



昨天,Reddit即将上任的首席执行官兼联合创始人史蒂夫•哈夫曼(Steve Huffman)表示,他将举行一场问答会;通过站点内容策略的会话。众所周知,Reddit在允许的范围内非常宽泛,但在过去几个月里,它对骚扰采取了非常温和的立场,这引发了一场关于Reddit是否真正支持****的风暴。




在Ellen Pao被解雇后,前首席执行官黄奕山(Yishan Wong)也认为Reddit并不是一个“****的堡垒”,即使多年来它会越来越接近这个堡垒。具体地说,他回忆说,当偷偷摸摸的“**”女人遭到攻击时,他曾向哈夫曼征求意见。

The very interesting thing he wrote back was "back when I was running things, if there was anything racist, sexist, or homophobic I'd ban it right away. I don't think there's a place for such things on Reddit. Of course, now that Reddit is much bigger, I understand if maybe things are different."


The free speech policy was something I formalized because it seemed like the wiser course at the time. It's worth stating that in that era, we were talking about whether it was ok for people to post creepy pictures of women taken legally in public. That's shitty, but it's a far cry from the extremes of hate that some parts of the site host today.




Somebody expressing ideas that aren't c***istent with everybody's views is something that we encourage. There are certain posts that do make people feel unsafe, that people feel threatened or they feel that their family or friends or people near them are going to be unsafe, and those are the specific things that we are focused on today.

It's not our site's goal to be a completely free speech platform. We want to be a safe platform and we want to be a platform that also protects privacy at the same time.



为捍卫一项新制定的反骚扰政策,联合创始人亚历克西斯•奥哈尼安(Alexis Ohanian)向redditor提供了一点关于该网站创建的小道消息:它的灵感来自伦敦公共论坛演讲者角(London public forum Speakers'Corner)。他提倡一个开放的社区,但人们可以使用它而不感到不安全。

Reddit should be a place where anyone can pull up their soapbox and speak their mind, or have a discussion and maybe learn something new and even challenging or uncomfortable, but right now Redditors are telling us they sometimes encounter users who use the system to harass them and that's a problem.




We uphold the ideal of free speech on reddit as much as possible not because we are legally bound to, but because we believe that you — the user — has the right to choose between right and wrong, good and evil, and that it is your resp***ibility to do so. When you know something is right, you should choose to do it. But as much as possible, we will not force you to do it.


Gawker记者Adrian Chen曝光了Violentacrez的真实姓名,他是Reddit最令人毛骨悚然的几个董事会的幕后黑手。Reddit的大部分回应是将所有Gawker链接列入黑名单,认为陈光标违反了Reddit的“没有个人信息”规则。在Gawker泄露的一份备忘录中,黄义山告诉工作人员,“这项禁止Gawker网络链接的禁令并没有让Reddit看起来这么好。”

We stand for free speech. This means we are not going to ban distasteful subreddits. We will not ban legal content even if we find it odious or if we personally condemn it. Not because that's the law in the United States — because as many people have pointed out, privately-owned forums are under no obligation to uphold it — but because we believe in that ideal independently, and that's what we want to promote on our platform. We are clarifying that now because in the past it wasn't clear, and (to be honest) in the past we were not completely independent and there were other pressures acting on Reddit. Now it's just Reddit, and we serve the community, we serve the ideals of free speech, and we hope to ultimately be a universal platform for human discourse.



"A bastion of free speech on the World Wide Web? I bet they would like it," he replies. It's the digital form of political pamphlets.

"Yes, with much wider distribution and without the inky fingers," he says. "I would love to imagine that Common Sense would have been a self-post on Reddit, by Thomas Paine, or actually a Redditor named T_Paine."



What if the name of the subreddit was /r/autopsyphotos or /r/doyoureallywanttogointocriminalforensics and they were sincere in their discussion of these images? Would some of that 98 percent now be ok with it? I would bet at least some would. What if it wasn't kids but *****s? Or historical autopsy photos only? The point is I don't want to be the one making those decisi*** for anyone but myself, and it's not the business Reddit is in. We're a free speech site with very few excepti*** (mostly personal info) and having to stomach occasional troll reddit like picsofdeadkids or morally questionable reddits like jailbait are part of the price of free speech on a site like this.



DO NOT POST USERS' PERSONAL INFORMATION. EVER. NO phone numbers, NO email addresses, NO real names, NO blood types, NO SSN's, NO facebook pics or profiles, NO mothers' maiden names, NOTHING. This is a ban-on-sight offense, and lately we have banned multiple users for posting personal info.


Posting personal information is the Internet version of vandali** and abuse and will not be tolerated.



We learned a long time ago that there are things you all as a community can do that we — as a team of five — couldn't possibly do. Creating different verticals for reddit is just one more area where we know our community can do a better job identifying and growing successful reddits. Our first new community, programming.reddit was created because users explicitly told us they wanted a place for users interested in programming to share links and discussion.

Now we're just taking ourselves out of the equation.



We added a commenting system today for your enjoyment. The comments are votable and can be sorted just as all the other links on Reddit.



We'd like to make [it] easier to share links with other users on Reddit, as well as with friends who are not members.

We're also working to make it easier to avoid submitting duplicate stories.


  • 发表于 2021-04-30 18:28
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  • 分类:互联网



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...的关系? 主要是因为iOS应用程序拥有这样的特权:它们总是拥有整个屏幕。 我喜欢网络,但是伙计,我看着我的浏览器,上面有20个标签,都在争夺空间和时间,都被其他应用程序、其他工作、其他娱乐的马赛克所包围… 所以...

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  • 发布于 2021-05-03 05:17
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  • 发布于 2021-05-03 15:50
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  • 发布于 2021-05-07 13:37
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...接受自己的缺点和缺点,也看不到自己的长处。但是,不总是有差距,差异和问题,确保人们继续他们的生活,取得进步,尝试新事物吗? 也许我写这篇文章是为了让我确信不安全感是每个人都有的,唯一的区别是一个人如何...

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...提前知道这是什么,因为乐趣是神秘的。我不确定这是否总是行得通。 不管怎么说,这句台词不是为那些节目而写的。正如这张HBO官方宣传海报上所写的,这位年轻教皇的口号是“他的宗教是革命”,虽然含糊不清,但告诉我...

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...不完全让人想起“我可以吃芝士汉堡”,但麦克琳的工作总是离她许多参考文献所建议的路线有一两步之遥。”她说:“我非常喜欢在熟悉的层面上与人交流,然后将这种交流稍微扭曲或翻转到不熟悉的层面。”。 ...

  • 发布于 2021-05-10 05:28
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  • 发布于 2021-05-14 03:18
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