言!如果Systrom提供了一个SAAS解决方案,用于将Kubernetes与您的CRM系统或其他系统集成,我将翻转办公室的每一张桌子。




Kaitlyn Tiffany与哥伦比亚大学法学教授Tim Wu就其关于拆分大型科技公司的新书进行了交谈。他想从Facebook开始:

WU: Well, I think because they face no serious competition, there’s a couple problems. They’ve been able to get away with unchecked privacy abuses, they’ve been undisciplined in how they’ve dealt with advertisers. They’ve warped politics, they’ve been manipulative, they’ve breached privacy too often. A lot of this has to do with the fact that they haven’t faced effective competition. They’re … it’s not too big to fail, it’s too big to be tolerated.




克里·弗林(Kerry Flynn)报道说,Snap最近通过“Lens Fest”吸引了50多名增强现实开发者,这是一个为期三天的创意型研讨会。


Julia Alexander带领我们浏览TikTok,她称之为“Vine的精神继承者”

It is easy to roll your eyes at TikTok. It’s what we tend to do with any new app that pulls in a mostly young audience — people originally rolled their eyes at Vine, too. It can be difficult to embrace an entire ecosystem of young creators whose community is built around content designed exclusively for their own entertainment. TikTok succeeds on outrageous stunts, new music, and niche interests — but that’s also what makes it such an inviting place to hang out.


我想听听对内容适度感兴趣的订阅者对这一点的看法。一名男子发布了自己玩一款流行的新西部游戏的视频片段,在该游戏中,他袭击并最终杀死了一名不可玩的妇女参政者。YouTube首先禁止了他,然后解除了他的捆绑。Patricia Hernandez报道说,它从未说过原因:

It is unclear how, exactly, YouTube decided to terminate the channel, and what the appeal process for this entire debacle was. For example, did YouTube only take another look because people with clout made a ruckus over it? If so, do **aller channels have a pathway to dispute unfair platform decisi*** that’s just as prompt and effective if they don’t have a big enough microphone to broadcast it? The YouTube spokesperson did not offer these answers to The Verge, but Wyatt notes on social media that he often takes a look at things people tell him about on Twitter, and encouraged people to talk to the official Team YouTube account “with as much supportive documentation you have as possible!”


我们自己的档案馆,或称AO3,是一个著名的在线粉丝小说之家。伊丽莎白·明克尔(Elizabeth Minkel)报道说,关于性和内容节制的争论正在激烈进行:

Across the web, platforms and their users are grappling with what digital speech shouldbe protected and the potential links between rhetoric and action. On Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, and YouTube, tech companies are struggling with where to draw lines around free speech and how to moderate and enforce those boundaries. How to limit speech in fiction, however, is a bit more nuanced: do TV shows about serial killers encourage people to commit murder? Does depicting fictional rape create real-life rapists?

When it comes to fan fiction, arguments are usually about the sex, not the violence. When fan-fic readers and writers make moral arguments about disallowing depicti*** of sex acts, they’re talking about obscenity and all its legal precedents. And because the fight for the legal legitimacy of fanworks — which, if they are noncommercial, are protected under fair use — has been such a challenge, it’s even more difficult to moderate content within fan-fic when you’re still having to defend the cultural belief that fan-fic holds value in and of itself.







马克斯·里德(Max Read)回应了其他评论员的观点,他说Facebook最近的真正问题是,国内的巨魔正在运行俄罗斯的剧本来传播两极分化的信息,目前还不清楚该公司能做些什么:

Pushers of fake news and Russian trolls represent, essentially, an engineering problem — they’re bad actors whose badness is predefined in specific and identifiable ways — and Facebook is very good at solving engineering problems. But Americans, exercising our American prerogative to distribute material accusing the Democratic presidential candidate of masterminding coded satanic sex rings, are an everything problem. Facebook can’t staunch the free flow of our bullshit without dramatically changing its operating philosophy (by making truth judgments about the content its users post), its business practices (by hiring a vast army of new employees to make those judgments), and, arguably, its entire design (by leaving freely available attention on the table). You can’t put 80 percent of the country on a communicati*** platform, reward them for posting outrageous content, and expect everyone to rigorously fact-check their status updates.


Josh Contine的妈妈非常喜欢她的新Facebook门户网站,她个人并不关心科技记者们总是喋喋不休地谈论的隐私问题:

“Who am I going to be worried about? Oh Facebook seeing? No, I’m not worried about Facebook seeing. They’re going to look at my great art collection and say they want to come steal it? No, I never really thought about it.” That’s my 72-year-old mother Sally C***tine’s resp***e to whether she’s worried about her privacy now that she has a Facebook Portal video chat device.



I’ve had one of Facebook ’s FB -2.12% new video-calling gadgets, the Portal+, in my home for the last week. And by “in my home,” I mean, in the basement, in a closet, in a box, in a bag that’s in another bag that’s covered with old coats.

I just couldn’t bring myself to set up Facebook’s camera-embedded screen in the privacy of my family’s home. Can you blame me when you look at the last 16 months?



这个故事基本上只是泰勒·洛伦兹(Taylor Lorenz)一条伟大推文的集合体(不是泰勒·斯威夫特,正如我在本周早些时候无意中提到的那样。)但扎克伯格似乎已经决定加入哈佛大学的大学生模因社区——哈佛大学1%的精英学生的模因。当一名学生问辍学同学比尔·盖茨在哪里时,扎克伯格回答说:“等一下,让我来接他”——然后把他关进房间。



向我发送提示、评论、问题和缅甸旅行提示:[email protected].

  • 发表于 2021-08-26 12:53
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...期间用作“影响力行动”的34个频道。 据《****》报道,Facebook还试图限制军方的影响力,今年2月禁止其平台上的所有军事网页,并切断该组织在该平台上获取广告的渠道。NetBlocks称,作为回应,军方禁止了Facebook,并自政变开始...

  • 发布于 2021-04-16 01:11
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...,使用TikTok在缅甸传播**宣传与缅甸军方在2010年代初利用Facebook煽动针对该国罗兴亚少数民族的暴力和仇恨言论的方式有相似之处。 今年2月,Facebook表示,禁止缅甸**军和其他国家控制的实体进入Facebook和Instagram。

  • 发布于 2021-04-16 04:21
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  • 发布于 2021-04-16 08:00
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在封锁Facebook不久之后,缅甸已经下令移动网络和互联网服务提供商封锁Twitter和Facebook旗下Instagram。这个东南亚国家的军方在本周早些时候的一次政变中夺取了政权,拘押了其文职领导人昂山素季和其他**官员。 据报...

  • 发布于 2021-04-16 08:31
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Facebook的监督委员会发布了第一轮裁决,支持一项免职,推翻了涉及仇恨言论、**和错误信息的四项决定。基于对模糊规则和保护网上****的担忧,这些裁决对用户在当前政策下可以发布的内容采取了广泛的看法。 监督...

  • 发布于 2021-04-16 21:51
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据《华尔街日报》报道,Facebook正计划在11月3日美国总统大选前后,利用此前在斯里兰卡和缅甸等国使用的内部工具,应对可能出现的混乱局面。 这些计划可能包括在帖子开始传播的时候减缓其传播速度,改变新闻提...

  • 发布于 2021-04-17 16:58
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  • 发布于 2021-04-18 08:32
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...找到答案。不过,不可否认的是,Snapchat的学习曲线要比Facebook Messenger高。 尽管Snapchat早期为给人一种酷感所做的一切,但有一个很好的理由是,它更为神秘的用户决定阻碍了它的发展。我会把Snap地图的位置放在这个列表的首位...

  • 发布于 2021-04-20 04:11
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在周三的一篇博客文章中,Facebook宣布,它已经关闭了数十个Instagram和Facebook账户,这些账户参与了外国干预,其中包括来自俄罗斯、缅甸、越南和伊朗的独立活动。 伊朗的竞选活动显然集中在争取特朗普支持美国福...

  • 发布于 2021-04-20 04:12
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  • 发布于 2021-05-15 03:38
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